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Everything posted by Volzfan

  1. Thanks. That is why I asked about decocking. I shot with a revolver and was told we had to shoot DA so I thought that they may make you shoot that way with a semi-auto.
  2. Does anyone know what the shooting distances are that are required to get your TN HCP. I took my class last year at G&L but I don't recall the exact distances. It seems like we shot 24 @ 3 yrds, 12 @ 7 yrds and I can't recall what the 3rd distance was. I have a cousin that is considering getting his permit but he hasn't been shooting for long and wants to go practice some more at the correct distance. I told him to practice the longest distance because if he can hit that he can surely hit the closer ones. He has just bought a Sig P229 Elite 40 cal and a S&W 686. He shoots better with the Sig so if he shoots with it will he have to decock it before each shot? Any other advise would be appreciated. Thanks.
  3. I would also add that going to a place like Guns & Leather in Greenbrier, TN and rent a gun, go down to their range and shoot it. Dennis or one of the other guys would probably give you some quick pointers in gun safety and steer you towards the gun that would best fit your needs.
  4. I don't make any assumptions about who anyone will vote for. My only purpose in beginning this thread was to get people thinking about the best place for their vote. I am terribly afraid of what Barak Obama is proposing. He will have to tax the s*%# out of us to pay for all of the things that he proposes. He says that he wants to reduce Government but all that he is talking about would require the vast expansion of the federal government. He will also, probably, get the opportunity to appoint maybe 3 judges to the Supreme Court. Most likely they would be liberal and the next time that a gun issue comes up to the SC that the vote would go against the 2nd amendment. They only have to win once and we gunowners will be screwed. McCain is not vastly different. I consider him to be a Replublacrat but I think that given the opportunity to appoint judges that the Republican Party would influence his choices and those judges would be more conservative. I also think that the Republicans would influence him on other issues. I am truly pissed that we don't have a better choice that has a chance to win. Nader was #3 in the election 4 years ago and he only got 1% of the vote. Now he is running again but where has he been for the last 3 years. He certainly has not been keeping himself in the news. He should have been campaining for the last three years. Telling the country what he plans to do when he is elected. He has no chance nor does anyone else but these two frontrunning morons.
  5. Probably was the same one who PM'd me about a gun I've got for sale. Told him that it was in the hands of an FFL at the RK gun show at Smyrna last weekend and he would have to go thru him to get it and he never replied. I deleted the PM and I don't remember it. Might recognize the name if I saw it. I think it would be a good idea to limit PM's.
  6. As I stated I would love to vote for someone other than these two Bozo's but I will not take the chance of allowing BO to get in. Believe me, I am not a McCain fan! I simply feel that he will do much less harm than BO. There is nothing that I would love to see more than throw out the party system completely!! It is probably the biggest reason for the mess we are in now. A freshman congressman in DC for the first time will be pressured into voting along party lines rather than vote what his constituants want. Even if he or she knows it is not in the best interest of the country. THAT SUCKS! This goes for both Dems and Rep. No I do not like it but until the rules are changed we have to play by those rules. It is a crying shame that this country could not produce anyone any better than these two! Like it or not, one of these guys is going to be the next POTUS. In my mind I just think that there is too much at stake for me to try to make a statement by giving my vote to a third party. I think that you and I are probably more alike than you think and I appreciate your opinion. Thanks.
  7. I carry concealed because if I ever find myself in a situation where I may be forced to draw my gun I want it to be a surprise to the BG. It seems that advantage is something that you would give up by open carrying. I, too, like the idea that only my wife knows that I am carrying.
  8. That is a great idea!
  9. I was there yesterday and bought some ammo and the sales girl asked if I had a permit. She didn't want to see it but she still asked.
  10. +1 Tungsten, I want to add my cogratulaions too! You and the mods do a great job and I consider it a priviledge to be a part. Thanks! I'm still looking forward to meeting you guys at a shoot sometime.
  11. Thanks! I'll check them out.
  12. I am in the process of selling my current guns and this week I bought a Springfield XD 40 Compact. I have used the holster that comes with that gun but I am not satisfied with it at all. I am going to Guns & Leather in the morning to put a couple hundred rounds thru it and I'll check on holsters then. I have never used an IWB and am not sure that is what I want but I'll check them out. I also have placed an order for a Sig P226 Elite Two-Tone 40 cal.. It should be here by Wed. so I'll also be looking for a holster for it. I have seen that the Don Hume holsters get pretty high marks here.
  13. Any way that BO can lose a vote is fine with me.
  14. I just picked up a 2 mag holder so I'll start carrying extras tomorrow.
  15. Volzfan

    My Niece

    The hardest part will probably be all of the court dates that the family will have to endure for who knows how many years. I'm so sorry for you and your family.
  16. Everyone else has given you the info about the guns that you mentioned so I'll only add that I have just this week started carrying my new XD40 compact. I love it and have had no problems yet with concealing it from the busybodies of the world. You don't say exactly why you are paranoid about being able to conceal the gun but just so you will know in Tennessee you do not have to conceal carry. You are free to open carry if you want so if someone were to see the gun you would not have any problem unless you were asked to leave their property. That is all that they could do unless the location you are in has the proper signage up.
  17. I was told that in order to know who to send the app. to answer this question. Who comes if you call 911. If it is the Sherriff's Department then mail it to him or if the Police Department comes then mail it to the Chief of Police. I'm in Nashville so I mailed mine to the COP. According to bkelm18 it won't matter anyway. That's good enough for me.
  18. Newschannel 5 here in Nashville sure has it's share of hotties. They just had another leave named Amy Marsalis. Any one of these ladies beat that Watson's girl. No contest!
  19. The Watson's girl is not even in the same league with Jolene!!
  20. The blonde that does the Nashville Nissan commercials is the one that gets me. She is HOT HOT HOT! I believe her name is Jolene. They should put her in a Watson's hot tub to do a commercial. Hell if they put her in a hot tub I would watch a 30 minute infomercial! Her is a link to some phitos http://kristaleephotography.blogspot.com/2008/07/jolene-youngsters-photo-shoot.html You can have the Watson's girl. All she has is a nick rack, which isn't a bad thing but IMO that all she's got.
  21. I just heard from my cousin tonight who has an in-law with a C&G FFL and he says he gets some good discounts on ammo from a place called J & G Sales. I have the link below. I just sent for my C&R FFL so I'll wait til I get it before trying them for ammo discounts. Let me know if any of you contact them and get a discount on ammo. http://www.jgsales.com
  22. I heard on the radio today that the reason that there were 200k people there is because they had 2 big names there to do concerts for free. They showed up for the concerts, not for Obama! The news media would not tell us that. They want us to think that the whole world loves this douche bag!
  23. I know that I can shoot 38 cal in a 357 cal gun but I was wondering if there are any other combinations of ammo that can also be interchanged like that.


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