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Everything posted by vujade

  1. Any of these movies 'get you into a gun'?   I shared in my post above what got me into 1911s.  This isn't a movie but the game "Red Dawn Redemption" got me into lever actions. =)
  2. I liked the original one but I didn't like the new one.    You know a good modern 'red dawn' like movie (also on Netflix) is "Tomorrow when the war began".
  3. Hi guys.   Let's share some of your favorite movies where guns play a central role.  This can be war movies (I love "Enemy at the Gates) or movies that focus on gun sports or any others... I'll share this one:   It's on Netflix.  "Triple Tap".    It's actually one movie that got me interested into 1911s and now curious about shooting sports.  The first part is actually really good until they tried to make it 'Hollywood' but in the end, it's still a fun movie.    I found interesting the showing of gun laws in Hong Kong as well.    Here is a teaser:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icsaeOiHN7A     The trailer:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJfwM1b8h5I   a 'summary' :   Champion competitive marksman Ken Kwan (Louis Koo) comes across an armored van robbery. He sees a policeman being held hostage and shoots and kills four of the robbers. One of the robbers escapes and the policeman survives. The case is handled by Officer Jerry Chong (Daniel Wu), a fellow competitive shooting enthusiast whom Ken has recently defeated in a match. The two men had befriended each other after the competition. Although Ken's actions were controversial in heavily gun-controlled Hong Kong, the court finds him to be not guilty and he is released a hero. Soon after, Ken is attacked by the escaped robber Pang Tao. Their confrontation opens up a very different background story and brings about a myriad of lies and traps and changes in relationship as Jerry and Ken try to outsmart each other.    
  4. Great; thank you guys!  I'll keep loading the 4.3 grains of Bullseye (200 LSWC)!
  5. I'm looking at some of my fired brass. They all have a 'black soot' on one side. It's assuming it's some gas blowing back one side of the case after firing. Is that normal?
  6. Thanks for sharing Murgatroy.  I hear stories like this and I regain confidence in humanity.
  7. My wife was going to get me some shiny shoes for work/church; I talked her into just giving me the cash and I picked up some primers and bullets. =)   I even wrapped if up for her and put it under the tree and acted surprised when I opened them.
  8. 1911's trigger has gotten me spoiled.    What causes a particular trigger (this on an old Sig p228) to be (best described) 'Mushy".  It doesn't break cleanly, there seems to be some mush with no particular place I can judge where it breaks, it just does.   What trigger parts/modifications can be done to an old sig to improve it's trigger?   Thanks,
  9. Yep. it's a EGW Melt Bushing as well.  The Inside of the bushing didn't require any fitting.  The SW barrel fits in but but it's tight enough to feel some friction as you insert the bushing.   But, it would not fit into the slide at all.  If I remember right, the Slide's ID was .7010 and the Bushings's OD was .7015.   So it took me 1-2 hours to take enough off.  (I used 1000-2000 grit sandpaper with oil and just kept going around the bushing's OD until it went down in size).  Now it fits but it's very tight.    I assume as long as I can hand cycle the gun without it binding, I'm ok?
  10. More info:   This is a pre-e series SW1911.  I have an older thread here where it had some horrible accuracy.  S&W changed out the barrel and it's tightened the groups considerably.  I'm always looking for that ragged one hole though.   I'm using hand-loaded ammunition (Winchester cases, Tula primers, 4.3 grains of Bullseye pushing a 200 grain LSWC from Missouri Bullet Company).
  11. Is there such a thing as a barrel bushing that is "too tight"?   I'm getting 2-3.5 inch groups with a 1911 right now.  I'm curious what a new barrel bushing will do for accuracy.  The old bushing wasn't loose but it wasn't tight either.   The old/stock bushing can be easily removed by hand (barrel slips in/out easily.  it'll fall off the slide if you tip it upside down.  The barrel will freely slide in and out without effort.   I ordered an EGW bushing.  The barrel slides in and out with minimal friction just at the tip of the barrel.   It wouldn't fit into the slide so I sanded until it did.  It now requires "moderate" effort to get it in and some bit of elbow grease to get it out.  It definitely needs a wrench to turn.  I am able to pull the slide back and forward without added effort (so there must be enough for the barrel to slightly tilt).   Will an overtly tight bushing cause any damage?   What kind of accuracy gains have you all gotten after a barrel bushing upgrade?      
  12. oh wow.  I can't let her see this thread; That'll give her ideas.  Suddenly, that $ for $ deal I have going sounds really good!
  13. My wife supports the 2nd amendment all the way.   She supports it even more now that we have this arrangement:   If I get a gun, she gets a purse/shoes or whatever for equal value.  If I she gets a purse/shoes/etc, I can get a gun of equal value.   So she's always pushing for me to buy this or that.  But in the end, each gun cost 'twice as much'.  I can't complain, but I'm always broke.
