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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1.   Wanna try that one again? :)
  2.   I just posted in the Deals thread couple of weeks ago, CDNN had one of their fairly frequent sales, all the 9 and 40 Glock mags, maybe other calibers too,  were either 19.99 or 21.99, can't remember, can't even find the thread.   CDNN, like everyone else of course is hammered right now, they've suspended all web sales period. I'd rather see a place do that than not have real time inventory and have to renege after you've ordered.   - OS
  3. Reports so far are all pretty positive, except for the concessional complaint I see on forums that holes weren't put in correct place or were at an angle or something, but you see that on rare occasions for an aluminum lower run too.   - OS
  4.   Well, no gun or heh, clip, that was actually in folks' possession has ever been outright banned from ownership, so I'd imagine there would be some constitutional probs there. I don't think the "deprived of property/due process of law" is really referring to legislative acts but rather individual folks in court proceedings, but then I'm no constitutional lawyer. Actually, not any kind of lawyer at all, come to think of it. :)   The closest of course was the machine gun ban, but you were allowed to keep them for 200 clams and there was a pretty good window within which to chose to do it or not.   - OS
  5.   So far, it's not.   Think it had more about the sudden proliferation of new .380 models in the same time frame a while back. But folks generally don't go to range and shoot as much .380 as other rounds over time, so I'd be surprised if it becomes so.   Of course, .223 went scarce just after Thanksgiving weekend, with record sales of ARs just over that three day period. And that was before Sandy Hook really set things in motion.   - OS
  6.   Just don't know, Mikey. I suspect I might become a criminal and sell a couple, stash a couple, maybe stash all four,  but it would only be a "survivalist/revolution" bent that would make me do it.   Certainly, if I thought there's no chance of them being able to be used in my lifetime due to anarchy from meltdown or a patriot uprising, I'd probably let them go, as don't even have anyone to leave them to, which I guess would also be illegal even if I did.   - OS
  7.   Well, the only two things I can see that would do that is:   - banning possession of them totally. If they do that, would there really be a market before? Or banning them with an attached gummit buyback for a certain length of time, hard to imagine that one, and banning them totally seems more constitutionally possible than the latter to me.   - making them NFA possessions only. Then the question is would I pay $200 more for each of the ones I have now (4), or sell some or all. Maybe the mags would become NFA items too, with a tax on each one? (no serial numbers though, dunno how that could work).   - OS
  8.   I reckon.   But it will stop you and me from hanging out on the front steps of a gunshow selling a few pieces to random folks, even if they show a driver's license or even HCP.   Would stop me, anyway. Course, I haven't sold/traded but two pieces in my whole life to someone I didn't already know, but many do. Hell, there's a pile of folks just on TGO where holding onto a piece for 6 months or more seems the exception rather than the rule. :)   - OS
  9.   IMHO, if you are only going to have iron sights, carry handle.   If you want to mount another optic, and have back up sight at the ready, the Magpul or other flip up BUIS.   Although I went with a Magpul only on a pistol upper, so violated my own advice there. But it's mostly a 50 yard purposed thang as I see it.   - OS
  10.   True, but it'll pretty much stop most folks from selling to anyone they don't already know, which is how most personal sales happen.   - OS
  11.   I expect mostly to see ridiculous pricing, except for a few conscientious vendors like David. Of course, even he'll have to bump at some point to cover his suppliers' increases.   I generally avoid the Jacobs Bldg. shows anymore, but think I might go just to witness the historical nature of this one.   Probably a good time to sell your ARs/AKs and hi-cap mags though.   - OS
  12.   It means banning all private sales. Everything would have to go through FFL with background check for transfer.   - OS
  13.   There's no time limit mentioned in the federal statutes.   - OS
  14. Yep, no selling or gifting firearms to resident of another state except through FFL, regardless of which state you're in at the time.   You can loan it for lawful sporting purposes however.   You can also bequeath it across state lines without FFL, but to be legal you have to be, you know, dead. :)   - OS
  15.   Not moi. Been around as long as folks have been losing them in unfortunate boat accidents.   - OS
  16.   Never heard that tack before. On dialup for a while, take too long to research it.   Certainly an unelected person can not vote in the House, I'd feel safe to say.   edit: you and Levin are correct. Article 1 Section 2 Clause 5.  Far out.   I third West!   - OS
  17.   Not saying it can't totally happen, but no other country in the world AFAIK has firearm ownership granted as a right in its constitution. Of course, the interpretation of that is obviously, um...flexible. But the fact that it is there is big.   Of  course, any of the Bill of Rights could be legally repealed, too.   - OS
  18.   Isn't bicycle, motor driven bicyles, and pedestrian traffic illegal on interstates?   - OS
  19.   Probably haven't cleared cache, so you're not "seeing" them correctly, and breaking tags.   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/56104-software-update-121112/   - OS
  20.   There will be 33 more Republicans in the House than Democrats in the next session, with 2 vacancies right now, even though the GOP lost 8 seats there in the last election.   The AWB in '94 passed by only  two votes in a Dem controlled House.   - OS
  21.     West will no longer be a Representative on Jan 3, so obviously can't be Speaker.   - OS
  22.   Yes. Hell, even the 2nd Amendment could be repealed.   - OS
  23. Nothing better made than the Howard Leight ear plugs. And I mean nothing.   The ones you squish down, insert, and hold in there till they expand back and seal. Get them in there correctly and they deaden sound like nothing else.   Drawback, you literally can't hear a thing, people pretty much have to yell right in your ear.   I have pair of Leight electronic muffs and they pale by comparison; don't seal all that well to begin with and the electronic cutout seems too late.   Was test flighting my AR pistol the other day, loudest gun I have I reckon. The Leight plugs made it like a cap gun.   - OS


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