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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1.   Well, to opine a contrary notion to that, it might only take about 1/300th of the population to make this kind of quick um, "change". Which would be a Million Man March of a different ilk. :)   Maybe just a million still ambulatory old farts, who may have a different mindset about just what they have left to lose, and are certainly the group that would consider themselves the most stalwart patriots. This (so far) fantasy, of course, would all depend on just what the roughly 2.3 times more active military and reserves combined would really do.   Then again, there's the old as war itself guerrilla tactic. A million dedicated folks around he country in groups of 10-20 could really have an impact doing various ... stuff. Especially if the economy keeps sliding, and federal resources slide with it.   I do believe the Revolutionary War was won with something around that 1/300th of the population taking up arms. Or less, I disremember the estimates I've read. And against even greater disparity in forces, counting the American Loyalists, Germans, and injuns.   Soon as the first 999,999 commit, I may jump right in there myself. ;)   - OS              
  2. Unless all the Wally's are sold out too, the Colt and the Windham and maybe the M&P model they sell too, are quite good bargains. At least they stay at the same price. So far anyway. Probably about the same price as a Sport is likely gonna be jacked up to right now.   - OS
  3.   Randomly, at very long intervals.
  4. "Our first task is to take care of our children -- if we don't get that right we can't get anything else right."   It's for the children -- historic political code.   I think he was knew the words to the Islamic kid's song prayer, seemed to be humming along. ;)   - OS
  5. I think the word unspeakable has been the most commonly spoken word on all the networks during this.   - OS
  6.   Hope yer more thorough will all them gauges and whatnot in the cockpit. :taunt:
  7.   Wasn't as political as it could have been, all veiled.   I think he was humming along with the Islamic kid's prayer song.  ;)   - OS
  8.   I'd say a new AWB ban is a lot more likely than the parking lot thing passing, at least in any actual much helpful final version.   - OS
  9. It does to me if it says:     " Government big enough to supply everything you need , is big enough to take away everything you have .           The course of history shows that as government grows , liberty decreases , "                                                                     Thomas Jefferson     I think there's an option somewhere in your user prefs to not show sigs, or maybe if you're on a smartphone the system it's running doesn't?   Or something technical or other.   - OS
  10.   And that right there might bring on some constitutional issues for any legal object already owned, not just because they are firearms.   (Of course that ole pesky US Constitution loses weight frequently nowadays).   - OS
  11.   And in my opinion, that's as deep as the discussion needs to go.   YOUR car, YOUR property. The employer has chosen to provide a parking lot for YOUR car, and that's a reasonable expectation on the part of employees. If the employer doesn't agree, let him run shuttle buses in from some other staging point or only hire from the available pool of long distance walkers.   - OS
  12.   "Available at www.battlemug.com" would suggest now. :)   Yep, just looked, it's there.   - OS
  13. The media reaction is as much a part of political history as anything else, so it's actually quite fascinating in that context to me.   The way the various opposing sides are juggled to suit a particular media agenda helps one to understand the cultural flow of issues, and I find many ironies throughout.   But understand, since the election I've up-shifted into "stoic historian mode", lugging along in overdrive as dispassionately as possible -- it's the only way I can helplessly watch the daily slide away from personal liberty and responsibility that has taken hold with warp speed.    Guess I'll keep it up until they pull the plug and keep us all in the total dark on everything -- or join the first million or so when they're finally ready to  .... um, never mind, just kidding, you DHS folks listening in. ;)   - OS
  14.   No word of putting hearings off --  will just be a tepid whitewash now, done deal, fugetaboudit.  The Great War Hero and Anti-War activist John Kerry can step right in with a clean dirty slate. He's a man for all seasons, as long as BHO is mandating the weather.   - OS
  15. The ole Fiscal Cliff doesn't seem all that steep now, does it?   Hillary smacks her dome just in time for the Bengazi hearings to be whitewashed without her, so that'll quietly be the end to that, too.   - OS
  16.   Now that she's BHO's BFF, she can verify all the bogus anti-firearms claims on the fly, too.    - OS
  17.   Already hearing talking heads on more than one network talking about need to stop the flow of guns now, "then later we can deal with the existing ones".   Feinstein's bill will also have no transfer of exiting banned firearms/mags, so you get to keep 'em (for a while) but can't sell 'em.   - OS
  18. Latest gun stuff:   Live news conference, Lt. Paul Vance of CT State Police:   Said Glock was 10mm, Sig was 9mm.   Said shotgun (not described) was only weapon in car, so the other rifles mentioned previously must be in the home.   Said all inside school were killed with the Bushmaster, except Lanza, who killed himself with one of the pistols, but didn't say which one.   Said actually didn't know which gun used on his mom.   - OS
  19.   Dude, she's your next president. The admin will construe that as a future crime threat. :tinfoil:   - OS
  20. ... at just the perfect time so can't testify on Benghazi.   Let's see, it's serious enough she can't show up and talk to Senate committee, but can talk from home, wasn't hospitalized at any time either.   Right.   - OS
  21.   And how sad that the ultimate constitutional argument for having "guns that are only made to kill people" is one we can't really use -- that it's in there because it might become necessary to remove a tyrannical government.   Sad that using the true intent of 2A can't be argued because well over half the citizenry sees that as ultimate full tilt bozo wacko point of view.   - OS
  22.   The Hi-Point had an identity crisis, thought it was a Glock.
  23. Well, she had already announced it shortly after the election.   But of course, now there's a crises that must not go to waste, so she's getting extra traction by announcing it again.   It's also my understanding she has submitted it to committee with each new congress since it expired.   - OS
  24. Speaking of unions:   The NHL players are trying to dissolve their union in the ongoing fiasco. And the owners are going to court to try and keep them from doing it!   Says a lot about a employee's union when their opposition wants to keep it!   - OS


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