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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. The sadly negative side is, 13 years is somewhere around the average lifespan for our best friends, and even a bit on the high side for larger breeds.   The positive is, both y'all and Chewie indeed had that priceless 13 years in the first place.   "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at at." Tough to accept right now, I know, but I believe that.   - OS
  2.   You could always search with any one field. Just checked, and you can also still get entire listing with one click.   - OS
  3.   (inspired by a point made by MrColionNoir regarding mass killings in schools) ...   Instead of further corrupting the Constitution by banning guns in an futile attempt to save one life at a time, how about we put practical civilian carry polices in place so that we vastly reduce the odds of losing twenty-seven lives at a time.   - OS
  4.   Well, it's been online for what, maybe 3.5 years now? So dunno if any specific crime has been attributed to it.   Looks like they may have given up with updating it. It's never been over a year out of date before.   - OS
  5.   I use 1st TN also, but surely all banks have to take rolled coins?   When I used to have a biz account, had to write account number on each roll, but with personal account I don't. No idea why the diff.   - OS
  6. Very nice looking heater. By all reports I've seen it's the best model Taurus makes.   I like stainless also, but somehow haven't wound up with but three, and two are revolvers.   - OS
  7.   I didn't compare specs, but probably wouldn't fit.   Btw, I said Remington instead of Winchester for the .308, definitely getting on up there.   Anyway, sorry to bust yer bubble. Don't know the technical reasons Marlin doesn't do conventional .308 but likely simply has to do with pointed bullets in the tube, which can be bad. The Hornady .308 ME has the soft tip, so they won't ignite in the tube.   Also, I guess the whole lever mechanism is designed around lifting and feeding rimmed cartridges.  edit: no, come to think of it, .35 Remington, non-rimmed.   The .308ME is supposed to be a fine round, but like you, I've narrowed down calibers to use in multiple shootin irons. And besides, I think only Hornady makes it, so it's not like it's a very universal round, doesn't seem right to have to depend on one company.   - OS
  8.   I guess that's the only explanation. Guess it makes sense, since you can't hardly find the 10/22 itself either, so all those new owners also need mags of whatever capacity they can get.   - OS
  9.   I know about the 25 rounders, been that way for a while, and I understand that, but I'm talking about the standard 10 round rotary mags. Blow your mind to check out completed auctions on eBay for them. Got me curious, and sure enough, don't see any at retailers unless they're sky high too.   - OS
  10. Not that I needed any, but what is the deal here?   Just noticed 10 round 10/22 mags not to be had anywhere retail, and going for like 40 clams on eBay?   I mean, this is not even close to being on any banned list? People are crazier than I imagined.   - OS
  11.   Not that you shouldn't check, but shouldn't be any functional ones unless they've taken the zip ties off, which is a no no.   - OS
  12.   Unless you're open carrying, how would they know?   There are two lines in the ones I go to, one needing to check guns, and one for those who don't. Never get asked in the non-gun line,  so I don't even have to lie.   The signs aren't statutorily compliant either.   - OS
  13.   Note, sorry to possibly deflate your ardor, but the Marlin .308 models are not .308 Remington Winchester (7.62x51), they use the ".308 Marlin Express", a different round.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.308_Marlin_Express   - OS
  14.   They all get one by default but many have several domain names of their own, usually pointing to same hosting. Lots of them are made during their initial campaigns and just stay up too, with minor revisions:   For example, Corker has:   http://senatorbobcorker.com/ http://www.bobcorkerforsenate.com/   with same content. Maybe others too, who knows?   - OS
  15. P-51 as in Vontar's link even better:
  16. I just roll 'em as I go with a cheapo plastic sorter and the tubes I picked up years ago for next to nothing, turn 'em into bank once a year or so.   I guess would seem like quite a job to do a whole bunch at a time like you have.   I know you're trying to save a cut, but once years ago when I had beau coup at once, let a couple of poor neighbor kids do it for 5% or something. I guess with inflation and in a nice neighborhood, might be hard to find takers?   Also, my local Kroger has one, but I guess it takes the cut, never really paid any attention?   - OS
  17.   Yep, thanks so much.   I'm really getting on up there too, I guess -- somehow neither register on the ol' Peter Meter.   edit: oops, didn't mean to use pejorative term for my Goober.   - OS
  18.   Yeah.   I'm getting on up there and all, have to watch out for big shocks. :)
  19.   Perhaps overblown assessment. The most problematic manufacturing seems was done in the last several years before Marlin ever left the North Haven plant. I'll be surprised if the new digs at Ilion and Mayfield don't produce quite adequate firearms. So far, so good, seems, from what I've been able to read.   Of course, you'll never see the height of fit and finish, deep bluing, etc from circa 1990 and earlier period, on any production firearm.   - OS
  20.   Dang, another one I had to look up.   At least it rang a bell, just couldn't place it. :)
  21.   Wow, had to look it up. Just when I thought I'd done it all...dang.
  22. Thanks for the report.   Nikki Goeser, just for the correct spelling. Long-timers here know Nikki well, and she's a TGOer.   Also, I understand Hickock45 also spoke, a TGOer as well.   Even though the rallies weren't really an official part of the Gun Appreciation Day thang, they have become associated in the press coverage, and I'm soooo glad the TN one seems to have gone off very well indeed, and hope none of the other nationwide ones had any problems either. Except for a couple reports of ADs, haven't heard about anything untoward happening anywhere across the country, and of course those weren't at the rallies.   Additional reporting and pix from the Nashville meet here: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/58456-whos-going-to-the-state-capital-on-the-19th/   - OS
  23.   I've been afraid to mention it, figgered it would poop soon as I did!   Speaking of other inconsequential things, the new grayscale favicon doesn't stand out anymore with a bunch of tabs open. Please drop everything else in your life and jump right on this immediately, kay?   ;)   - OS
  24. What is that little puppy? Perhaps it will mandatory issue here under Obama's gun laws.
  25. Don't forget to consider the Golden 39A. I have Marlin .30-30 and .357 (perhaps my most favorite rifle), but I've wanted the .22LR model for a long time, just never have found one when I had the bucks.


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