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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Haven't seen you in a while, Kraut..   'Fraid I've sort of let myself go since xmas -- that's not a suit!     - OS
  2. Larry Ward, the organizer was on MSNBC just now. Woefully unprepared as a spokesman, was cut to pieces, and he wasn't even facing one of the network's elite.   Not as big a failure as Alex Jones last night, but pretty bad.   We're really failing, PR wise.   - OS
  3. Can't believe the measure of support for AJ's performance expressed thus far, even on a gun forum. Guess I was just shortsighted by my take on the public relations angle here.   So lets hope AJ becomes a more prominent voice for gun owners. With any luck, he'll appear on various congressional hearings and fact finding panels on The Hill, especially the public ones. Hopefully will get lots of airtime so that he becomes a household name to the general public. LaPierre and other 2A advocates should embrace him in public at every chance, too.   That way we'll be sure to retain our rights to keep BB guns. Maybe.   - OS
  4. Wish I could find the rest of the show. Had Alan Dershowitz right after, and of course they both made much of Alex as being just the kind of guy who should NOT own guns, not to mention his millions of followers. Then two Kennedys, etc.   Apparently, Jones was a mover behind the Deport Piers petition (or has claimed to be), so he led off with that.   I'm telling you, this was one of the greatest disservices to our side since CT, excerpts are gonna be played to death by the MM.   And Piers knew it, and that's why he had him on.   - OS
  5. Well, that went well, Alex, thanks for supporting us by being a total raving lunatic.    Probably converted a hundred thousand fence sitters into pro-gun-ban folks all by yourself.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWQPZ-taYBs     - OS      
  6.   Thought you meant most of the guys in the trenches of the money mill.   - OS
  7.   Or swapping them for food in the gummit breadlines post Meltdown.   - OS
  8.   Well, only the proportional very few that make it in the NFL for a while -- most get dumped right back to their original environs.   - OS
  9. I've shot a lot of the .223 steel case. Used to use my kickback money from credit card on Cabela's, bought a good bit of it for a while. Polymer coated.   Shot most of it out of Mini14s, last hundred or so out of 2 different brand ARs, no probs.   I've forgotten which of the plants it comes from, don't have any right now - but doesn't really matter, it's just rebranded from one of the Russian big 5, like Wolf.   - OS
  10.   But I bet they won't have to recall it.
  11.   The blind squirrels found an acorn...it's a ballgame now! ;)     Proving they just need more uneducated thugs, like all the SEC powerhouses.   - OS
  12. double tap, oops.   Didn't there used to be warning of duplicate post within 30 sec or something? You might want to look into that since you're just hanging around goofing off anyway. :) :)   - OS
  13.   Yup. Wasn't meant to be criticism, just a report to confirm the OP's question.
  14.   They just lost 344 lbs of their already flagging defense.
  15. 'Bout the same periodic creep since New Year's eve here.   - OS
  16.   Holy crap! I won't bother you on phone right now. Post a thread under News or someplace when you get a chance.
  17.   My point was, of course, that decisions in the Illinois legislature have essentially zero effect here.   And I can assure you, there's no more ammo per capita available here in Knoxville. If you ain't first in line when they put it out, you probably ain't getting any, at least with the most in demand calibers.   - OS
  18.   Ain't nobody tackled Lacy much on first try all season.
  19.   Yeah, that one ran for a week or something, before folks starting pointing out subtle fakery in it, and the kids that made it came clean.     Yeah, it's not even a vid actually, but animated GIF, which can only be 256 colors.   - OS
  20.   In Illinois?
  21. Here's example of a pretty well faked vid:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE0Q904gtMI   The shaky hand held part actually lends credence.   - OS
  22. oops, wrong thread
  23.   I don't think even 4 or 5 bad calls against either team is gonna make a diff in this matchup.   - OS
  24.   The large pixelated bands in the explosion should be dead giveaway even in grayscale. Looks like a watercolor applied effect it's so bad.   Fact that it's not even a video, but an animated GIF image, just further degrades it too (only 256 colors).   - OS
  25. I'll be amazed if it's close by the 4th quarter let alone come down to the wire.   sorry, Mike.357 ;)   - OS


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