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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1.   Again, not needed to do one myself, but doesn't look bad at all, here removed,  and replaced with nothing more than using a cartridge as aid?:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWTpPMYW-CA   - OS
  2.   Far out. Looks like "civilization" in an urb somewhere, somehow.   - OS
  3.   And both extractor and ejector are removed?  I've never used one, but every guide I've read says neither should be present.   - OS
  4.   Perhaps it's actually a no-go gauge?   - OS
  5.   Why is the amendment even necessary to do any of that?    I see it as a rallying battle cry, to help justify the most extreme limitations possible they think they can get away with, achieving a de facto abortion ban.  Just like MS and some other states:   http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/30/us/mississippi-abortion-clinic-federal-court-blocks-closing.html?_r=0   - OS
  6. dang, blew it again, meant to edit a previous one.
  7. Yeah, maybe they're having to prep for a deadline with a contractor or something, who knows? I'd give it more than one nights worth of irritation before making a stink, myself.   - OS
  8.   Last time I had Flonase it was still prescription only, but looks like it will be available in Spring of next year as OTC.   It's Fluticasone Propionate. Is that what that Floticison is? Is it OTC or is there another that already is?   - OS
  9. superfluous post
  10.   Probably not the best of ideas. Both safer and more effective in long run to try one antihistamine derivative at a time for maybe 5 days to see which if any are effective.   edit: I see Sudafed is not an antihistamine, never mind. But staying with one antihistimine for a number of days to test is still good advice I think. They seem to be somewhat "cumulative" in nature, need to get a constant saturation to see if effective.   By the way, for quick temporary relief of the maddening eye itch and crud is use dab of baby shampoo on fingers lather it up and use lather with fingers gently with eyes half open, no kidding, get in slightly under bottom edges of eyelids even. Rinse well with cold or at least cool water, not warm, dry, then lubricating eye drops, NOT any of the "get the red out" types. Cool compress will take town any swelling a good bit too.   I actually have to do this most every morning to get out crud from dry eye syndrome, similar chronic condition. If you need to look like your haven't been smoking pot to go out, you can use Visine or whatever to get the red out :),  but the lubricating type drops are better all around for comfort.   Assuming it is indeed some kind of pollen/spore caused, be sure and wash your hair/beard at least once a day, hair attracts and holds and distributes the pollen back to your face to breathe in again.   - OS
  11.   AFAIK, US Army doesn't issue any knives for good many years now, except maybe a bayo sometimes? And those units that do get one, it ain't a Ka-Bar anymore.   - OS
  12.   Don't bother, long past when that would help, they've released their pollen long ago, I believe none is left at all except residual already circulating in atmosphere.   - OS
  13. I'm an old hand regarding ragweed, only thing I'm seriously allergic to, started suddenly when I was in late 30's, woke up one Labor Day morning in the country with my eyes swelled and glued shut, no idea what it was. Eyes the worst part, viewed from the side so swollen the cornea area looks like flat section with eyeball bulged over it top and bottom. Besides the itching and other allergy symptoms, doc said eye reaction very bad, high eye pressure and whatnot, have to treat it. At any rate, if your symptoms started well before end of Aug, and have gotten worse recently, it's almost certainly not ragweed, at least as the prime culprit. Main pollen release is like Labor Day through first week of Oct. here in E TN. I can roll in it the day before the pollen is released with no symptoms at all, matter of fact I machete all of it around the complex here toward the end of Aug. Nothing like the amount of it as in the country, but a perimeter of the Giant Ragweed all around the place, 12 footers. When it's "ripe" you can shake a plant as see the yellow cloud. Of course cutting the nearby stuff isn't possible in the boonies, as it's everywhere around you in most places, and it may not even really help even here in the urb, as the pollen circulates everywhere, they sample it even in the very extremities of the upper atmosphere. At any rate, through the years I always went with the magic bullet of the day, and for years that was Tavist once it became OTC and then also generic, and then later Claratin, which I still use, but of course the generic drug itself, Loratadine, half the price using CVS/Walgreen store brand, or even less in bulk bottles from Sam's. Loratadine has been quite effective through the years for me, again though, doubling the dose to every 12 hours. In all cases of using both through the years, I've doubled the dose though, taking every 12 hours instead of once every 24. It's gotten less virulent for me through the years, so my system has changed some, just like it had changed to suddenly become allergic to it, and I seldom have to dose against it these days, at least here in the urb. Also, I discovered about 10 years ago by accident that low carbing helped significantly during ragweed season. Long story on theory of why it does, but lots of people have found same with lots of different allergies, not just the ragweed. At any rate, though, again, if your symptoms have gotten significantly worse during Oct than Sept, and worse over last two weeks, don't see any way it's ragweed that's primary cause. At any rate, assuming your problem is some sort of specific allergy, highly recommend trying the generic for Claratin, every 12 hours for a few days. I've found it's fairly important that it doesn't lapse in system too, seems a constant level of it is much more effective than trying to only use it when symptomatic and "catching back up" with the histamines. Even though I'm doubtful of the ragweed as your prime suspect you might eventually have to have the tests done to see. Our bodies change. Can tell you that if you are still having significant symptoms after first hard frost, if indeed it is an allergy, then it's likely not from outside, but something else common that you've become suddenly sensitive too, like, gulp, cat or dog dander. (I certainly hope not). Could even be something in diet that body chemistry now doesn't like, wheat and other grains are often prime suspects, which plays into the overall low carbing thing I mentioned earlier in post. - OS
