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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1.   I don't think one person in the Senate think Feinstein's bill as ballyhooed so far would make it.   But things will evolve, eventually there will be a version of it or another get out, and either the House will simply not deal with it or if public pressure remains what I think, then will amend it to having the background checks and maybe another inconsequential something or other to,  you know,  show their concern for the children of this great country just like the oh so caring Dems.   - OS
  2.   That's the way they all work.  Hell, I've left things in cart on Sportman's Guide and Amazon for months, reckon they're still saving them for me? :)   - OS
  3.   I was over at Sam's earlier today, of course went by Wally there, pretty bare as usual. Clerk said they did get "a bunch" of 9mm in at the Turkey Creek Wally.   'Course the prob with that was that he was a Walmart employee and his lips were moving.   Did buy a bipod there though along with the onions I really needed, since Sam's didn't have any. :)   - OS
  4.   One thing that made it more possible for me was to mostly consolidate calibers, only 9mm pistols and .357/.38 revolvers and .223 rifles. Couple of 9mm carbines and a .357 rifle too. Hell, even have a .357/9mm Blackhawk, so you can see can wear those calibers out with a bunch of different guns.   And of course .22LR in both.   - OS
  5.   Well, one thing you can do with the older ones is not fire more than about one round per minute, and whatever accuracy you start with won't decrease.   I mean, most any rifle will spread some with rapid fire, but the pencil barrel Minis really seem to magnify that. Mystery is why pencil barrel ARs don't, at least not even in the same ballpark as much.   Even my 581 series Minis vary more than any of my ARs, cold or hot, but it's only significant for chasing groups, not for minute of a clay at 100 or minute of torso at 200.   - OS
  6. Yup.   Will have to slow down on the .223 after another couple thousand,  though. Then can shoot quite a bit of 9mm and .357mag for a while. And plenty of .22LR all along.   Don't mean to gloat, but you asked. And I don't need to see a shrink now, since the OCAHD* has turned out to be not really a sickness at all, only prudent foresight! ;)     *Obsessive Compulsive Ammo Hoarding Disorder     - OS
  7.   FMJ. They'll kill paper and bad guys. Cheaper for both, even if you have to use twice as many on the bad guy. :)   - OS
  8. Here's a coupon so you only have to pay 8 bucks to get in to buy it at a buck a round. :)
  9.   Does TN have extradition agreement with Illinois?   - OS
  10.   Not what the statute says and we haven't had a test case we know of yet where that has been contested -- so the instructor was only opining, like the rest of us.   - OS
  11.   Can I make a deal to see all my past dogs in heaven, but only selected relatives?   - OS
  12.   None of the good ones said that, only the ones Rove and Morris seemed to "interpret" beyond the actual poll findings. They must have convinced you too. :)   Rasmussen, Pew, and Gallup pegged it pretty well.   MSNBC had a ball for a week ragging all the idiot Republicans for not believing the polls.   - OS
  13.   Comparing the newer barrel style 580-581series with the older pencil barrel models adds an apples and oranges aspect to the discussion, btw.   - OS
  14.   Wow, here, FC is the highest grub in town.   On my big Sam's food run every six weeks or so, I save more than the $35 mem fee in the one trip compared to same from Kroger. And Kroger is a deal compared to FC.   I don't buy much food at Wally, but probably would if there weren't a Sam's next door to it.   My bucks are mostly amoral and apolitical, btw.   - OS
  15.   Looks like same decal type sign that was on the one here on the UT strip. Although that particular  BWW shut down a year ago or so.   - OS
  16.   I see quite a large difference between them myself.   One is what every gun buyer in the US already has for new gun purchases.   And yeah, they could already be cheating and have a permanent database of those, too.   - OS
  17.   McConnell has sworn it'll never get out of the Senate. Course he had to, since he comes up in '14 in KY.   More importantly though, beyond lip service that he's for it, Reid hasn't made any noise about getting it really moving.   - OS
  18. Bloody damn mess your greed has gotten you into. :)   - OS
  19.   from 39-17-1359.  Prohibition at certain meetings -- Posting notice.   ....... (3)  (A) If a sign is used as the method of posting, it shall contain language substantially similar to the following:          AS AUTHORIZED BY T.C.A. § 39-17-1359, POSSESSION OF A WEAPON ON POSTED PROPERTY OR IN A POSTED BUILDING IS PROHIBITED AND IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE.       ( B )As used in this section, "language substantially similar to" means the sign contains language plainly stating that:          (i) The property is posted under authority of Tennessee law;          (ii) Weapons or firearms are prohibited on the property, in the building, or on the portion of the property or building that is posted; and          (iii) Possessing a weapon in an area that has been posted is a criminal offense.       ( C ) A building, property or a portion of a building or property, shall be considered properly posted in accordance with this section if one (1) or both of the following is displayed in prominent locations, including all entrances primarily used by persons entering the property, building, or portion of the property or building where weapon possession is prohibited:          (i) The international circle and slash symbolizing the prohibition of the item within the circle; or          (ii) The posting sign described in this subdivision ( B )(3).
  20. So what's new? Bigger sign than the last one? Why were you boycotting them before but boycotting them even more now? - OS
  21.   Yeah, me too. Oops.     Lincoln's and MLK's.   - OS
  22.   Yeah, you will.   - OS
  23. Yep, I'm all for it too. Desperate times, desperate measures.   At least it'll screw some of the freelance gougers, so everyone can concentrate their ravings on the big official gougers.   - OS
  24.     Yep. EVERY poll. (re universal background checks). It's so strong that I still think it will happen. Actually, as you know, I've felt it might well happen during O's second term, even before Sandy Hook.   Hell, even Dubya was for it, said it in the Kerry debates, and still got elected (he was for extending the AWB, too, gulp). I don't think that single issue is the killer in the Republican electorate a lot of folks here do.   Universal registration database might still be though.   - OS
  25.   There is a list somewhere, I've seen it, think it's in a letter type ruling, not in the USC or CRF.   At any rate, suffice it to say, places like Walmart treat any common caliber known for handguns to be "handgun ammo". This includes .357mag, .38special, .25, .32, .40, .45, 9mm, 10mm, like that. .22 seems to be treated as either/both.   It's a very loosely enforced federal weapons law, mainly because how the heck could they really enforce with any degree of regularity?   - OS


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