  14. HI Ron,    I respect you for making an informed decision.  As you saw, many folks are just running around and buying their first gun in fear/panic.   It took me 4 trips to Academy with my wife 7-8 years ago until we finally decided to buy.  It was a very emotional purchase for us; I remember my wife cried twice (which is why it took us 4 trips) and the first 3 times, we didn't make the purchase.   (on a good note, the 2nd, 3rd, etc. purchases were MUCH easier). =)   Anyway, to your question.  I've only shot the XD and XDMs a few times but never owned.  I have owned several Berettas in full and subcompact forms.  I carried the Px4 SC for several years.    Your mileage may vary but I'm not sure I would have enjoyed this as much as I do if I started with a subcompact before I got the full size.  The full size is just easier to shoot and have as a bedside/home defense gun.  (my opinion only).    Also, there is enough 45 vs 9 debates out there.  This is just my take.  I shoot both.  If you're not reloading your own ammo, 45 can get really expensive.  That's why my first semi autos were 9mms.  I knew I could practice with a 9 twice as much since it costs much less than 45.   And last, same advice I got from the friend who got me into this (and I still follow which is why it took me forever to get a bolt action rifle)... Get now what you can't get later.  A 1911 with 7 rounds will likely never get banned or at least be among the last to get banned... if there any that are hard to get later, it'll be high capacity semi autos... like a full size XD in 9mm. (they hold 17 rounds I believe?)  I'd get that and then later on, I'd get the 45. =)   (and always good advice, if time affords it, go shoot a few first before you buy.  You may realize you prefer revolvers after all).
  15. I love that buttstock on the LRWC.
  16. Nashvegaskid, I'm curious what a custom 1911 can do in the accuracy dept.    Were you able to shoot it at 25 yards and measure some groups for us?
  17. Another vote for the Peltor plugs (the ones with the green/yellow tips (indoor/outdoor))
  18.     This is just hilarious; i need to borrow your comment and post on my fb.
  19. Moderators, I messed up.  I meant to put this in the general chat area; not the newsworthy reports.   i was reading on there and clicked start thread here by accident.   Sorry about that.   (would you be move it for me?  Thank you)
  20. My team (@ work) and co-workers hear me say this all the time.    I work in gov't.  The culture doesn't always breed efficiency and effectiveness.  Coming from a place where it was all about 6 sigma (not "GI JOE"), I can't just sit still seeing things in ruin/broken/not efficient.  There is always a process improvement.  There is always something one can do to make things better.    That's how I'm feeling right now regarding the possible AWB (and hopefully not worst than that).  One can vent and mope but I believe there is always something we can do.   There are many at work who concentrate on what other departments are doing/not doing.  To them, I always say, what can YOU do/control in your scope/circle of influence.  If your complaining that xyz dept. doesn't communicate, are YOU communicating effectively with your team mates and your customers?   There are already many suggestions mentioned in this forum and what I propose isn't new.   You all have said it before...but I'm saying it again because I believe we don't do enough of it.   I propose this:  Find people around you who may be anti or ignorant and take them to the range and teach them.  Let them experience that 45 doesn't blow up whole sides of walls.  Let them experience the difference between a semi auto AR15 vs. what a 7mm bolt action.  Let them fire and compare your glock 9mm with 686 in 357.  Let them see how much fun it is to break clay put against a berm with an AK47.  Put an assault rifle on the ground and show them it won't just assault anybody.   Open up your black rifle and show them there is nothing magical or scary inside... they are just a few moving parts - technology that's 60+ years old.   Since last night, someone from church who knows I shoot emailed me asking about getting a gun.  I started to send him links, pictures, videos and I hope he accepts my invitation to take him/wife to the range.  They have never handled a gun before! (guys, a lesson here, it's not funny when you take a newbie out and give him your mosin nagant or 44 magnum to try out and then laugh at them afterwards.  You may have just scared them from this sport or give them a bad flinch).  I'm taking an ex school teacher hopefully next week.  He's probably in his 60s but never shot a handgun.  I agreed that i would run a 5K with him if he would go to the range with me.  I'm chubby and I don't like running but this is the price I'm willing to take to convert someone.    Does your kids' friends come over to play Call of Duty?  Ask their family if you all can make a family day at the range and shoot the real thing.    I'm thinking of posting in my FB an open invitation for folks who have never shoot a gun to go to the range on my dime and try it out.    Look for the most liberal person you know and creatively ask them to the range.  They may still hate it but at least you can say, they did their homework and at least have shot an bushmaster.    There are so many people out there who may love Obama but are still buying their first gun.  Find them, educate them.  Show them that yes, that's great that you bought a revolver but high cap mag bans won't do anything. (I went to the range with a someone who bought his first AR/black rifle (he's not a gun nut, he just wanted it because he knew they would be hard to get later); he's trilled after shooting it but he still thinks a high cap mag is needed...BUT that's slowly changing.  Last I heard (2 days ago) he was looking for a 100 round drum to buy).   I agree, we need to call/email/contact our representatives.  We need to join associations be it the NRA or whatever you choose.  But if you can convert one soul, that person will be changed.  He will convert his family.  He will convert others.  I'm sad when I go to a gunshow and 95% of the folks there (no offense) are older white guys.  What happens when they all kick the bucket?  We need young blood to keep our tradition and rights for another 100 years.  We can only do that if we do something about it.      
