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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1.   That would seem to be cutting it rather close, since Drunk Uncle Joe has promised that it will be a done deal by end of the month.   http://bostonherald.com/news_opinion/local_coverage/2013/01/menino_veep_promised_him_fast_action_gun_control   - OS
  2.   How would you know it's valid?   Point being, a driver's license is ample, and even it might not be still valid either. Why complicate things and narrow your buying base?   Probably gonna be a moot point ere long anyway.   - OS
  3.   Must not have. Surely there would be a verbatim transcript out.   - OS
  4. I don't think it's written in stone, but this is often touted as conditions for different ejection patterns, assuming chamber isn't sticky, and there's nothing wrong with ejector/extractor and whatnot. - OS edit: echoes what C.A. just said, we were both typing at same time.
  5. Oh Shoot

    Lower parts kits.

      Well, the stock, grip, and trigger guard would be about $80 of that if you wanted to buy them separately. Plus the receiver extension kit.   So, really the LPK alone would be about normal pre CT price if you could get only that.
  6.   Some states, you can open carry a handgun at 14,16,17, or with no age specified.   MANY states allow it at 18.   There is no federal law about age limits on private sales or gifts of firearms, that is all determined by states' laws.   - OS
  7. Two major uses of the AR that is seldom mentioned by the antis, and I urge you give them more emphasis than the usual short shrift seen. - There are farmers and ranchers all over America who use the AR-15 for varmint control. Many ARs are configured as "varmint rifles" from the git go, with precise longer target barrels and whatnot.   - Also, more than just "target shooting", check out "3-Gun", one of the most popular action sports shooting events in the nation, where the AR-15 is the first choice of the rifle part of it.   And it's unfortunate that the most basic reason for 2A is simply that the people may need to rise up against a tyrannic government, in that stating it sounds like lunatic anarchist type thinking -- but it's absolutely true. Even a brief overview of their various many statements on the subject reveals the absolute certainty of that. And of course to ensure that ultimate contingency, the public needs an effective means to accomplish it, not single shot squirrel rifles or muzzle loaders.   The founding fathers did not include the 2nd to assure gun ownership for hunting and self-defense -- those uses are so basic they never even thought of them being denied, any more than they would have thought that it was needed to assure ownership of axes, shovels, knives, or plows.   And now of course, knife ownership has been under attack just about as long as guns, but that's another subject (and you might think about an article on that sometime, too).   - OS
  8. Don't see many large cameras these days:
  9. What did Kyrsten Sinema get sworn in with? (atheist)   Or Pete Stark, who she replaced (who was also an atheist)?   - OS
  10.   Who knows. May not be voted on at all.
  11. IMO, lots of "nibble bills",  to suit what they perceive their constituencies to favor, but mostly to keep the "gun control" issue in the news period.   If both chambers do get around to bandying some bill back and forth, it will be the Big Kahuna of whatever FiendStein's thing turns into -- it has the legs because it has the press.   Now that I think about it, has her bill actually been submitted to committee as she said it would be? Haven't seen a verbatim copy yet.   - OS
  12. You can PM through your message inbox, that  method isn't disabled right now.   - OS
  13.   Yeah, I found a link since also. Here's one:   http://www.wifr.com/home/headlines/Vote-on-Illinois-Weapons-Ban-Delayed-185603982.html   They didn't actually vote, found they were short by polling...   I was wrong about it not going directly to Senate there though, it did.   Wonder what the House is like there, compared to the Senate? The Reps don't even show till Monday.   - OS
  14.   Dang if I can find a news blurb anywhere, got a link?
  15.   I own 2 Minis and can't imagine letting them go, even though I have gotten into ARs in the last year.   I never owned pre 580 Mini, so I assume all the stuff I've heard is true. The new ones are just fine, though I admit that my ARs are somewhat more accurate, but that's a matter of finer scale. 200 yards with open sights, they both do the same thing.   - OS
  16. Or maybe the Bumper Dumper: - OS
  17.   "Approval" in committee is just an initial step, means bill written correctly and whatnot, it's an official acceptance.   Hardly any bill beyond ceremonial/commemorative types in any legislature gets to the floor of any chamber without modification.   I don't much care what IL does, myself. Sounds to me like they're just scheduling another meeting with SCOTUS.   - OS
  18.   I think my angst may have helped fix it. ;)   - OS
  19. Well, back up, but too slow to really be usable right now through Comcast 68.62.xxx.xxx gateway     I'll hit "post" and do something else, maybe it'll go
  20. Just for additional information, NC requires a handgun purchase permit for all handgun sales, whether from FFL or private sales between NC residents.   As far as federal law:   - Handguns must be received only in the state of one's residence. - Private sales must be between same state residents only (where allowed by state law). - FFL sales of handguns must be transferred through FFL in the buyer's state only   So the answer to the topic question "Can I (a TN resident) purchase a handgun in N.C.? (legally)" is NO ....   (with the possible exception of military personnel with address of record in TN but stationed in NC, allowed by federal law but don't know about any possible various state ones regarding such)   - OS
  21.   Guess you know that it didn't happen all at once.   Got a variety of SQL and database error screens for maybe couple hours, site would come back off and on (there was also a TGO "working on site" screen at some point or other)  then eventually a final crash.   Didn't get on here till noon today, but it's been mostly crawling, up to 30 sec. delays, and it was doing that last night before the periodic error screens.   If any of that helps....   - OS
  22. Previously established thread:   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/57412-proposed-illinois-bill-anyone-see-this/
  23.   Mbeck's vid link wouldn't embed for me either, so I don't think so.   - OS
  24.   Which hovers at just above zero for me ...   - OS


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