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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Perhaps a closing comment: eBay/PayPal has actually loosened restrictions on firearm related items over time, with a big change about nine months ago.   Used to be you couldn't sell components that were necessary to make a gun actually fire, which included barrels, triggers, firing pins, magazines, receivers, bolts, you name it.   - OS
  2.   Yup, yours is equally valid point.  Definitely a PR failure by insider commenting on a PR failure.   - OS
  3. As logical an argument as exists.   I like much of Mamet's work, gratifying he feels this way about firearms and freedom too. And of course a rarity in the ranks of those associated with "show biz" in any way.   - OS
  4.   No threaded barrels, so all the Tactical models would be under the ban.   I guess the Target model would be too, I assume the "harmonic damper" is threaded on?   - OS
  5.   Well, maybe, but reading up on this a bit, nothing has really changed for the merchant. As a matter of fact, this came about after a deal with Mastercard and Visa where they agreed to reduce point of sale fee.   - OS
  6. "I don't think it was particularly helpful, that ad," Baker told Reuters in a telephone interview. "I thought it ill-advised."   I agree. Just like the iOS shooting game.   Doesn't matter that it was logical. The grabbers aren't using logic -- they're using better PR.   - OS
  7. Can tell you that Feinstein's bill S.150 or what it becomes, is the mover and shaker. All the others are just noise makers right now.   Still no text available for hers that I can find.   "S.150 Latest Title: A bill to regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Sen Feinstein, Dianne [CA] (introduced 1/24/2013)      Cosponsors (17) Latest Major Action: 1/24/2013 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.   The text of S.150 has not yet been received from GPO Bills are generally sent to the Library of Congress from the Government Printing Office a day or two after they are introduced on the floor of the House or Senate. Delays can occur when there are a large number of bills to prepare or when a very large bill has to be printed."   Select Feinstein from the list of Senators on this page:   http://thomas.loc.gov/home/thomas.php   Maybe it will surface elsewhere first, dunno.   - OS
  8.   No, it's the merchant that will be allowed to tack on a fee, no more than the credit card processor charges him.   If he chooses to. Must be posted at point of entry and point of sale and listed on receipt.   Illegal to do it in about 10 states, but not TN. Also can't add the fee to debit cards in any state.   I doubt if we'll see much of it. Credit card fees figure into merchant's over all pricing, always have.   - OS
  9.   PSA orders stay in "processing" for 15-20 days. :)
  10. Yup.   "Should all gun buyers undergo a background check to prevent purchases by felons and others denied ownership under existing federal law?"   "Should private firearm sales between individuals be banned?"   Likely big diff in results there.   - OS    
  11.   Still guilty of libel in California and New York, but TN has no extradition treaty.
  12.   Rule was "pejorative misspellings" of personal names, so his list seems fine. And no misspellings at all. :)   - OS
  13.   People who don't own them always say that.
  14.   Still hasn't gotten into .gov system yet I reckon, can't find link anywhere, not even on Feinstein's site.   - OS
  15.   It of course is and has been largely futile, but here's the link to do it online without paperwork:   https://apps.tn.gov/usetax/   - OS
  16.   Not a good example. Amazon notice regards TN sales/use tax, nothing to do with federal. IRS only concerns taxes on income, not spending. Cheat the IRS you're already in dutch under just the current laws.   - OS
  17. Amazon sent same notice last year for purchases made in 2011 (and big thread here then too).   This notice is for purchases made in 2012.   They'll send same notice next year for purchases made in 2013.   They'll begin adding sales tax on purchases made in 2014, so no more notices.   TN tax law hasn't changed in many years, everyone is supposed to pay use tax on untaxed purchases made outside the state. That includes, of course, firearms.   - OS
  18.   Well, there's spin and there's spin, and I don't know how they really selected the whopping 1,000 members out of 4.5 million, but I just don't believe that particular finding is accurate.   - OS
  19.   Nah.   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/57512-responses-from-legislators/?hl=legislators   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/57992-response-from-lamar-alexander/?hl=alexander   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/58153-lamar-alexanders-response-a-bit-better/?hl=alexander   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/58154-lamar-alexanders-response-a-bit-better/?hl=alexander   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/58170-i-got-this-reply-from-senator-alexanders-office/?hl=alexander
  20.   About the same percentage of eligible voters voted in 2012 as usual, around 57%.   - OS
  21. You can get your AR or 1911 through them.   Maybe.
  22.   He's such a corker, that Corker.
  23. "...the right to own firearms for shooting, hunting, and self-protection is important to me as a Tennessean and as an American."   I surmise he's not too hot on the idea of owning them to overthrow a corrupt and tyrannical government. :)   - OS
  24.   No, of course he's not, and note that went to his constituents.    And he made a public comment the other day about gun legislation not getting out of the Senate, or maybe it was just Feinstein's bill, I forget.    But he probably just wouldn't be saying anything about that right now if he wasn't but two years out, since he,  along with probably a third of the Dems in the Senate,  simply hope they won't have to do anything public about it at all.   - OS
  25.   Dunno about that, the pre-bill hype was much about guns "capable" of accepting high cap mags and the like, only actual exemption I saw was for "tube fed rifles". Whether true or false, that's how folks perceived it.   But that part's relatively moot, cause 10/22's  just virtually disappeared by Thanksgiving Day, before Sandy Hook/legislation,  folks were buying them just because BHO got reelected and they feared the worst. Plus there were crazy low sale prices on AR's and semi-auto 22's.   - OS


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