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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Ah, did NOT know that. Thanks for the quick reply... - OS
  2. On thing re that site...a few states are listed as honoring "TN Res Permits Only". I assume "res" means "resident"? If so, what's the deal? TN doesn't issue permits to NON-residents, right? - OS
  3. According to TCA, the only involvement that the FBI has is to check the fingerprints against its database. Since that is a computerized automated search, it should not take long. - OS
  4. That's really bad news. TN Code does say 90 days, period. Doesn't stipulate business days. From 39-17-1351: "(l) The department shall issue a permit to an applicant not prohibited from obtaining a permit under this section no later than ninety (90) days after the date the department receives the application." - OS
  5. Yeppers, yer exactly right. For 1000 rounds: WalMart: 18.52 x 10 boxes/100 + tax = 202.33 AimSurplus: 20 boxes/50 at 8.25 + shipping = 179.63 (.25/box off for 20 or more and shipping is not much more than for small buy, as you say) I was thinking too small :-) -OS
  6. 8.50 for 50 rounds x 2 + shipping = 25.07 WWB at WallyWorld 18.52 for 100 plus tax (1.71) = 20.23 both 115 grain FMJ. What am I missing here? - OS
  7. Geez, I thought I was...certainly no offense meant. Welcome... - OS
  8. Nope, sorry, not correct at all. Any number of states do NOT have reciprocity with TN but honors TN permits AND TN honors theirs: Alabama Colorado Delaware Indiana (many more) Incidentally, TN honors a few states' permits whose states do NOT honor Tennessee's in return. -OS
  9. Well, duh...actually just noticed this area, already been posting for a little while. Really glad to see a "local" site dedicated to firearms and issues; and it's even quite active! Recently pretty much retired from a lifelong hodgepodge of occupations and thought I'd get my firearm situation in a little better order; and since I've usually carried a gun in the car anyway, thought I'd go ahead and get legit with it, especially since I got in a little trouble regarding that years ago (only wound up losing the gun but hey, was a nice Ruger .357). And with things looking crazier every day in our poor country, I'm sure I'll be an every day carry guy, too. Here's my current self-defense arsenal, below. That's a Remington 870, Ruger .357 (yep, replaced the long ago one), old Charter .38 Undercover, Kahr PM9 (which will be main carry if I ever get the dang permit in hand), old H&R .22 nine shot, Cobra .38 derringer. (not pictured: Cold Steel Recon 1 big ass folding knife). I've also got my very first gun, given to me on my 12th birthday. Remington Fieldmaster .22 pump. Works as well as the day it was made and sits loaded in the closet. Also have my grandad's old 1900 Remington double barrel 12 ga. I learned to shoot with it and the .22 pump. I'm pretty sentimental about it, but have decided to sell it. I'm only child with no kids, so someday when I'm gone, so is it - might as well be in the hands of an appreciate collector. Well, enough rambling. See y'all around the forum. - OS
  10. He has link to another holster maker, Del Fatti, who announces on opening page they are "Building orders from: May 2006". Wow, talk about exclusive! - OS
  11. I recently went through 50 rounds of a hundred round box of WWB .38 from Wal-Mart with two different wheelers. Shooting old Charter Arms .38 Undercover, had two failure to fires, one each in two different loadings. Looked at the strike, looked just as deep as on the ones that fired. In both cases, reshot the round and it fired. First thought was that the old gun was maybe not hitting with same force every time. Then lo and behold, somewhere within 15 shots of a fairly new Ruger SP101, had one shell do same thing. Reshot it and it fired. Also went through 100 rounds of WWB 9mm in Kahr without probs, though. So, I dunno... - OS
  12. 75' is not really a self-defense situation. If you need to shoot someone at 75 feet, you are in a gun battle of some sort or you've probably exceeded your legal self-defense zone. I'm not saying that it couldn't be a "legal" shooting, but it would take some odd extenuating circumstances for you to be totally exonerated. (.02 + inflation opinion) - OS
  13. I've read these work well... They aren't "grips", but look even neater. Might need a diff holster, though. http://www.armalaser.com/Kahr-KAHR.html OS
  14. StellarRigs.com .. they're in FL. $49. They don't make but a few like this for a few mouseguns. The Kahr is the biggest piece they make this for. The hole if for a tensioner screw, but I'm not using it, since the Kahr slides right out easily and I don't really need it held in there any tighter. Also, the Kahr comes with two mags, the second one is a little longer, holds extra round with a pinkie extension on it. But it's too long for the mag holder part of the holster. I could keep the longer one in the gun, but that just adds a little more width to the whole shebang, so I've ordered a second 6 shot mag. Gives 12 +1. If that doesn't do it, well, you know... OS
  15. I did it at CC also. Heck, I used a 1950's H&R .22 revolver, 9 shot. The kind where you have to REMOVE the cylinder to reload Never really tried to precisely hit anything with it before; left/right was good, but either I or it shot high at all distances. But good enough. OS
  16. Wow, that's quite a pocketful, bout 7x5 inches not counting holster. I'm not quite carrying in public yet, don't have HCP in hand yet, but been carrying around the house with this, getting used to it. (Kahr PM9, StellarRigs pocket holster):
  17. Well, you know, like ... what model gun? ( get a mousegun and you can just hide it between rolls ) -OS
  18. Nice handguns. They make a pocket holster for these, or you use IWB? -OS
  19. Oh Shoot

    Kahr guns?

    I have Kahr PM9. Love it. Haven't even finished the suggested 200 round break in, have shot about 120 through it...the only "failure" I've had was ONE time the slide didn't fully close between rounds, but I ascribe this to either limp wristing or fact that it was in the first 30 rounds or so. Gun is very tight from the factory. As described in the manual, best to clean/lube the gun before ever firing first time, as factory lube might have aged and gotten sticky. Remington UMC, Winchester White Box, Remington JHP all feed fine. Just got some Hyda Shok which will test soon. The present generation of the PM's seem to have worked out the bugs I read from earlier posts/models. One thing to emphasize though, is to feed that first round in by using the slide stop/release. Apparently, as they get looser, you can manually pull slide for first round to chamber, but this method is not 100% guaranteed to work. If you want full mag capacity, chamber first round from mag with slide stop, then remove mag and replace the round and replace mag. I'm also very impressed with the accuracy. I don't claim to be much of a marksman all in all, but the "dot the I" sights are easy to quickly line up. I first fired this thing at an outdoor range, and 15 or so yds was closest they let you shoot there. Hand held, all shots were in upper torso, and using elbow on bench, all shots were pretty much "heart" shots. The recoil is, surprisingly, really not much of an issue. Pricey piece, but I had done a lot of research on the "perfect" CCW weapon. And for me, this is it. Good blend of caliber/concealment. I wanted a pocket gun, and this is about as large a one as is expedient. Desantis Nemesis is good option for this, but after lots of research, I spent $50 and got a Kydex jobbie from StellarRigs.com, that is exactly the same size as the Nemesis, and even holds spare (6 shot) mag. I love it. When I get a round tuit, I'll do better photos and a review on site here. - OS
  20. Looks like the Men in Black will issue their decision tomorrow morning. Though it doesn't affect us directly in TN, every victory supporting 2nd Amendment rights is a good one. Just one of many blurbs, this one from Washington Post: http://tinyurl.com/5dwugs
  21. Very helpful for the OP from Smyrna. I'm sure he'll pop right over and avail himself of this OS
  22. Hi everyone...first post... Now, only 18 months later: "Since October 1996, the Department of Safety has issued more than 339,000 handgun carry permits." Around 5% of our total population now. OS


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