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Everything posted by vujade

  1. i like my Beretta Neos. Low to mid 200s. It's not ammo picky at all, quite accurate and it's sexy (always gets looks at the range because it's space age looking). The grip is a little small but I guess it would be perfect for those with smaller hands. My mom and sister love it.
  2. so how "good' do you need to be to join/start? is it newbie friendly? I've been looking for a way to push myself to more than just shooting at the range.
  3. ...but I was always taught to make 'lemonade out of lemons'. I'm a meaner sumofabeach now. I've learned how to better protect my family and i'll continue to learn. it's now my passion. i've lost count of how many additional friends/family members I've charged into getting alarm systems, signing up for gun classes or stepping up their defense. My good guys will be harder days for bad guys.
  4. I don't care much about the stuff. easily replaced. heck, my carry piece is much nicer now, plus it holds more rounds than my last one... =) The worst is still seeing my wife throw up whenever she comes home. Bastards even took her underware/bras. They took away her feeling of security in her home. I had to lie to my kids that the wind blew in from the Wizard of Oz of took their stuff. They still cry about their missing toys. I replaced their video games but it's not the same - they have to 'start over'. This has changed me also. I was a really peaceful guy. I wouldn't hurt an animal. Now I picture catching the bastards and taking a hammer to each of their hands and feet. I guess of all the many things they stole... our innocence was the biggest loss.
  5. Sorry for the late reply. bastards took my PC and my router and my cable modem so I've been at the mercy of friends/family's computers. Anyway, I'll try to reply here and there. sorry if i miss a question/comment. First. Thank you. I'm already going to video tape the stuff that is left. Wait a minute, bastards also took my video camera and cameras. Anyway, I'll make sure to record it some way until i can get something more techie. Also, no offense about the wife and tips. i'm not easily offended and i didn't see it offending. We just grew up not having 100% confidence in banks so we kept lots of cash around (i don't mind telling you guys this since it's all gone anyway and we now trust the banks a little more) in case zombies took over and we couldn't get to an ATM, etc. Anyway, that's why. She didn't have her ring on because the nature of her job put her among seedy people- she didn't want to get mugged because of her ring. I stopped wearing mine after I got fat. Big mistake, we should have at least locked the stuff up. Point is... we aren't going to think of cool places to hide stuff - either the bank deposit box or a big safe. They didn't mess with the safe. The safe is pretty beefy - 300-400 pounds unloaded. It was about 600 pounds at that point. I am surprised they didn't even try to hit the interface or anything. That's why i'm worried if they will be back. Nonetheless, I transferred all my stuff to a storage locker/storage place only we know about.
  6. thanks so much for the info. I'm keeping a round in the chamber but leaving the safety on. (someone mentioned that they their police department wouldn't let them carry this way? - why not?) It still feels a little 'odd' (i guess I just need practice) but now that I think of it, it's much too much time to have to rack the slide when you are surrounded by baddies who want your wallet especially when your heard is pumping 200 beats a second.
  7. I have a DA/SA with a safety/decocker. I'm carrying with a round in the chamber and safety on. (is this the best way?) At the end of the day, should I leave the bullet in there or should I clear it, reinsert gun into mag, etc... I normally like to at least wipe down the gun after each day. Keeps the lint from accumulating. Also. Do you leave the gun in the holster overnight? I hear that it sucks the oil from the gun.
  8. Stuff I did right. Stuff I wish I did. Stuff I've been working on. * get a safe. it was one of the few things i did right. * gun safes are for more than guns. it won't be as pretty as a ballerina jewelry box but it's a whole lot more secure. * don't hide money just around the house. use the bank or lock it up in the safe. we thought we had some good hiding places. they emptied jars of sugar and flour. cut through picture frames. slashed mattresses/beds. * lock EVERY door in the house when not in use. I'm not just saying the front doors but lock all bedrooms. Just make it harder for the bastards. insurance will cover the doors anyway. * check your insurance policies. Mine only covers $100 in cash, $1000 limit for jewelry and $2000 for guns. Schedule other items of value... including ammo. * new construction homes have $6 door locks and 1 inch screws holding the jambs and hinges in place. Replace those with 3 inchers. Place additional locks on the bottom of the door (where they will kick). * there are other upgrades you can get at home depot/lowes. upgraded jambs, etc. * get an alarm. if you already have one. turn it on. * get a dog if you can. * talk to neighbors/friends afterwards. folks get defensive about their neighborhood. Use it to energize them and start neighborhood watches, etc.
  9. I was broken into a few weeks ago. The folks must have scouted us out because they came in minutes after my wife left for work and got out about an hour before I got home. They spent so much time in my home that aside from practically all our belongings, they helped themselves to a box of twinkies and some microwavable pizza. The worst is my our wedding set which we left in the house (we hid them but not well enough). (my finger was too fat to wear it. my wife stopped wearing it for a few weeks because of the nature of her job). The worst is that they stole a prized handgun which was my carry piece which I hid at the house (but not well enough) since I can't bring it to work. I've already started a movement among my friends/family. Many of the us are taking handgun carry classes, purchasing a firearm or otherwise beefing up their alarm system(s). I hope that my experience can help anyone here as well. I'll post things I've learned/am doing to beef up my own security. I also welcome ideas from other members on their experiences, advice, etc. The cop who responded to my call said that break ins are at an all time high. Their busiest times are 4-7pm when folks get back from work and find their house ransacked like ours. Then he commented, "...it's not even summer yet..."
  10. I was thinking the extra $8 can buy almost a box of ammo.
  11. So I hear that Carmike Movies in Antioch will now be $1.50 for slightly "older" releases (5-6 weeks after release). It's in a seedy part of town - does anyone know if you can carry there? (it's not exactly in the mall so I wonder if it's ok - or are there blatant signs) Thanks!