  14. Hi Gary...threw ya a few bucks not too long ago, keep up the good work.   As of previous legislature this year, guns in personal vehicles are now lawful for anyone not prohibited from owning them. No carry permit or whatever involved. Pertinent section of amended statute in TCA (Tennessee Code Annotated) in bold below.   best,   Mac   ---------   39-17-1307.  Unlawful carrying or possession of a weapon.   (a)  (1) A person commits an offense who carries, with the intent to go armed, a firearm or a club.    (2)  (A) The first violation of subdivision (a)(1) is a Class C misdemeanor, and, in addition to possible imprisonment as provided by law, may be punished by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500).       (B) A second or subsequent violation of subdivision (a)(1) is a Class B misdemeanor.       (C) A violation of subdivision (a)(1) is a Class A misdemeanor if the person's carrying of a handgun occurred at a place open to the public where one (1) or more persons were present. (b)  (1) A person commits an offense who unlawfully possesses a firearm, as defined in § 39-11-106, and:       (A) Has been convicted of a felony involving the use or attempted use of force, violence, or a deadly weapon; or       (B) Has been convicted of a felony drug offense.    (2) An offense under subdivision (b)(1)(A) is a Class C felony.    (3) An offense under subdivision (b)(1)(B) is a Class D felony. (c)  (1) A person commits an offense who possesses a handgun and has been convicted of a felony.    (2) An offense under subdivision (c)(1) is a Class E felony. (d)  (1) A person commits an offense who possesses a deadly weapon other than a firearm with the intent to employ it during the commission of, attempt to commit, or escape from a dangerous offense as defined in § 39-17-1324.    (2) A person commits an offense who possesses any deadly weapon with the intent to employ it during the commission of, attempt to commit, or escape from any offense not defined as a dangerous offense by § 39-17-1324.    (3)  (A) Except as provided in subdivision (d)(3)(B), a violation of this subsection (d) is a Class E felony.       (B) A violation of this subsection (d) is a Class E felony with a maximum fine of six thousand dollars ($6,000), if the deadly weapon is a switchblade knife. (e)  (1) It is an exception to the application of subsection (a) that a person is carrying or possessing a firearm or firearm ammunition in a motor vehicle if the person:       (A) Is not prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm by 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) or purchasing a firearm by § 39-17-1316; and       (B) Is in lawful possession of the motor vehicle.    (2) As used in this subsection (e):       (A) "Motor vehicle" has the same meaning as defined in § 55-1-103;       (B) "Motor vehicle" does not include any motor vehicle that is:          (i) Owned or leased by a governmental or private entity that has adopted a written policy prohibiting firearms or ammunition not required for employment within such a motor vehicle; and          (ii) Provided by such entity to an employee for use during the course of employment. (f)  (1) A person commits an offense who possesses a firearm, as defined in § 39-11-106(a), and:       (A) Has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 921, and is still subject to the disabilities of such a conviction;       (B) Is, at the time of the possession, subject to an order of protection that fully complies with 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(8); or       (C) Is prohibited from possessing a firearm under any other state or federal law.    (2) If the person is licensed as a federal firearms dealer or a responsible party under a federal firearms license, the determination of whether such an individual possesses firearms that constitute the business inventory under the federal license shall be determined based upon the applicable federal statutes or the rules, regulations and official letters, rulings and publications of the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives.    (3) For purposes of this section, a person does not possess a firearm, including, but not limited to, firearms registered under the National Firearms Act, compiled in 26 U.S.C. § 5801 et seq., if the firearm is in a safe or similar container that is securely locked and to which the respondent does not have the combination, keys or other means of normal access.    (4) A violation of subdivision (f)(1) is a Class A misdemeanor and each violation constitutes a separate offense.    (5) If a violation of subdivision (f)(1) also constitutes a violation of § 36-3-625(h) or § 39-13-113(h), the respondent may be charged and convicted under any or all such sections. HISTORY: Acts 1989, ch. 591, § 1; 1990, ch. 1029, § 6; 2007, ch. 412, § 1; 2007, ch. 594, § 3; 2008, ch. 1166, § 1; 2008, ch. 1176, § 1; 2009, ch. 431, § 1; 2009, ch. 455, § 6; 2010, ch. 793, § 1; 2012, ch. 726, § 1; 2014, ch. 647, §§ 4, 5; 2014, ch. 870, § 1.  
