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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1.   All correct.   But the reality is that we are actually fighting for the heart and minds of the American people here, just as in an election. The people put pressure on their reps, the reps will respond to whatever they perceive will get them reelected.   "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar".  The hard left and hard right are already unshakable, the "flies" are those in the middle.   Every time mainstream America sees a perceived scary nut job making press, deadly Bushwhackers and killer clips take a hit in the public perception. That translates to polls and letters, and influence on the final say.   - OS
  2. TGO David, I see you're endorsed the Gun Appreciation Day thang, and of course nothing personal, but I am nonetheless compelled to opine: <rant> Who is this guy? I can't find anything about him. I've now seen him on several news programs, just saw his longest interview, with a relatively benign weekend MSNBC Live anchor compared to their A team bullies. He's quite the inept speaker, more "ums" and "ers" and "wells" than anything else. Absolutely ineffectual pitted against a sharp witted interviewer, especially one with an anti-gun agenda, don't think he completed a sentence with over five words in it. Not to mention the wisdom of throwing this thing on MLK weekend, and a day before the re-anointment of our first black prez. Which of course has now really busted wide open with his "blacks wouldn't have been slaves if they'd had guns" type statements, however much you or I may agree with the sentiment. And to top it off, he's going on Al Frigging Sharpton's show on Monday to discuss that. Another fool's errand, indeed. Definitely seeing why the NRA has not endorsed this whole thing. Judging by the overall sampling of our most prominent news-makers recently, beginning to think we should adopt this as our public relations logo: </rant> - OS
  3.   Besides all the currently planned battles over debt ceiling, sequestering, confirmations, and whatnot, which should take well into the spring at earliest, SOMEthing else hot will likely happen to be dealt with. I think whole country is running with scissors right now.   - OS
  4.   Here's first one I found. Lip synch is bad but it's the original audio. Probably won't be there too long, they keep zapping them:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9sMv9mcdc4   Here's just the part he edited out on "first revision", before part II, where he made whole new one:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2HH_2eSdDY   - OS
  5.   Yep.   CNN is lunatic left if could have been judged from the 50's, far left from the 60's-70's.   I think it was pretty well centered for a while after it began in the 80's, moved further left in the 90's, and stayed there -- which is now about as centered as any MSM out there. Sadly true.   I keep telling folks to watch a bit of MSNBC weekday prime time now and then. You've got to know the face of the pure enemy. I personally think MSNBC may have delivered most of those 4 million votes for BHO.   - OS
  6.   No no, OP is talking about dupes one after the other in same forum.   Has been a lot of that, and I've done a couple myself. I think it has more to do with the server lag problem though, sometimes a minute or more before a click takes effect so folks keep hitting post or whatever, and the "post" button is still sitting there. And yet sometimes, the clicks are cached  and all take effect as multiple identical posts.   Although, in your case,  there were already 5 of other people's posts about Alexander's response in the various forums, even before your two. I see a couple have been zapped or combined now. Anyway, it's not good form to post same thing in more than one forum period, as it divides the attention and any responses.   Of course, I ain't in authority here, just another user, and sometimes a damn crabby one, no real offense intended. :)   - OS
  7.   :) :)   I'm still trying to decide. So many negatives, it's a quite confusing question.   - OS
  8.   Well, as I said, this is his style of an After Action Report, like blaming everyone else for the Iraqi bridge fiasco.   - OS
  9. Wow, that's the only good thing to come of this administration since it began.
  10.   He'd be a total fool to try to use one to carry in TN. Oh wait...   - OS
  11.   That's true, but that point would have been better made to have charged him.   - OS
  12.   I keep telling you, CNN is the middle ground in the media of the big three.   People who disagree just don't watch enough MSNBC, or just too much FOX, or just don't understand the statistical breakdown of the citizenry anymore.   And that's why CNN has the worst ratings of the three -- because America is more polarized than since 1865. Moderates are not in vogue.   - OS
  13.     Another historic After Action Review, I guess.   Actually, on reflection,  I guess Part II was closer to that.   - OS
  14. TN legislature enacts lots of stuff that sound great, but with clauses that neuter it for practical purposes.   - OS
  15. I suspect we'll see him featured on the remaining two commie shows in the lineup this evening also; I'll bet he goes four for four.   Has he shown on CNN or FOX yet, too?   - OS
  16.   Maybe if you read the thread you'd see exactly why they revoked it.   Or maybe even the news story link in the very first post.
  17. Couldn't you have picked one of the other 5 duplicate threads?
  18.   Oh course. Not really worried about real material danger, just PR.   The GOP, including even our TN RINOS,  don't want that kind of crap out there right now. All they could do to mitigate it right now in a hurry.   - OS
  19. Okay, Ed used him in part of his own "gun crazies" segment, but said Yeager's lawyer had told him not to appear.   - OS
  20.   Absolutely. Again, Kwik broke no laws, indeed was never even charged with breaking any law.   - OS
  21.   Oh for sure, it happened too quick not to have come down from Bill, whether he thunk of it first or not. I'm sure he had AG or somebody make the actual call.   It's an obvious PR brushfire, had to be quelled best they could before it spread.   - OS
  22.   Yeager was just part of lead story on Hard Ball, as one of the leading "gun crazies". He's really made the big time all right. I know Kwik must be uber jealous.   - OS
  23.   Fine. So that means that federal DHS calls none of the shots, eh?   Right.   - OS
  24.   Kwik didn't. Where are his supporters in this thread?   - OS
  25. Great, Yeager is part of lead story on Hard Ball, about "gun crazies".   Yeager and Alex Jones featured as "worst of the worst". Showing end of Jimbo's first vid and part of the Jones rant on Piers show.   On right now.   - OS


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