  12. I like AKs for the symbolism and the history behind it. It's a symbol of rebellion - going against the grain and the status quo. For now I'll ignore that some of those rebels are terrorist but the symbolism stands. A testament of 'going against the grain' is taking the AK to the range and getting these looks and under the breath comments of how inaccurate they are then checking my target and seeing I did about the same than the guy with the scoped rifle who paid more on that scope than my whole rifle.
  13. I had a plinkster (702 - semi auto 22)... about a year ago. $99 from walmart. Only gun i've returned (yes to Walmart and they took it). -- Not quite your problem but related as a my thoughts on Mossberg quality vs. the other out there. Mine started by jamming constantly. I ran 500 rounds of everything from CCI to Remington, Federal, everything I could find. Cleaned it, lubbed it, ran it dry, looked for burrs, rubbed my tummy and patted my head while shooting - All the same. I even purchased (2) new mags (Mossberg mags) at $13 each and they all failed equally. Walmart sent it back to Mossberg for me. Same thing TWICE. (yes, returned twice and got it back twice). The last straw was when it kept exploding on me. Yes - exploding. atleast 2x it seemed to ignite the round while still in the magazine! Another 2x there were a squid and luckily I caught it and cleared it before firing again. Since then, I will only by the best in firearms that I can afford. I tried to save $35 by going with a mossberg instead of a Marlin 60. After I complained enough, Walmart (yes Walmart) took it back and I used the $ to get a Marlin. First it was just annoying to have every 4-5 rounds jam...then it just got dangerous. Just be careful and my advice now to folks is to never settle for 2nd best...get what you want even if you have to save for it. And saving a few bucks on something as important as a gun/rifle/shotgun just isn't worth it. Don't buy something just because they are cheap -often you get what you pay for. Rant off...sorry if I made a tangent on the topic.
  14. Hm. I've been looking at the different threads on how long it should take... It seems between 30-60 days. I'm almost at 60 days. I've called twice (25 days then 40 days) and both times the person sounded put off in an aproaching rude kind of tone. I got this feeling that they didn't want me to get a license, some sort of anti gun sentime, or perhaps they were getting bombarded with folks who call and "check in". I'm thinking... this is ridiculous. If someone was fearing for their life and did what is right (take class, pay $200+ for the legality to carry, etc.), they go through this "hassle" and wait. I'm sure the guy that mugs folks likewise go through the 'hassle' and wait their 60+ days before they decide to "carry".
  15. Nashvillians - have you voted for the English First special election? (more info here: http://www.nashvilleenglishfirst.com/) What do you guys think? I went today. It's very fast but a constant steady line of folks.
  16. Wow, you guys are fast and accurate. Thank you so much. Off to Lavergne I go!
  17. To submit Carry Permit papers, do you need to go to your county's DMV or can you go to any county's DMV? I figure perhaps the Lavergne DMV would be less crowded than the Nashville one. Thanks!
  18. Can a TN legal resident and US legal immigrant (person is working on Citizenship) get a CCW permit? Person speaks English, would like to take said class if ok and even likes American pie. Thanks.
  19. this was all but a sweet memory now ... =(
  20. some great suggestions so far... if I may add another: let's inject some new blood into our culture/sport/passion/belief. we need to realize that the sheeple have been thoroughly convinced we are gun nuts. we can't even talk about our latest rifle by the office water cooler without getting funny looks. mention AK or AR and they may start the HR paperwork. what we need to do is convince people why the 2nd ammendment is important. we need to remove some of the lies and show them an AK isn't all that scary. we need to show people how fun our sport/passion really is. my suggestion? if every gun owner converts just one more person to this - we have just doubled NRA membership. we have just doubled pro-gun voters. we have just reduced crime. and if zombies (be it the undead or the braindead) decide to attack - we now have another brother/sister in arms. Take someone out shooting. Start with a 22. Show them guns aren't any scarier than a baseball bat or another inanimate tool. Take the time to explain what makes a 'semi automatic' assualt rifle (that it's not a machine gun) and the folly of gun control.
  21. wow, thanks for all the info guys - in such a short time! I guess i'll have to find a "locked container then". and of course to keep the mag/ammo separate once i get to CA. i'll still heed that warning "alwayspackin" ... can never be to careful. I think i'll call the Police Dept. there where I'm finally staying just so that I can get someone's name to quote that it's "ok". I'll also make sure to print any info like that provided by ohShoot. This trip won't be until next year but i definitely don't want to drive that far unprotected. thanks everyone.
  22. Let's say I speed and get pulled over - I hand over my DL with my CCW card - he knows I can carry. If in a state like CA, I state that the weapon is in the trunk with mag/ammo in the glove box. He lets me go without a ticket because of my charm and demeanor and his/her good mood and I'm off on my merry way. If in a state where CCW is ok/reciprocal - I would have the gun loaded and closeby. I would tell him/her so. I also am let go without a ticket because of my charm/demeanor and his/her good mood - i'm off on my merry way. Is that correct? I assume you want to tell the LEO asap that you have a weapon in the car but you are responsible?
  23. I plan to get my CCW soon. And then probably a few months after that, my family and I are planning a long drive to California (from TN of course). I would like to bring my carry weapon - we've watched enough scary movies. I understand I should be ok with certain states that are reciprocal with TN... but how about the states that don't honor that? If i leave the gun (which will be a low capacity 9mm (p6 - holding 8 rounds)) in the trunk with the magazine separate - will that be ok? Will that be ok in states like California? Thanks.
  24. i read at some forum - someone who works at Academy say that their costs is $1.60 per box of 20 rounds!


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