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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1.   Well, nuking deductions is the purpose of the AMT. If you have certain income level/types of deductions (dunno the details) your deductions can't let you pay lower tax than the AMT.   - OS
  2.   Separate question: pretty rare for FFLs to still be doing this over the phone?
  3.   See my above post. I'm not sure TN provides that either. They didn't when last I heard them called in, standing right at counter, but don't know what's transmitted on the electronic version, maybe the whole thing, maybe not, waiting on an FFL to confirm.   - OS
  4.   I can tell you, from maybe a year and half ago when I last bought guns where they phoned them in, the exact model and serial number was not communicated by FFL. Only the type of firearm, "rifle" "shotgun" "handgun".   I don't know what's now communicated with most all transactions being done via 'puter transmission, but hopefully a current FFL will chime in to clear that question up.   - OS
  5.   Here's the latest "poll of polls" I could find:   http://www.pollingreport.com/guns.htm   Here's "USA/Gallup" (does that mean just Gallup reported by USA?), showing swing from pre to post CT:   http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2012/12/26/gun-rights-assault-weapons/1791827/   - OS
  6.   Looks like I must stand corrected, seems the Alternative Minimum Tax thing for 2012 had already expired, unlike the normal tax rate schedules which expire 1st of the year.   So, mea culpa, I seem to be dead wrong. (first post amended).   Though I think they'll fix it, along with extending the "Bush Tax Cuts" by early in the year to be retroactive, for most folks anyway, only question is the cutoff point on "the rich".   - Oh "always ready to be wrong" Shoot
  7. Remember this was some time ago, after the CO theater shooting, but long before the CT one.   Polls have really swung since CT.   - OS
  8.   Wow, imagine tomorrow morning.   I may just go and hang out in front of bldg, just to see what folks are wanting for their heaters and mags.   - OS
  9. As I understand it, any semi-auto firearm capable of taking +10 round mag detachable mag, or one with pistol grip stock, or ....   I see no exemption for .22LR for that yet from everything I've seen, but still haven't seen actual text of the bill.   - OS
  10. Yep. Besides, the anti-gun argument is that the guns filter into Chicago and DC from the other states with "lax" gun laws. - OS
  11. Won't affect anything for rates for 2012 -- the only way it can affect it is the computer mess the IRS may well have (see mcurrier's post). Would affect estimated tax, quarterlies, etc for 2013 right away, but nobody will pay a higher tax for this year regardless of what gets enacted or not. - OS   EDIT: Sorry, Daniel, you seem to be right. Mea culpa for opening my yap -- seems the Alternative Minimum Tax thing expired during 2012, not like regular tax rates which occur 1st of the year.   Oh "always ready to be wrong" Shoot
  12. There are no exceptions listed in instructions to FFL for this section on 4473, so I don't think that's an accurate statement. As always, completely fine with being proved wrong, but I think it's more accurate to say that some states which have gun registration in one form or other retain that information, most don't, but it must be entered for purchases in every state. It's a federal form after all, not a state specific one. - OS
  13.   Including many .22LR configurations, M1 Carbine, most all SKS, and one model of Mini14.   - OS
  14. I'd call simple BS on a centerfire cartridge, but triple BS on rimfire.   - OS
  15.   That was my understanding, that it has no effect on federal taxation.   Maybe it affects TN inheritance tax, dunno?   - OS
  16.   Not exactly a ringing endorsement of 2A; suggests that if there were a practical way to do it, he'd go for it?   But as long as he doesn't vote for any restriction, I guess it will do for now.   - OS
  17. There's only one valid purpose for a million armed gun owners to assemble in Washington, D.C.   - OS
  18. Another real consequence going back to pre-Bush tax  cuts is the inheritance tax.   Exemption goes from 5mil back to 1 mil, and the rate back to 50% or so, I forget.   Which simply means that much inherited property must be sold just to pay the taxes. Bad enough for urban and rural residential properties, which are selling for a fraction of former market value, but the real hit is that these include various small businesses with employees. Which of course means lost jobs.   The ever increasing loss of small family working farms was one of the reasons used for raising the exemption and lowering the tax rate to begin with.   - OS
  19.     They are, just can't keep up.   Lots of folks have gotten an email and short ban, second time longer ban, third time nuked account, including PayPal.   The mystery is the breakdown of the listing filter, which should have prevented obvious listings with "30 round mag" and similar that appear there.   - OS
  20.   And as we all here know, given the will to do it, anyone with just decent range skills could kill way more than 26 penned in people, especially children,  with a .22 pistol and a bunch of 10 round mags. Maybe the next one will use one just to make an additional exclamation point on his twisted way out.   - OS
  21.   Yep, that 13+1 seems like some kind of hat trick.   - OS
  22. Oh Shoot

    Sr9c or Kahr cm9

    I carry a PM 9, same dimensions as CM9 daily in cargo pants (using the regular pocket). Using StellarRigs pocket holster, the extra 6 round mag doesn't take up any more room that the pistol without it. - OS
  23. Good for you.   I had sped up my planned time frame and ordered another upper from PSA to close out my AR endeavors ('cept for a .22LR upper at some point) about 3 days after the CT thing (PSA hadn't bumped price), didn't really expect them to even get close to their original delivery estimate, but got notice today that it's shipped right on it.   Ironically, only took about 4 more days than just some parts I had ordered previously, even before the depth of the current panic.   - OS
  24.   Sure. But likely available in hard copy only?   Ask a local place that teaches the course, see if they'll make you a copy might be simpler.   - OS
  25.   If you mean Memphis paper, it's been done.   It's the only source that has ever published HCP database in TN, AFAIK.   They nuked the actual street address early on, though.   - OS


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