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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. 4 configs in stock at PSA right now, 650-750 clams. - OS
  2. Nor does this post by you, yet it does show on your next two. It's spreading like zombies! - OS
  3. Good post, and I didn't fully understand till just now that the renewal price has actually been cut in half. That's never even been mentioned in any of the press about this. They were still charging 12.50/year, prorated from 2 to 7 years when they first changed it to coincide with DL. Now it truly is just $50 for 8 years, or 6.25/year. Also, just noticed that the whole idea of making it coincide with DL renewal has vanished, so that was several years of wasted effort. - OS
  4. It has never shown on one's own post. For obvious reasons, you can't build your cred by liking your own posts. You have to make multiple identities to do that. edit: however, can confirm, no "like this" button on posts that have pictures, that indeed seems to be something newly broken. edit 2: doesn't matter if image is TGO/Amazon based or linked offsite. Imbedded vids nuke it also. - OS
  5. Hell, he just recently replaced Britt Hume as full time replacement for Greta, so somebody will have to replace him in his first replacement role. - OS
  6. Personally, the only thing that's bothering me visually is that most of the text on whole site, and most importantly of all the text in posts ain't full black, and the text in quotes is so light it's really a pain to read. edit: Here's repeated in actual black: Personally, the only thing that's bothering me visually is that most of the text on whole site, and most importantly of all the text in posts ain't full black, and the text in quotes is so light it's really a pain to read. - OS
  7. I see 209, 209A, 209M (Mag), and 209 STS primers on first look. I don't know beans about this stuff. Would the "mag" one be same dimensions and more powerful? What are the others? - OS
  8. Kind of nifty, sorta, maybe? Reviews are pretty positive. Guess you could mill out your own, but it's only $13.50. http://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/223-22-cal-pellet-conversion-kit?a=593401&SID=ixjrcc21cr013row012b1&CJ=1&cjaffilid=6163296&cjaffsite=VigLink&cjadv=CJTSGUSA&cjadvid=1522857&utm_source=VigLink&utm_medium=CJ&utm_campaign=Redirect-Enabled+Deep+Link
  9. Oh Shoot

    Savage ARs

    Yeah, amazing that some of the biggies are finally jumping into the AR market, now that it is already more saturated than ever before. I'm also wondering what with the lead time necessary to do this, if they were counting on the panic buying of a Hillary win to make the difference. - OS
  10. You can just do bank transfer. You get the "cash price", nothing to send in, no trip to get money order to do it. I've done that with the 3 or 4 I've bought from Bud's, easy peasy. - OS
  11. Greta got no settlement, there was no lawsuit. You have her confused with Gretchen Carlson. - OS
  12. High achiever. She simply wants both. The NBC job makes the other part easier. I can dig that. Seems to be the type that at this stage, 5 mil either way wouldn't make a diff. Hell, she gave up apparently quite lucrative legal career to start over in the first place. Plus, along with numerous other women, she deposed in the Gretchen Carlson suit and encouraged others to do same, so she's likely pretty disenchanted with the overall culture at FOX. - OS
  13. I'd be surprised if this will affect 5% of the 18 year olds in TN. But how many HCP holders travel to MN? (and gawd knows what other states may follow suit). - OS
  14. Meant to add: where it will likely be found unconstitutional by any SCOTUS regardless of makeup, unless the right to carry is incorporated to the states first. edit: and come to think of it, the right to own firearms has been incorporated, and yet states may still demand waiting periods, licensing, registration, and even ban certain types of firearms, hicap mags, etc. So if none of these states rights are prohibited, why would a state's right to honor only certain permits, or none at all, be prohibited? The only thing I could see with the right to carry incorporated is that all states permit process might be forced into "shall carry" rather than "may carry". But even then, the exact "reasonable" hoops to jump through to do so would still have to be attacked case by case. - OS
  15. Some court will grant a stay on it, and it will be a court battle that will last most of his first term if not longer. - OS .
  16. 'Cept some of use had made the effort to edit our images to fit the round. A minor carp however. - OS
  17. Yeah, they're likely going to be in same uncomfortable position as they were during the campaign as to being ambivalent regarding Trump, all except for Hannity. Didn't see their coverage today regarding the secret session to nuke the House Ethics Committee, dunno if they jumped on it like they would if Pelosi would have done it. Shrewd first move by Ryan, to be just like the crooked Dems, huh? (then oops, immediately rescinded with the public outcry). - OS
  18. 9pm EST slot since the gitgo: http://my.xfinity.com/blogs/tv/2013/09/17/fox-news-shuffles-lineup-megyn-kelly-bumps-hannity-to-10-p-m/ - OS
  19. Kelly File began on October 7, 2013 Took her over 3 years to "leave shortly". Good Lord, her interviews with people like Sharpton, Moore, Wiener, etc are near legendary. - OS
  20. Because of the overall tone of management, all about same time as Gretchen was axed and Ailes had to resign. To prove her point, Murdoch didn't even let her have a "goodbye show". Rumors are she's starting on MSNBC soon. - OS
  21. I guess Trump will claim credit. http://money.cnn.com/2017/01/03/media/megyn-kelly-nbc-fox-news/index.html They haven't even been really successful with replacing Greta yet either between Britt and now Tucker. My guess they might try Guilfoyle in there for a while to at least replace the eye candy part. Maybe juggle the lineup back around. She'd bumped Sean, maybe put him back, but seems he's worn a bit thin over time, certainly has with me anyway. - OS
  22. Oh Shoot

    Side chargers

    Here's only one a search found, in stock even: http://palmettostatearmory.com/psa-16-223-wylde-midlength-1-7-side-charger-13-5-mlok-upper-w-bcg-ch.html - OS
  23. Nope. Would have to change the law to do that. TN only has reciprocity with 19 states, while recognizing all the others. - OS
  24. When all else fails, read the directions. As I understand it, national guard/reserve is not active duty unless actually deployed somewhere? They didn't seem to put any clarifying definition into the change, or in definitions at start of the entire weapons section. " (2) The applicant is at least eighteen (18) years of age; and (A) Is an honorably discharged or retired veteran of the United States armed forces or is a member of the United States armed forces on active duty status; and (B) (i) Includes with the application a certified copy of the applicant's certificate of release or discharge from active duty, department of defense form 214 (DD 214); or (ii) Includes with the application a military identification card or such other document as the commissioner designates as sufficient proof that the applicant is an active duty member of the military." But what with losing recogniton with x number of states, this seems to be just another case of "doing badly what need not be done at all". Very leftish idea really, screw the vast majority to avail a tiny minority. - OS


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