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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. I didn't personally know anyone at all who has died of Covid. So according to your premise, it's valid to surmise nobody has died of it at all. - OS
  2. Is it an alien concept here that one can simply ignore any given thread? Btw, Covid Delta is making a pretty significant upswing, especially here in the South, so traditionally now would be the appropriate time to double down and dismiss its importance. - OS
  3. Medical prevention/treatment of any malady is all about probability based on the availability of scientific evidence. In the US, some 600 Covid vaccinated people have so far been documented to have died with Covid itself being the primary cause of death. Compare with the +600K non-vaccinated folks who Rona croaked. I'll take the odds offered by that "worm" any day. - OS
  4. That a brand or a type or what, google no help. - OS
  5. It has been the existing policy to deny gun purchase if any alcohol related conviction has occurred in the last year, like PD or DUI. This has been a fairly long standing policy based on TCA 39-17-1316(a)(1), and to my knowledge has not changed. Still in the TBI Guide for FFLs publication, page 5: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjLnaeL58fxAhUem2oFHXgGBPkQFnoECAYQAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tn.gov%2Fcontent%2Fdam%2Ftn%2Ftbi%2Fdocuments%2FFFL_TN_Guide_2016.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0jVNBiW3WJv96fbhGNenjl - OS
  6. Okay. Still lower yet. TN average daily Covid deaths: (2020) March 0.7 (first death 3/21/20 but averaged over entire month) April 5.8 May 5.3 June 8.0 July 14.7 Aug 22.5 Sept 23.2 Oct 29.0 Nov 41.9 Dec 74.3 (2021) Jan 88.4 Feb 62.8 Mar 15.9 Apr 9.7 May 8.1 June 3.8 total TN deaths thru 6/30/21: 12,568 - OS
  7. Obviously I meant re Covid -- certainly the 40-60 age group isn't particularly high risk re seasonal flu. But of course, Covid hasn't really killed anyone at all, so why even mention it, right? - OS
  8. I'd expect lots of sick Americans again by early winter. The death toll shouldn't be anything like before but still likely significant, and likely most from the 40-60 age group. - OS
  9. Still on a downward path, but stubbornly. TN average daily Covid deaths: (2020) March 0.7 (first death 3/21/20) April 5.8 May 5.3 June 8.0 July 14.7 Aug 22.5 Sept 23.2 Oct 29.0 Nov 41.9 Dec 74.3 (2021) Jan 88.4 Feb 62.8 Mar 15.9 Apr 9.7 May 8.1 total TN deaths thru 6/1/21: 12,465 - OS
  10. Great minds... I've pocket carried my Kahr PM9 for at least a decade now, 6+1 with 6 more in another pocket. Probably plenty. But I never had quite the same secure feeling of my first 3 years or so with an XD subbie carried IWB. So got by Harvey's the other day, first time in well over a year, and surprisingly they had just gotten some Hellcats. Compared to the PM it is .5" longer, all other dimensions same. No brainer, jumped on it. Soon as my Alabama pocket holster comes in, I'll be doing 11+1 plus whatever spare I decide on (Springfield is making a 15 rounder now, so that might be an option). Also, though the Kahr is rather unique trigger which I don't hate, I do prefer the exact release point and short reset of the Hellcat. I do wish they had named it something a bit less bellicose sounding just for the PR of carrying in general, but whatever. - OS
  11. Hell, there was a SCOTUS decision in 1922 upholding vac requirements in public schools. As far as Boston and MA, just to cite a couple: https://www.wired.com/2009/12/dec-15-1827-boston-schools-require-vaccination/ CDC PDF: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjeuZabmOPwAhULWs0KHYOQAXMQFnoECCgQAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fvaccines%2Fimz-managers%2Fguides-pubs%2Fdownloads%2Fvacc_mandates_chptr13.pdf&usg=AOvVaw26Js62ZbiqZNFftQCffJY0 - OS
  12. Boston required proof of smallpox vac in 1827. All of MA required it by 1850 or so. - OS
  13. Almost 2 centuries now. - OS
  14. TN Daily Average Covid Deaths Well, still declining, but haven't exactly knocked it out yet, that's for sure: Jan 88.4 Feb 62.8 Mar 15.9 Apr 9.7 May 1-7 53 deaths May 8-14 65 deaths running total 118 deaths/8.4 per day - OS
  15. TN average daily Covid deaths: (2020) March 0.7 (first death 3/21/20) April 5.8 May 5.3 June 8.0 July 14.7 Aug 22.5 Sept 23.2 Oct 29.0 Nov 41.9 Dec 74.3 (2021) Jan 88.4 Feb 62.8 Mar 15.9 Apr 9.7 total TN deaths thru 4/30/21: 12,197 - OS
  16. That ruling relies on a lower being first configured as a pistol. The gray area is whether an NFA SBR becomes a "new original" firearm, regardless of previous history. And of course that firearm is a rifle. - OS
  17. Oh, meant to mention, one other thing a transferee should probably never do is make an AR pistol using that NFA registered lower. Although admittedly a gray area, I think most would argue that no matter the original provenance of the lower, a new "original" firearm was created, a rifle, when NFA registered and the long ago now updated rule is of course "first a rifle always a rifle". So a good idea if selling it as receiver or whole rifle to warn the buyer against this, just in case, IMNSHO. - OS
