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Everything posted by Volzfan

  1. Great stop!
  2. Don't forget he still has his career as a motovational/safety poster model!
  3. The country is headed right down the path he wants so why should he worry about being at work?
  4. Awesome!!!
  5. Use whatever you are comfortable with. When I took mine I used a 5 rd Taurus 357 hammerless which sucked because we shot 6 rd groups and the others had to wait for me to load 1 more round and shoot it!
  6. Brian, please accept my sincerest apology for the thread that I started earlier today. I never dreamed it would go in the direction that it did. I was just devastated to learn that this new, state of the art range would not be available to me because I shoot reloads. I do understand why you have taken the position that you have and I will still be by there to check out this fantastic inventory that you guys are teasing us with! I hope that I haven't caused too much damage. I will not take up your most generous offer though. If I decide to shootb there it will be on my dime. You don't owe me or anyone else here anything. I wish you all the best with this business! God Bless David aka Volzfan
  7. I noticed a guy OC'ing at the Sam's Club on Antioch Pk a while back. The sheep are rarely ever looking for CC'ers specifically so if you are looking and can't spot them then don't fret it!
  8. I guess the reporter knew enough to know Glock doesn't make a revolver! How funny would that have been?
  9. Right now I'm using cast bullets that I bought from a friend who runs a business selling cast bullets that he makes. I've never seen store bought cast bullet ammo. I didn't start this thread to bash one of our TGO supporters and I didn't want to see it develope into a "How to get around the rule" thread either. I had missed their post earlier that pointed out their rule against it. I don't care what the reason is behind the rule. If they don't allow reloads then don't expext to shoot them at their range! As has been stated, "Their house, Their rules" It really is as simple as that!
  10. Did they tell you that you passed?
  11. That just doesn't fit with the 2nd line of my signature. I'm all for anyone who wants to do it. Just not me!
  12. I ran across that last month and think its great!
  13. Oh I'll go look at their guns! I'm excited about their statements of a huge inventory and if they are priced at a competative level I would buy from them. But they would have had a lot more of my money from the range. I had already budgeted a membership! Just glad I found this out before plopping down my cash!
  14. For me it's a bit like a legally posted restaurant. I know the rules and I'll abide by them.
  15. NYC has been out of control for a long time and this is just another step across the line.
  16. Missed seeing it. Link?
  17. I have been looking forward to the opening of a new range in the area but was told by one of their staff that reloads would not be allowed to be shot there. Only store bought ammo, including Wally World or any other ammo sellers. This greatly disappoints me and will force me to continue to take my business to the ranges in the area that I have been going to. Your thoughts?
  18. I am new to reloading and the press that I started out with is the Lee 4 Hole Turret Press with auto index. I've loaded less than 2000 rds and alreay I've run into a problem that I seen complaints on reviews and that is that the Indexing Ratchet has worn out. I've read that they work better with two installed rather than the single one that comes in it. What have you guys done to help or correct this issue? It seems that someone would have made a SS replacement for this weak link with this Lee press. I've also heard that graphite would help.
  19. Popcorn scented loads would get you some looks!
  20. Really cool!
  21. Clint Eastwood blasted his critics http://m.newsbusters...atest-hoax-ever
  22. http://youtu.be/-TbbhmgNzGA
  23. Welcome and thanks for your service!
  24. When I order online I have it sent to The Saddle Shop and their total for receiving it has been $32.50. I buy from online dealers who don't charge extra to ship and don't charge extra when I use my debit card. That means that on a gun up to $300 it's about a break even to buy local. $300 and up I'm saving money on the tax. This is all assuming that the online price and the LGS have the same price which usually they don't. My other issue lately is finding the gun locally that I want. I've fallen head over heels for CZ's! I have recently bought a CZ 75D PCR and a CZ P-06. No one in the Nashville area had these and I never had anyone in the store when I was ther asking about them say "Let me order you one". I guess they expected for me to settle for something else. NOT! I'm kinda surprised at that because we have some very good stores in our area that pride themselves on their reputation for their customer service. I went home and ordered online and had them in about 5 days. I've also been trying to get a CZ 2075 RAMI BD which no one has, even online so I have one on order from one of my favorite online stores. I wish that our LGS would give me a reason to buy from them!


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