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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1.   Well, everybody croaks with something, but few with a smile at the time!   - OS
  2.   I'm hoping they simply continue to find things that are "more important" to deal with.   And likely they will, as will the Senate. Seems likely to moi that America ain't getting through this second term without some major problems that may make the fiscal cliff fiasco into a molehill.   - OS
  3.   Just growing that there gummit, boss, like all good progressives.   BATF would probably have to be 10 times larger to enforce all the stuff her bill will call for if passed.   - OS
  4. Have lost track, you're really getting on up there kiddo.       I knew you wuz pretty tight with a buck, but wow.  :) :) Oh "I crack myself up" Shoot
  5.   They am what they am and that's all that they am. :)
  6.   Well, the libs won't settle for it alone methinks.   I still say the GOP will give enough to end private sales, which won't be the end of the gun world, as long as there's no registry. But whether that's the only sop they'll give, dunno.   - OS
  7.   Yep. Good bones. Good looker, T and A equally important. One who likes much older guys. And guns. And fishing. And golf. And wry humor.  And rich. Other than that, not picky.   - OS
  8.   Seems longer due to lack of paragraph breaks, seems to wear more on eyes on screen than in print or something.   Here's slightly earlier version.   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/57148-forbes-gun-control-tramples-on-the-certain-virtues-of-a-heavily-armed-citizenry/   - OS
  9.   After? Fiend-stein's bill will call for doing away with most all of them as they now exist, rifles and handguns.   This bill in the House is just one of the many little "nibble" bills that will probably be introduced just for newsplay and influence in support of  the big kahuna.   - OS
  10. Outstanding.   Best part is the way he is able to state the real reason for 2A without sounding like a full tilt bozo radical underground anarchist with a 5th grade education, which is they way adherents to this viewpoint are generally painted by the oh so sophisticated progressive elite.   And from Forbes, no less. Think I'll use the link in future correspondence with the damn pols.   - OS
  11. Admit it, you've got a copy framed on the wall. I can't remember if I autographed it? See, the other one is more flattering! - OS
  12.   Hell, surely you would agree it's one of the more flattering photos of me!
  13. If you find you have to punt all the way down to Knoxville, you might PM JReedEsq, and see if it's something he does (authorized vendor here).   - OS
  14. I'll start. Here, I'm packing up for range: - OS
  15.   Fog light type stuff isn't legal?   - OS
  16. I broke a sentimental gift coffee cup I've used for 25 years or more last week, so can empathize.   Condolences to us both.   - OS
  17.   Yeah, I was looking to recommend our Knoxville lawyer to someone but couldn't remember his exact screen name.   The storefront listings at bottom are only the ones that choose to have them, or the top level vendor members, whatever.   Some appear in the banner ads at top too, but of course periodically and they're not comprehensive either I don't think?   edit: near simultaneous typing along with David...   - OS
  18. IS there a current one somewhere any more?   - OS
  19.   With all the mainstream worker bees that can only go on weekends, I'd say so!   Still thinking I'd like to see it tomorrow for "historical documentation" but not sure I'm actually gonna go in. I'd wager there's a chance they might have to limit entrance if they abide by capacity code.   - OS
  20. I'm always curious: Good_Steward, did you put down SSN?   - OS
  21.   They only have the non-mainstream calibers. ;)
  22.   Neil, you must have turned into a claustrophile -- "not too crowded"?    - OS
  23.   Still surprised. Any FFL with internet connection/puter can do it, no additional cost AFAIK.   Most pawnshops already do their required reporting to county LEA electronically too.   - OS
  24. My mom's 2007 Buick LaCrosse has 16,000 miles on it (she drives a whopping 3K miles per year), power steering pump crapped out, trunk open receiver for remote has flaked out, air control buttons have surface flaked off, has irritating belt line whine right through the firewall, and some steering bushing or something in column makes an irritating zipper sound. Those off top of my head.   Also had several things fixed while it was still in warranty, forget what all.   Has a "big car" nice ride, though. :)   - OS
  25. About 1.5-2 years ago, there was a  movement for pro 2A folks to pay for everything possible with $2 bills to make a point.   I think the point was made that you can't get enough of them, and as your story points out, younger folks don't even know they're real.   - OS


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