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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. All it takes is a phone call to Sec. of Army to get things rolling. edit: I see new one hasn't been confirmed, matter of fact seems to be a bit of hissy fit between Trump and Mattis about who it will be. But there is an Acting one, so he could get it going I guess. - OS
  2. 22-45 with mouse or keyboard on desktop. As if. - OS
  3. and here (which contains David's explanation): https://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/101163-yall-missed-me/
  4. This comment regarding GA, or TN? - OS
  5. Yeah. I prefer leather, but for pocket carry, even I use kydex. And there are different thicknesses even of that, though that comes down to a fairly insignificant diff for the most part. - OS
  6. Yeah, even current "legacy" seed varieties had to be selectively bred and/or hybridized over the 5,000 years or so man has been farming, otherwise you'd only have wild predecessors, like grasses that are 90% chaff instead of the wheat/oats/barely we know, tomatoes the size of blackberries, whatever. Much the same with domesticated animals. - OS
  7. Correct. And Federal law accedes to state law even in the case of minors. - OS
  8. Just got my first one, which shows how big a glitch this is. - OS
  9. Simply isn't true under TN law. - OS
  10. Maybe they already had, dunno, but just noticed: complete upper (just need rear sight) 259.99: http://palmettostatearmory.com/ptac-16-carbine-1-7-phosphate-upper-with-bcg-ch-516444459.html Complete lower 139.99: http://palmettostatearmory.com/psa-ar-15-complete-blem-lower-classic-edition-no-magazine.html both with free shipping - OS
  11. Yes, I did forget to count the 8 years that the first 100 gets you, so in your case, you're correct, 74-75 depending on birthdate. So live long and prosper!! edit: that assumes we still have states at that point, or can have guns at all, or ..... - OS
  12. You'll save your first $6.25 when you're 67. - OS
  13. You always believe what a guv org prints is true? Option is so narrow, they probably don't care to mention it: From 39-17-1351: " (r) (C) (i) If a person who is a resident of and handgun permit holder in another state is employed in this state on a regular basis and desires to carry a handgun in this state, the person shall have six (6) months from the last day of the sixth month of regular employment in this state to obtain a Tennessee handgun carry permit. The permit may be issued based on the person having a permit from another state provided the other state has substantially similar permit eligibility requirements as this state. However, if during the six-month period the person applies for a handgun permit in this state and the application is denied, the person shall not be allowed to carry a handgun in this state based upon the other state's permit. (ii) This subdivision (r)(3)(C) shall not apply if the state of residence of the person employed in Tennessee has entered into a handgun permit reciprocity agreement with this state pursuant to this subsection (r). (iii) As used in this subdivision (r)(3)(C), "employed in this state on a regular basis" means a person has been gainfully employed in this state for at least thirty (30) hours a week for six (6) consecutive months not counting any absence from employment caused by the employee's use of sick leave, annual leave, administrative leave or compensatory time." - OS
  14. Dunno, at least since I got my permit about 10 years ago Well, we don't have a "non resident permit" per se, but if work experience qualifies, certain non-residents can get a standard TN HCP. - OS
  15. According to TFA, 6 states are not honoring TN HCP for 18-20 year old, too. They don't mention MN for some reason: "• Colorado will not honor permits issued to 18-20 year olds or non-resident permits. • Delaware, as of September 23, 2017, they will no longer recognize non-resident Tennessee permits. • Florida will not honor permits issued to 18-20 year olds or non-resident Tennessee permit holders • Nebraska will not honor 18-20 year old permits. • North Dakota will not honor permits issued to 18-20 year olds • Washington will no longer honor Tennessee permits. • West Virginia will not honor permits issued to 18-20 year olds or non-resident permits. • Wisconsin will not honor 18-20 year old permits." - OS
  16. Still $499.99 at Bud's, grab one now. https://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/93510/SIG+320F9B+320+9MM+STRKR+BLK+CONTRAST+SIGHTS+17rd - OS
  17. I'm sorta not really believing in this whole outfit. All this hype for three years now, and they still haven't sold the first AK. And now supposedly a shotgun and then a 9mm handgun and a 9mm carbine first, all before an actual AK? - OS
  18. Oh Shoot

    9mm 1911

    Been keeping that one in the back of my mind since it came out. - OS
  19. No limit federally. TN TICS has 3 gun limit if using phone, no limit if using online submission. - OS
  20. ?? Any number of states require a license to purchase and/or have firearm registration regardless of how the gun is acquired. - OS
  21. There are no licenses or permits or registrations to own firearms in TN. Want to feel secure in the other states for transport, do so according to safe passage part of federal lawthough you won't be going through any of the commie ones anyway. 18 U.S. Code § 926A - Interstate transportation of firearms "Notwithstanding any other provision of any law or any rule or regulation of a State or any political subdivision thereof, any person who is not otherwise prohibited by this chapter from transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport a firearm for any lawful purpose from any place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm to any other place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm if, during such transportation the firearm is unloaded, and neither the firearm nor any ammunition being transported is readily accessible or is directly accessible from the passenger compartment of such transporting vehicle: Provided, That in the case of a vehicle without a compartment separate from the driver’s compartment the firearm or ammunition shall be contained in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console." - OS
  22. Well, all very strange. I also had oddity on NYT Crossword site, where the drop down date menus for archived puzzles would be periodically grayed out for selection, maybe a related prob. No other performance issues on this puter. Both probs "fixed" themselves now. Just one of those things that make ya go hmm I reckon. - OS
  23. Here, this oughtta work for most everyone (at least on actual computer): http://www.macmcdougald.com/misc/Squirrel target-1.pdf click to open in whatever your browser uses, print or save from there or on puter, can also right click, "save link as" to save directly - OS
  24. Yow, that's still almost .30/round with tax plus the dime.


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