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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1.   If all five of "our" justices last through BHO's second term, I'll be more than a bit surprised.   Course, after Roberts' last decision, maybe we only have four now anyway, depending on issue.   - OS
  2.   He'll have to kill Hillary and Uncle Joe to do it.
  3.   Well, still needs to passed by the Assembly (House), but seems like it will, can't tell for sure.   If SCOTUS takes it, it will have to work it's way up, the Court doesn't reach out to "challenge" anything.   Since NYS will not be banning handguns or long guns period, the question would have to be whether such extensive restrictions within that framework will pass constitutional muster, and I'd wager they would. Or they just wouldn't hear it.   Especially since that by the time it may take to get there, BHO may well have tipped the balance of the Court.   - OS
  4.   All fair points, and I accept the close shave. ;)     I notice he has not seemed to have any comment at all regarding the state capitol demonstrations being piggybacked onto The Day.   With the almost total lack of coordination of those both overall and individually so far, I'm quite concerned about one or more of them going south and shooting us in the foot.  Again.   - OS
  5. Making much of it on MSNBC's Morning Joe. Hosted by the network's only conservative, btw, who is excoriating it. Showing NY Daily News full page headline, "Appy Birthday" Their story: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/nra-spits-graves-new-shoot-em-up-app-article-1.1240207 Wow, another screen shot, showing Bushwhacker front sight post. JHC, it's like a SNL parody. Just a great job, NRA. Can't believe I just sent them extra bucks not long ago to help fund this. - OS
  6.   I read he was coming to the school to bake gingerbread stuff and heard the shooting before he got in and bugged out, don't remember whether it was said at the time he was parent or not.   Was that just part of the early poor reporting?
  7. I didn't vote because it doesn't matter whether I "support" it or not -- if  only one proposal passes this time around, it's gonna be the end to private sales.   The devil will be in the details of how it's to be handled nationwide, the biggest of course being whether a permanent registry will go along with it.   On a minor note, I wonder if our little TICS fee might get a bit of federal scrutiny in the process.   - OS
  8. Perhaps they will put them all to reloading ammo, a whole new Walmart industry!   - OS
  9. So one month almost to the frigging day after Sandy Hook, NRA releases IOS shooting app, targeted to kids 4 and up.There's a bazillion links, and hardly any are favorable. Starts the kiddies off with a M9 pistola, can upgrade to semi-auto rifles, including a freaking AK! One segment's object is to fire off as many rounds as possible in one minute. Remind you of anything? Right after their big public tirade about violent video games. Holy crap. Yeah, there's safety stuff in it, and gun laws, and whatever. Defend it if you like, but the optics and timing is just unthinkable. Watch the NRA plummet on polls (already over 50% unfavorable on most). They've gotta be on crack, PR dept. is from another planet -- or hell. Daily we're showing we don't really even need opponents. I'll suggest again, that we adopt this as the official logo for the pro-gun faction: - OS http://kotaku.com/5975910/the-nras-new-shooting-game-is-for-ages-four-and-up https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nra-practice-range/id584567057?mt=8