  18. Well, I don't have a dog in the fight, but respectfully, you've missed on this one. Removing the short barrel from an SBR removes it from NFA purview. It becomes a normal CGA firearm, ie a receiver. Changing to a 16" barrel (a properly pinned barrel of that length counts also), makes it a normal CGA rifle. Which may be traveled with across state lines without a form, and may be sold under same provisions as any other CGA rifle. Because it is no longer an SBR, as unlike a machine gun, ATF considers the configuration of SBR/SBS in the "totality of its configuration. Now, the original lower is still "in the registry" and though not required, is a good idea to notify ATF in writing of it's current state and your desire to permanently remove it from the registry, and it's usually suggested to send it via registered mail to get a signature receipt. (Although nothing is ever actually "removed" from the registry, even a destroyed firearm, it is simply annotated as to its new status.) The one proviso is to never have in your possession a short barrel that fits the firearm without its having a legal use other than making a short barreled rifle, but of course that is the same for any rifle configuration. I offer as support the following FAQ in my archives from ATF site, which I admit has changed around to where I can't find it onsite there anymore. I think they do that every few years to keep everyone guessing. Note the last paragraph in particular as regards SBR and long barrel. -------------------- Q: May I transfer the receiver of a short-barrel rifle or shotgun to an FFL or to an individual as I would any GCA firearm? A: Yes. A weapon that does not meet the definition of a NFA firearm is not subject to the NFA and a possessor or transferor needn't comply with NFA requirements. The firearm is considered a GCA firearm and may be transferred under the provisions of that law. Q: Who is responsible for notifying the NFA Branch when I transfer the GCA firearm to a FFL or another individual? A: There is no requirement that the transferor or transferee of a GCA firearm notify the NFA branch of a transfer or that either party determine whether the firearm was previously registered under the NFA. There is no also no requirement for the registrant or possessor of a NFA firearm to notify ATF of the removal of features that caused the firearm to be subject to the NFA; however, ATF recommends the owner notify the NFA Branch in writing if a firearm is permanently removed from the NFA. Q: What is the registered part of a Short Barreled Rifle (SBR) or Short Barreled Shotgun (SBS)? A: While a receiver alone may be classified as a firearm under the Gun Control Act (GCA), SBRs and SBSs are classified in totality under the National Firearms Act (NFA). A firearm that meets the definition of a SBR consists of a rifle that has a barrel less than 16 inches in length. A SBS consists of a shotgun that has a barrel less than 18 inches in length. The serialized receiver is recorded for registration in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record (NFRTR). Q: I possess a properly registered SBR or SBS. I intend to strip the receiver and remove the barrel prior to selling the receiver. Is the bare receiver still subject to regulation under the NFA as a SBR or SBS? A: A stripped receiver without a barrel does not meet the definition of a SBR or SBS under the NFA. Although the previously registered firearm would remain registered unless the possessor notified the NFA Branch of the change, there is no provision in statute or regulation requiring registration of a firearm without a barrel because its physical characteristics would make it only a GCA firearm pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(3)(B). If the subsequent owner buys the receiver as a GCA firearm and installs a barrel less than 16 inches in length (SBR) or 18 inches in length (SBS), the firearm would be subject to a $200 making tax and registration under the NFA by the manufacturer or maker of the SBR or SBS. Because registration depends upon the stated intent of the applicant, there is no provision to allow registration of a NFA firearm by anyone other than the maker or manufacturer. Q: If I remove the short barrel from the registered SBR or SBS, is the receiver still subject to NFA transfer and possession regulations? A: If the possessor retains control over the barrel or other parts required to assemble the SBR or SBS, the firearm would still be subject to NFA transfer and possession regulations. ATF recommends contacting State law enforcement officials to ensure compliance with state and local law. Q: Does the installation of a barrel over 16 inches in length (SBR) or 18 inches in length (SBS) remove the firearm from the purview of the NFA? If so, is this considered a permanent change? A: Installation of a barrel greater than 16 inches in length (SBR) or 18 inches in length (SBS) will remove the firearm from the purview of the NFA provided the registrant does not maintain control over the parts necessary to reconfigure the firearm as a SBR or SBS. ----- - OS
  19. Well, third week this month, while of course still the best news in months, is perhaps boding more of plateau range than constant improvement? Dunno. TN daily Covid deaths: Apr 1-7 72 Apr 8-14 56 Apr 15-21 79 Running total: 207 9.8 deaths per day -------- Jan total: 2,743 88.4 deaths per day Feb Total: 1,761 62.8 deaths per day March Total: 493 15.9 deaths per day - OS
  20. Thread has drifted, but police say the two rifles he used were legally purchased. Didn't specifically say from an FFL but that seems to be the assumption. - OS
  21. Okay, second week this month continues overall down trend after the little blip toward first of the month: (2021) Jan 1-7 585 Jan 8-14 740 jan 15-21 452 jan 22-28 733 Jan 29-31 233 total: 2,743 88.4 deaths per day (2021) Feb 1-7 819 117.0 Feb 8-14 464 66.2 Feb 15-21 200 28.5 Feb 22-28 278 39.7 Total: 1,761 62.8 deaths per day (2021) Mar 1-7 136 Mar 8-14 80 Mar 15-21 86 Mar 22-28 139 Mar 29-31 52 Total: 493 15.9 deaths per day (2021) Apr 1-7 72 Apr 8-14 56 Running total: 128 9.1 deaths per day - OS
  22. For enough of the world to be vaccinated to bring Covid to bay, the J&J seems to provide the best hope due to the minimal refrigeration need, one dose admin, efficacy, and price. The AstraZeneca is similar, but the two dose regimen is a significant drawback. - OS
  23. Reporting now that according to TBI, cops called re a kid with a gun, found in restroom. He wouldn't come out, cops went in, kid shot at cops, hitting one, they killed him. https://www.wate.com/news/top-stories/multiple-people-shot-including-kpd-officer-at-austin-east-magnet-high-school/ - OS
  24. Pfizer is 21 days, Moderna is 28 days. Those are the minimums, a week or two or even longer doesn't seem to make a diff in studies so far. - OS
  25. Knoxville Dept of Health did, at least through the one I wound up at, ET Children's Hospital. - OS


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