  15.   No no. Overall length is only a factor if you want to use a vertical forward grip. Totally tangential discussion. The brace can be used on any firearm, any way you can attach it.     Well, nothing on a pistol but the "firearm" or "weapon" itself or grip on the ass end has ever been clearly ruled as adding to legal OAL. So far, that's only a buffer tube on AR direct impingement pistols, as of course that is a necessary part of the firearm.   It's legal to put anything you like on the ass end of a firearm except a stock in certain configs or a device that allows auto fire, but that doesn't mean it contributes to legal OAL any more than would a banana.   If you didn't read it, Dolo has written ATF for a ruling as to whether adding a buffer tube to an AK pistol adds legal OAL, so we'll see. That would allow many folks to do a VFG on AR pistols, and he will be exalted among AKdom if so!     Nope. ATF measures OAL in long guns with stock fully extended, whether collapsible or folding or both. Not pertinent to handguns for obvious reasons.   Read my reply in middle, brace certainly can't count in length, unless they make some ruling that it does.   - OS
  16.   You have to cut golf grips off if you want to remove them, though. Pretty final solution for a $100+ item. Some folks use hair spray, does similar but can get it back off without too much trouble.   But most don't use anything. KAK tube and some similar now have flange for the original SB15 so it can't slide forward, and side to side isn't much of a prob. The new SBX has wall in the end, so it's restrained from forward motion with that.   The brace spec is for tubes of 1.0-1.2" OD, which most are. Some are slightly bigger and not only do folks have a bear of a time getting them on, but it stretches the channel out, and they might no longer fit a different tube (though some have heated then cooled them to get some shrinkage back).   - OS
  17.   On AR a 10.3" or 10.5" barrel with an extended buffer tube like the KAK model made for the brace makes it.  Standard pistol buffer tube or carbine tube will fall short. Measured from end of barrel threads to end of buffer tube. Muzzle device only counts in barrel length and hence overall length if permanently attached.   - OS
  18. Fairly recent thread:   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/82338-ar15-carry-handle-quality/?hl=%2Bcarry+%2Bhandle   - OS
  19. Call from some in legislature there to give police more wide ranging powers.   Maybe they should have simply given that guard a freaking bullet for his rifle?   - OS
  20. Of course, now there's already a lower price, $134.95 also free shipping.   https://www.rockwellarms.com/Store/ProductDetails/Sig-Sauer-SBX-Pistol-Stabilizing-Brace-SBX-AR-BLK   I guess they'll get down to the $110 range like the SB15 did eventually if enough of them get made.   - OS
  21.   http://www.survivalistboards.com/showthread.php?t=369669
  22.   Gonna go ahead and use mine on PAP. I kinda like the cleaner less bulky look of the thing myself.   - OS
  23.   If you only have one DUI in last 10 years, doesn't matter when it occurred (after the first year anyway). Both conditions have to met to be denied. The "and" between the clauses is important.   You can get an HCP with a single DUI any time after you are no longer serving sentence for it as Class A misdemeanor, which I believes counts the year's probation that is usually part of the normal conviction.   You can also get HCP with two DUI convictions in last 10 years if both are over 5 years old. Which is to say, if OP's last conviction is now for sure over 5 years from date of application, he can get his HCP now.   For doubters,  here's feller not long ago in same situation:   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/59670-ccw-questions/   - OS
  24.   Yep, mine came too, tracking just wasn't updated when we talked.   - OS
  25.   Yup. Picture shows my legal non-NFA firearm. When I remove the VFG,  it's magically a handgun again.   And by the way, the qualifying length is 26.0", if you trust your own measurement absolutely. ;)   - OS


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