  21. What concerns me is that I see ourselves in a Lose/lose situation.   If we get 'lucky' and the future ban is 'minor' - We get to keep the guns but everything needs to go through an FFL/no more FTF transactions.  This will be tough to swallow but life will continue.  We'll learn to deal with the added paperwork/loss of some freedom.     But what happened on Friday will happen again.  (because we know gun control doesn't work).  This time, the 'task force' will then say, "See!  I told you, we didn't go far enough!  We needed a full AWB".  And then it'll pass... but let's say we're lucky and it's only on new 'black rifles'.  We'll take it and life continues and we learn to deal with it.   Until it happens again, and it will.  (because gun control doesn't work)   The same task force will again say, "See! I told you, we didn't go far enough.  We need to register."  And because we keep taking, we'll take it again until...
  22. This isn't a turret but i use a Dillon 550b.    I just change out the tool head and I can go from 45apc to 308 neck sizing to 308 full sizing.  45 can be really easily done with the progressive set up.  For 308, I like to go slow and accurate so I use it as "single stage".
  23. What kind of 22lr rifle do you have already?   To answer your post -  I love 308. Very accurate and you can load it up or down to whatever you need.  It's very easy to reload.  Easy to find ammo (for now), load data and components.  It's not punishing as far as recoil. No complaints with any of the Savages I've shot; all (even the cheapest $300 entry level Edges/Axis) can shoot half inch groups at 100 with good ammo/reloads.  Harder to find but I also love my Howa 1500 in 308.
  24. This is my Christmas present to my Dad. (some of you met him; he sat next to me during Chip's workshop a few days ago) (He's not a member of TGO yet so I share this with you guys!) I 'borrowed' his Savage Edge in 308 (I told him I would be fixing his scope (It needed to be moved forward) and so I did, but I did this too...) I made him some very custom rounds. First, these are what you can expect from a very stock Savage Edge using factory ammo wearing a nice Vortex scope. (all I had were some Prvi Partisan in 165 weight bullets. According to my brother (with the same rifle), he can get .75 to 1.5 inches using Federal ammo. After about 100 rounds of careful OWC (optimal weight charge) testing (Learned this from Gordon), OAL testing and finally neck size vs. full size testing (yes, neck sizing helps groups), I finally settled on a load last weekend. I returned his rifle with the 'scope fixed'. =) With 41.3 grains of ammo (I wanted it slightly lighter to help recoil and found this bottom node for accuracy) all manually weighted, setting an OAL of 2.840 and necksizing and other good brass prep (cleaned/uniformed the flash holes, trimmed cases, cleaned them, etc.) (excellent brass from DBTN by the way), these were the final groups. (I normally do 5 shot groups but with the thin barrel and how this gun will be used, 3 shot groups were used instead) The rifle can now do .5 inch groups all day long! Now the rest of the story: My dad always provided for us. Growing up, I never knew hunger and while I knew we weren't rich, I never felt without. I had clothes, shoes and the latest video games. He made sure mom stayed home so that she can always cook us a warm meal and help us with homework. It's only until I grew up a bit that I realized these sacrifices he did and still does. One of my early memories (that he probably doesn't know of) is how I would notice him visit my brother and I late at night (I pretended to be asleep) and he'd just watch us. See... he would work 2 or 3 jobs all my growing up and was never home. These weren't office/cubicle jobs. We were immigrants and started life in the States from 2 suitcases. My Dad delivered pizzas, drove limos, delivered newspapers (he still does), etc.. So...sometimes, that's all the time he had with my brother and I. Now that he's getting older, he's down to 1.5 jobs. When we moved to the South, I got into guns and I got my Dad into it! While I fond memories of him teaching me Kung Fu or playing games with my brother and I, I now add to those memories these days when we can go to the range together. He's been shooting just factory ammo and while he's happy with the 2 inch groups (he's pretty frugal so he doesn't have any match ammo), I look forward to him taking these rounds to the range and making them into some sub MOA groups!
  25. My brain is still full.  (and I'm still a bit scared about the 'hard facts'; we really need to think of what happens beyond that bullet)    Thank you Chip!


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