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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1.   Better odds on herding cats than swaying a liberal with logic and fact. Let alone the antichrist himself.   - OS
  2.   Yep, the Knoxville store is still here, and quit selling guns over two years ago. Hell, they don't even sell fishing tackle either.
  3.   Suicide bombers don't get a backlash. Hard to even identify them.   But I know what you mean, if an org would be afraid to claim responsibility,  takes away some of the incentive for doing it.
  4. Is that the political turnip truck I hear receding in the distance? ;)   - OS
  5. You need to gird your loins and watch a week of prime time MSNBC.   4 hours of Matthews, Shultz, Maddow, and O'Donnell will steel you, and CNN will become a mild annoyance by comparison.   - OS
  6.   My guess is they'll be willing to give on the universal background checks if that's needed to forestall anything else of consequence. That's one major sop they can keep in back pocket.   I'm thinking I would myself. But not a national registry.   - OS
  7. Oh Shoot

    Advice needed.

      I also keep hearing how ARs are designed for "close-up killing of people".   Don't let them find out the distances at which military qualifies with them.   But I guess we'll have to admit the varmint hunting thing as a defense eventually, meaning the 4 legged ones.   - OS
  8.   Because prime time "news" is more than half entertainment.   Though Larry King stayed too long into his dotage, during most of his years he was actually a relatively fair and balanced interviewer who was able to entertain at the same time, and seemed to be a kind and genial feller (although his many ex wives might disagree, dunno).   - OS
  9.   That's certainly possible, but not sure leaving them in our hands in any form will satisfy them very long.
  10.   Did they have a range out there, too, I can't remember.   - OS
  11. Heard on tube that NRA has averaged 8K new members per day since the shooting in CT.   - OS
  12. PSA is even finally out of the "Omni" polymer ones, looked like they were 'bout gonna give them away there for a while, and no 5.56 upper of any kind.   - OS
  13.   The Beeb's general news coverage seems quite more dignified and balanced than most TV media here. I'd say half the folks in the UK consider Piers a twit also.   - OS
  14.   Sir! The origins of golf antedate black powder itself.   - OS
  15.   Historic reasons, that's mostly where factories started in this country, and where the concentrated population was to support it.  Many just never moved out, though obviously some have, some bought existing buildings/production lines through the years as previous companies went under and whatnot.   Most new ones start elsewhere of course.   - OS
  16.   It's not written or submitted yet, probably won't see actual text until it's submitted to committees in (she claims) both Senate and House,  first of the year, if indeed she even makes the first day submission as she claims.   I haven't even been able to ascertain which committees they go to first, to get a feel for that part of the process.   My only predictions:   1. any passed legislation won't be real quick, and likely as slow as anything else up there 2. will be an end to all private sales 3. even a EO, which could be quick, may not be immediately enforceable, depending on just what it is   - OS
  17. One other fact, if they ban "assault weapons" and hi-cap mags:   Given the will, could not 'bout anyone with average range skills kill 50 or more people in a confined area like a theater or school with just a .22 pistol with 10 round magazines?   Answer: yes.   - OS
  18. Site is up for me right now.   Last night when I first saw someone post it, went there and response was a rapidly downloading "endless loop", had never seen a site react that way from overload, thought maybe it had been hacked or something.   - OS
  19.   Haven't kept up with the size record on these guys, I think the one being held was surpassed a couple of times since, whatever his name is.   - OS
  20.   Worse -- I'm expecting him to be on the Supreme Court.   - OS
  21. The upside to TN's HCP process is that our permit is recognized in more states than any other, 39 right now (counting our own).   - OS
  22.   Far as I know, they haven't stopped selling them at all, only removed descriptive listings for some on their website, and if you can't find one there it's because they've sold out? Have they announced something new since yesterday or something when it was reported:   "Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, said yesterday that it would continue to sell guns, including rifles like the one used at Newtown, where 26 people, most of them children, were killed on Dec. 14."   - OS
  23.   Yeah, they only trashed half the Gulf of Mexico, and lied about it daily as they did it. Much better choice!   - OS
  24.     Remember it well, and it's still fricked up there in that area.   But boycotting Exxon because of a negligent and possibly drunk captain seems sort of like boycotting Bushwhacker because a lunatic got hold of one.   - OS
  25. Yep, large. About the size of a top end full grown Maine coon. - OS


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