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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1.   All Mini14's have barrel shrouds, and the Tactical and Target models have threaded barrels, so not sure any Mini model would be okay after passage of the thing.   And I guess they'd have to cease manufacture of all folding or telescoping or barrel shrouded or hand gripped stocks for them.   - OS
  2.   Rube.   :)
  3.   Cue the laugh track.   'Fraid you'll have to find the one rube in the state who hasn't heard any news since before the election.   - OS
  4.   Well, of course the LEOSA statement in federal law doesn't mean that in every state an off-duty or retired officer is forbidden via the School Zone Act either,  as long as he is "licensed" by the state, just means that the LEOSA itself doesn't "license" him.   And "license" doesn't necessarily have to be confined to a "piece of paper", but rather "permission" which can granted in a state statute.   - OS
  5.   Well, being licensed by the state to carry is an exception to that. Hell, I could carry in TN schools under the federal law, it's state law that prevents me.   - OS
  6.   Yeah, too bad that durn interwebnet thang got in the way. ;)   Btw, I don't know of any merchant that shuns cash these days if you want to walk in the door with it, so seems to me you can operate the same way as the "good old days" iffen you want to.   - OS
  7. All true, but what are we to "do" about it?   BHO's joint interview with Hillary on 60 Minutes is obviously just to strengthen her position as heir apparent for the presidency in 2016, for example.   - OS
  8. So, everyone expects that all the government agencies now in existence who have firearms, from the US Army down to your local PD, would be limited to buying bolt and lever action rifles and 10 round handgun magazines?   It is to laugh.   - OS
  9.   I think it's more that the AWB/mag ban would kill the registration part. More I think about it, the more that it makes sense for the grabbers to attack on three separate fronts:   - firearms / mags themselves - background checks / registration - ammo   - OS
  10.   ObamaCare went all the way to Supreme Court long before the first person was ever fined for not having health insurance.   - OS
  11. You know what, I don't see anything in the whole bill about ending private sales, registration, etc?   And unless I didn't get it, looks like grandfathered weapons/mags can still be sold/transferred.   Rather surprising in the total scheme of things.   Maybe this is a big head fake, figuring that this one can only fail, so they can more easily enact "ending gun show loophole" and/or registration through another bill, since ending private sales seems the most likely thing to get done of everything proposed by the antis thus far.   'Course, there's a "gun show loophole" already has bill filed from the House,   http://www.opencongress.org/bill/113-h141/show   but there's a bunch of gun related bills filed there as far as I know, seems anything would have to come out of the Senate first to have any pressure on he House.   Blumenthal is supposedly gonna do an ammo restriction bill from the Senate, can't see where that's been filed yet though.   - OS
  12.   Other thread, coupon therein:   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/59226-knoxville-gunshow/?view=getnewpost
  13.   Yeah, interesting if true.  What kind of documentation we got for all that?   - OS
  14.   Actually just says "nobody has been arrested as of Wed. night"   "Guy" might not have been there to be arrested, who knows.   - OS
  15.   Renaming a specifically banned firearm to a specifically exempted firearm?   I think Shakespeare's line would legally apply: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."   Or in this case, "An R-15 by any other name would smell as sour".     - OS
  16.   Yep, read the universal config sections.   For just one of the many examples, a semi-auto rifle that can take a detachable mag is banned if it has a  threaded barrel whether it's named or not. So no matter how you "redesigned" it, you couldn't make a semi-auto with a threaded barrel, simple as that.   - OS    
  17.     Well, if it's redesigned to fit the parameters in the law, it wouldn't have any of the capability of what it's trying to replace, so why?   - OS
  18.     Ya got me. I've long been frustrated trying to find bills, amendments to them, proposed changes to existing CFRs that "explain" USCs, and etc.   - OS
  19. It's my understanding there were a bunch of other appointments also?   - OS
  20.   Didn't seem like you agreed with me at all. I wasn't ragging on PayPal. As David and ET Patriot state, it's the best existing solution for many a purpose, as long as you can use it under its TOS.   I also agree with ET Patriot -- I have never seen one whit of evidence that eBay or PayPal gives one little damn about firearms on a political level. Like Walmart, all decisions are made by micro-managing spread sheets; I'm sure they'd love to cover guns and ammo, but their figures must indicate that their liability is greater than the increased profit.    If they were "anti gun" there wouldn't be anything at all gun related allowed. Would actually be a much more easily enforced policy on their part, too.   - OS
  21. Btw, the PDF was made before submitted, I guess, it's S.150 in the 113th Congress, if anybody needs to look it up in some other interface.   - OS
  22.     The city attorney stated that motion would have been unenforceable under state law had it passed.   Posting may not even be an option there -- not all states are as idiotic as TN, to acknowledge a right/privilege, yet allow just about anyone to negate it.   - OS
  23. Ah, thanks, at last.   You can keep up with official actions here:   http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/D?d113:1:./temp/~bdKEkh:@@@L&summ2=m&|/home/LegislativeData.php|     Text still hasn't shown up there officially by GPO.       - OS
  24.   Always like seeing youse guys, but I'm bagging the show, only went to the last one at Jacobs to witness the historic/histrionic frenzy.   Somebody holler if you wind up doing latish lunch, might could meet.   - OS
  25.   Nazi.   /thread


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