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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1.   That's not Alex's work, it's from feller named Michael Snyder, reposted from his site at:   http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/   - OS    
  2. Tell him about the probs with the bill naming only "semi automatic" weapons.   Needs to be "all currently legal firearms" or something comprehensive like that.   There are any number of firearms, or firearms which use banned items,  which will be on the ban list that aren't semi-auto.   - OS
  3.   Still predicting they will, have all along, as you know.   Right now, though, it looks like it's going to be damn near as much of a lift to get anything out of the Senate to get anything at all rolling.   - OS
  4.   Oh, I imagine there will be plenty of stingers hired.   Lots of BATF temps, minimum wage plus a bonus for each completed sale. It would be a "job creation program", and what good progressive would fault that?     Yep, if I was looking for an easy bust, I'd take you up on that in a second.   - OS
  5. Support for universal background checks is way up there now. That one is already won, methinks.   - OS
  6.   Um, same 52% of the 57% of eligible voters that reelected him, plus a few?   - OS
  7.   You can register a domain yearly or for about any number of years. This one was done for two: Created on: 04-Jan-13 Expires on: 04-Jan-15   And of course he could sell the domain name to her at any time. Dunno about him, but I'd certainly back off my freedom to spoof for the right amount of cabbage.   - OS
  8.   oopsie. Search fail on my part.
  9. Watch out for the rear take down pin spring and detent that are held in by the current buffer tube end plate. They like to spring out and of course disappear forever.   - OS
  10. I'm a little concerned about all them folks out  in the woods hunting bear with .25acp mouse guns.   - OS
  11. Well, he voted against raising the debt ceiling when he was a senator also, even made a little speech about it.   But, he has, you know, "evolved" on many issues.   - OS
  12.   Technically, I think that's accurate. But who knows what they really mean when they first use "words" to describe something.   For example, so far, none of BHO's 23 "executive orders" have actually been Executive Orders. Only 4 have shown up on White House site, 3 are Memoranda, and one is a Proclamation.   - OS
  13.   Who knows. The way this admin operates, they might just allocate a few billion Chinese dollars per year to pay FFLs for the service. Or better, make a whole new division of functionaries to do it for free -- you know, another "job creation program", and what good progressive would fault that?   - OS
  14.   Doesn't even have to necessarily be attached.   "an NFA firearm is made if aggregated parts are in close proximity such that they serve no useful purpose other than to make an NFA firearm"   - OS
  15.   Get with the progressive program, man. You are only allowed to feel shame, for your 65 years of white supremacy oppression and bigotry.   - OS
  16. Sorry, guys, but that is not the law at all. Not even close. Commonly claimed in the past in relation to "constructive possession" or "constructive intent", along with "once a rifle always a rifle", which is also wrong, unless the firearm began life as a rifle. All stemmed from Thompson SCOTUS case in '92, where the court explained BATF's own frigging laws to them -- blanket ruling finally to completely clarify from BATF in July 2011. For reference, read thread here on TGO: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/54365-ar15-pistol-to-rifle-and-back-to-pistol/ BATF's ruling: http://www.atf.gov/regulations-rulings/rulings/atf-rulings/atf-ruling-2011-4.pdf Extensive info in the arfcom AR pistol section also, I guess on the other popular AR sites also. In short, a functional carbine buffer does not make an AR pistol "illegal", nor does a pistol buffer or crippled carbine buffer necessarily make it "legal". The test is whether or not only an NFA weapon can be made with any given parts array. Read up and come back with specific questions or start a new thread. Quick visual: Perfectly legal. Without the rifle upper, not so much, regardless of what type of buffer is on the lower. Want to be totally safe, don't have a stock at all if you only have an AR pistol. Not out and about, not even in your home. Regardless of what kind of buffer tube assembly is on it. Only reason I made a pistol to begin with, so could have a "survival kit". The carbine extension is what makes it all expedient. Still need a .22LR rifle upper to make it complete. - OS
  17.     Oh, I understand the reasons why it's expedient for them.   I was mainly commenting on the technology; didn't know it was possible to use the pipe at all until a modem was provisioned on their end. I guess maybe it's always been possible, but they just didn't have the automated system stuff in place on their end the last time I had to do it.   - OS
  18.   Ah, okay, thanks.   Poor reporting. Have to really dig to find the fine points, here's a source: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2013/01/obama-23-executive-orders-actions-gun-control.html   The White House site does not show a category for "executive actions", it uses the catchall "presidential actions", but divides them into Executive Orders, Presidential Memoranda, and Proclamations.   http://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions   So, you're absolutely right. At least so far -- I say that because only three of the 23 show at all on the site yet, and each is a Memorandum.   What are the other 20 going to be?   - OS
  19. I don't think this has been mentioned on TGO?   Surf there, nifty.   - OS
  20. Weather.com not predicting below 33 degrees here in Ktown during the snow duration, we'll see.   - OS
  21.   Trouble is, that's not only an individual state's call, but also the fed's.   Even the states where this is enacted are on the list of the ones that the BATF allows that to happen. All depends on their requirements for the permits, how long between renewals (which run federal check) and how up to date they keep the database. TN is on the list that can enact it, if they choose, I'm pretty sure. Of course, here, that would cost the state ten clams per pop.   Also, in the states where the permit serves to exempt the federal check, it is my understanding that the state carry permit database is checked at the time of purchase,  to make sure the permit is still valid.   Which is all to say, no way the feds are gonna let every state's carry permit suffice for a background check, unless there becomes a national carry permit, which I do not favor. At all.   - OS
  22.   ???   He signed all 23 of them. Today.     btw, I give the story very little credence.     - OS
  23.   Your overview is correct. Although there's probably any number of surprises in how those EO's may be implemented.     Impeachment likely has zero chance, regardless of what he does as far as gun issues is concerned.     I think public pressure will make the House cave to enacting the end to private sales. Beyond that, I think the chances are well less than 50/50 of anything else major passing, this time around.   - OS
  24.   That's one of the few things I've ever heard attributed to a Wal-Mart employee to which I'd give some credence.   - OS


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