There is a problem waiting to happen! If I am in a bank and a manager spots my gun somehow and calls the law and it's one of these guys that don't know the law then i am in for a ride to the station in cuffs. The officers will be in deep s*** once they find out what the laws actually are.
I, too, had a conversation with a 1st TN bank manager and a Wackenhut security guard about carrying in a bank. That mgr told me that if he spotted someone in line with a gun that he would press the alarm. I asked why but guessed that I already knew the answer. I believed that bank employees are paranoid about unknown customers with guns and thats true. I guess that I might be also if I worked in a bank.
I explained that it was not against the law for anyone with a permit to carry there and then told them the places where we are restricted. They would have to legally post the bank as off limits to HCP holders but that would not stop any criminal. I did not go into detail either about what a legal sign is. They still have not posted it and I still go in with my gun.