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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Last time I changed cable modem, had to call into Comcast to get it provisioned.   Bought a new one today (Motorola Surfboard SB 6141), noticed that it seemed to be "on line" after power up, so before I even checked IP or anything, just fired up browser and I went automagically to a Comcast activation page, filled in the account number and MAC and voila!   I gave up my Geek Card some years ago, and didn't even know a "limited gateway" or whatever you'd call it was possible like that.   Probably well known factoid anymore, but pleasant news to moi. That is all, carry on....   - OS
  2.   To be fair, federal law had nothing to do with that.   - OS
  3. I've had a few head shaking comments regarding keeping 30,000 rounds of .22lr stash, and about 5,000 of shooting stock.   Y'know what, that 30K rounds only cost about a grand, spread out over time too, of course.   Ain't nobody headshaking about any size stash of any caliber ammo right now, eh?   - OS
  4.   Only that you have no reason to believe that the buyer is a resident of a different state or is ineligible to legally buy or own a firearm for any other reason. - under 18 - felony conviction - misdemeanor domestic violence conviction - adjudicated crazy - guilty of stalking - under a restraining order - dishonorably discharged from military - anything else I've forgotten about   This satisfies the minimum of both federal and state law (right now at least).   However, to not actually verify that they at least appear to be a TN resident by glancing at a DL seems unwise to me.   - OS
  5.   Unless the tide turns on the overall "progressive" nature of the electorate, all of these proposed new bans will happen. Hopefully not in this go-round, but still just a matter of time.   Of course, there's the possibility that things could get very bad in the US, even before the midterm elections.   The only bright spot in a truly bad national situation might be that the tide would turn to at least a semblance of conservatism.   - OS
  6.   Umm, logically, if the government must be privy to it and even give its approval, it's no longer "private", eh?   - OS
  7.   Not so many anymore. Mostly puter. Most all gun shows provide WiFi, for example.   - OS
  8.   Well, unless they change the existing system somehow, presumably buyer and seller would have to do it through a FFL dealer.   Perhaps will spark a whole new industry, the FFL who makes house calls like doctors used to. As long as they have internet access, they can do it from anywhere.   - OS
  9.     "Ban or restrict ownership of a semi automatic firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition; or"   Why say "semi automatic" only?   Better to just say "any currently legal firearm or firearm accessory" or something.   Off top of my bean, the Fiend-Stein list will apparently include bans against   - "revolver shot shell" guns like SW and Taurus makes - shotgun capacity is limited to 5 shells even in pump models - +10 mags are made for certain bolt guns,   I'm sure there are some other examples.   - OS   (duplicated my post from another thread on this)
  10. "Ban or restrict ownership of a semi automatic firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition; or"   Why say "semi automatic" only?   Better to just say "any currently legal firearm or firearm accessory" or something.   Off top of my bean, the Fiend-Stein list will apparently include bans against   - "revolver shot shell" guns like SW and Taurus makes - shotgun capacity is limited to 5 shells even in pump models - +10 mags are made for certain bolt guns,   I'm sure there are some other examples.   - OS
  11.   Current link:   http://www.wkyt.com/home/headlines/Police-Two-dead-in-shooting-at-Hazard-Community-Technical-College-187033371.html
  12.   I've already opined it'll stay. Maybe you should do a poll if you want lots of opinions.   - OS
  13.   Yup, only handgun they make.   And far as I know, Remmie only makes one mag fed rifle with standard mag over 7 rounds, the 587. Although both its tube models hold more.   - OS
  14.   All three day weekends get tagged in the common parlance:  "Fourth of July Weekend", "Labor Day Weekend", etc.   And now you've got Ward's stirring the "slaves/gun" pot, and even though he has nothing to do with the marches, they're now going to be seen as part of Gun Appreciation Day.   Whether fair or not, the "optics" are what they are, PR ain't necessarily dependent on logic, and it simply isn't a plus by any stretch.   - OS
  15.   "Requests for comment from the NRA were not immediately returned Tuesday" seems to be the common comment so far.   Which simply says that regardless of who did what when, this seems to be an officially licensed NRA product, and the NRA was caught flat-footed.   To use a quickly becoming trite word, the "optics" are what they are, and it was at the very least quite a faux pas on the NRA's part. The dumbest freshman in PR 101 would know better.   - OS
  16. Wow. Grainger. All the nuts must be drifting over from Union.   So glad "nothing"  happened, including your having to shoot him.
  17.     Well, just the Senate so far. Still has to make it through the Assembly (House). But sounds like it will there too.   - OS
  18.   All of the mass killings that I know about over last years,  none of the firearms used were illegally sold/bought, from Columbine, VA Tech, Ft. Hood, Tucson, Aurora, Sandy Hook.   Ending private sales doesn't prevent unauthorized friends or family or thieves getting hold of them either. So no, it certainly does not do one damn thing about preventing mass killings as far as I can surmise.   Whether it can have an effect on overall "gun crime" is doubtful, too. Fun with statistics. For example, how can anyone even reliably estimate that "40% of firearm sales are done privately"? Where are all these re-sold guns coming from that were never sold through FFLs in the first place?   - OS
  19.   Of course it will, it's already been stated over and over. "Gun Show Loophole" has only become a euphemism.   15 states already have partial or total ban on private sales. It's not like it's some alien concept. Polls today showing 85% for it, hell 65% of NRA members poll that way.   - OS
  20.   Certainly, not dissing the sentiment, or even the effort, or the actual necessity of grassroots efforts.   It's just that the only significant press we're getting is BAD press. Jones, Yeager, NRA video. Pratt and Ward being sacrificial lambs on MSNBC and CNN, etc.   And now we've got what appears to me a quite hasty and disorganized run on 50 state capitols with the distinct possibility of confrontation, and gawd forbid worse. Is anybody even getting permits for these things, in the various states, for example? This thing  just piggybacked spontaneously onto the one thing that was at least centrally promoted, the Gun Appreciation Day, but Ward and his sponsors have nothing to do with the demonstrations.   So those are my concerns.   I don't mean to be a downer. I hope it all goes off well in 50 states, and with enough turnout in each to suggest a unified front rather than fringe element.   If I lived near Nashville, I'd probably attend, though I'd stay as far on the outside edge as possible, as the last time I was actually in a demonstration I was 21 years old, got bonked on the head with a nightstick,  and had to live furtively for about a month. :)   - OS
  21. TGO David nuked the other thread, but hasn't noticed this one I reckon.
  22.   I feel safe in opining that if that were their uber sophisticated and subtle purpose, they have completely and miserably failed.   - OS
  23.   Won't stand constitutional muster under Commerce Clause, as guns pass into the states through interstate commerce. Just the possibility that any given one does will probably be justification enough to survival a challenge.   Hell, they just made you buy insurance, ya know? Making you undergo, or even buy,  a background check will be duck soup.   - OS
  24.   There's no federal charge. But the dealer charges for his time to run one for a gun he didn't sell. You expect all FFLs to give gawd knows how free time and effort out of the goodness of their pea pickin' little hearts?   Oh yeah, and there's that  little 10 clams per pop from the state of TN, too.   - OS
  25.   So at best then,  NRA just "forgot about it"?   If so, then their being just as inefficient as the federal government is somehow not much of a comfort.   - OS


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