  10. You all know one thing that BHO could block PDQ with an EO, right?   - OS
  11. Holy crap, official signage! Not just s oft blocked but actually h ard blocked !
  12.   ?? Didn't understand comment.   Never mind, I see, other thread.   I won't laugh, I'll deputize you, might not have badge though. ;)   - OS
  13. Just saw interview on Greta's show, can't find a vid yet.   Here are couple stories:   http://www.lex18.com/news/kentucky-sheriff-no-unconstitutional-gun-laws-in-my-county   http://dailycaller.com/2013/01/14/kentucky-sheriff-pledges-to-defy-obama-on-guns/
  14.   Kentucky sheriff pledges to defy Obama on guns http://dailycaller.com/2013/01/14/kentucky-sheriff-pledges-to-defy-obama-on-guns/
  15. Edit to above: I think I finally found him. Little blurb from Fox News, who for whatever reason have never had him on air?, shows: "Larry Ward -- who is leading the appreciation-day effort and is president of the Republican consulting firm Political Media Inc. -- says Americas must act before the president makes a final decision." http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/01/09/coalition-to-hold-national-gun-appreciation-day-as-calls-for-more-guns-law/ Which led to: http://politicalmedia.com/our-team/larry-ward Pretty elusive guy to be getting so much press. Was beginning to think maybe he was some sort of Manchurian plant. Like Obama. Maybe FOX doesn't want to associate too much with any associate of Dick Morris, now that he and Rove have pretty much been pariahs on there since the election. Here's the only other "team member" listed with a picture, kewl: Several other names with no pix and no-content bio links. - OS
  16. Well, Larry Ward will never be a Demosthenes, but he did get out some complete sentences,  as amazingly Sharpton did allow him the gaps to do it. Although the whole thing pretty much fulfilled my "fool's errand" prediction.   I still find it absolutely astounding that I can't find anything about Ward, age,  profession, resident state, I mean nada. That seems eerie.   Only complete vid I found so far is shot off monitor:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKbsFa2BDp0   - OS
  17.   Yeah. MLK. Who was shot. With a rifle.   Note that the Gun Appreciation Day mystery man Larry Ward has never called for these demonstrations, so there's no national coordination at all, no suggestions for activities, gun possession, whatever, at least that I can find?   - OS
  18.   I find Facebook pages particularly difficult to get around in, but do you state "no guns" anywhere? Does anyone else who is "setting this thing up"?   Larry Ward (whoever he is) has never suggested these marches for Gun Appreciation Day, so there's no central place for national coordination of all this, right?   - OS
  19.   Well, let's see -- it wasn't understood in 1935, 1968, 1986, 1993, or 1994, but this time will be different?   - OS
  20. Didn't "shall not" mean "shall not" the last 7 times or so we've had major federal firearms legislation?   I guess it didn't. But it does this time, right?   - OS
  21.   And the House has to first serve it up to them. As if.   - OS
  22. Wow, this is big news, thanks!      :wall:  
  23.   My understanding is that one must periodically pay a state fee for access to the latest data base version of the registry.   I don't have a reference for accuracy of that statement, but have seen it posted as fact here a number of times.   - OS
  24.   Posting statute is fairly clear here, although there's nothing to prevent the state from posting the area the day before the event, even if it isn't now.  Knoxville, for example, has posted areas during events that would normally otherwise be legal within which to carry.   But my main concern -- I'll just reiterate same concerns I put in the FaceBook organizing top in Events: who's in charge?   Who's going to determine what actual firearms actually show up at all these things? Especially in TN, where you may be legally stopped and questioned regarding carrying ANY firearm. I've not even seen any plan about whether people are to show up unarmed, or carrying within the law only, or whatever?   Plenty of folks are going to show up open carrying. You don't think some people are going to show up with ARs slung over their shoulders? Does everyone understand that having even one round of ammo on your person while carrying a rifle is unlawful carry under TN law?   I'm pretty concerned that HCP carry may be the least of the possible problems here. Sure wouldn't take much to make a gathering like this devolve into a huge PR negative.   Sorry to seem to be a namby-pamby about the whole thing, but the entire Gun Appreciation Day thing seems remarkably unorganized by an unknown person first spearheading it, but now that it has evolved into 50 state capitol marches, it's taking on an entirely different scale of uncertainty.   Hell, if actual firearms are in evidence at all, I won't be surprised to see some of the commie states roll out the friggin' national guard. Seriously.   Other threads onsite here:   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/58462-join-the-facebook-page-guns-across-america-tennessee-rally-on-january-19th-page-is-now-viewable/?view=getnewpost   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/58456-whos-going-to-the-state-capital-on-the-19th/   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/57398-facebook-call-for-nationwide-2a-peaceful-demonstrations/   - OS
  25.   I fear this may be indicative of the level of organization in each state. Really concerned that Bad Things might happen in one or more.   How is each state handling the issue of firearms themselves on that day? Quite important. Particularly in a state like TN where you may be legally confronted by LE for carrying any firearm.   Anyone carrying a rifle here will really stick out.  Quite concerned about these gatherings turning into a huge PR negative rather than positive.   Don't get me wrong, admire you for stepping up to the plate, but still .....   - OS


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