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Everything posted by Rightdefender

  1. I don't know how to start a new topic but I have a question. My wife is diabetic. In the event of a major shutdown or a bug out situation, does anyone know of an alternative to insulin? Insulin is useless unless refrigerated and would be very hard to get, as any other drug. I have heard that cinnamon can work but I really haven't a clue.
  2. having surgery soon but it'f I'm well enough I still want to come
  3. I have both a REady heater (job site salamander) dule fuel and a Mr. heater big buddy.  The ready heater requires some ventalation but that meand 2 windows open 2". I love the Mr. buddy.
  4. all of my  caned tomatoes failed. the lids were firmly down and 2 weeks later they had all domed. Now I'm dehydrating them and it's great
  5. All I have is a 2001 Mitso. Montero LXS   4WD  it has 145thousand miles  just rebuilt engine new brakes, cooling system and rubber . It sits high and I've never gotten it stuck. It willl pull 7000pounds and I pull a 10 foot closed utility trailer with a ramp door. I'd take it anywhere. Looks like hell and that good with me. In the trailor I have a  utility wagon that carries 700 pounds if it comes to that. It'll hold My back pack and my wifes too.  they carry a full army field trauma kit in a mollie bag. and a seprate surgical  kit.  vest with 6 ar mags and a seprate belt with 7 more, all green point penitrators.  also  another thousand rounds on stripper clips. Grinning  the wife deals with them. The vest also holds my FNX 9 and 4 mags  of 9mm hydroshock ammo. I'll run the trailer till I can't  then the Montero till it dies then there's always the wagon. I'll be in my safe place long before any of that happens.
  6. Our military was intended  to fight and kill to protect us and our interests, not be policemen.  I'm thinking  the idea of turning over command of them to the UN for such a purpose is totally wrong. Look at all the tragidies due th that.
  7. I'm sure that's probably naive but in my opinion the two party system is dead on arrival
  8. personally I'd like to see something like say the first four people who were able to get two million signatures on a petition would be the candidates and funding would come directly from the government each one getting the same amount of money and not be allowed to take money from anyone else that way the playing field would be level giving the common citizen arial chance of serving.
  9. Here in Nashville  there is a new place set up near my shop called  Fort Houston. It's a whearhouse  space set   up into several trades and arts. there are glass blowers and woodworkers.  Photographers and someone who restires mini bikes. all offer a membership which gives members time in any shop to learn and build things. Thet have seminars and I'll likely be teaching one.  These are young people, all pitched inand it WILL make money.   check them out,   http://forthouston.com/
  10. Preppers are only a small part of it as I see it. There is a big lack of "community" in this neck of the woods. It's understandable since all the new mandates (not constitutional laws) set up by Home land Security. (My post just got flagged because I said Homeland security) I propose face to face meetings with like minded people who are concerned with their loss of freedoms. That's where the storefront comes in. A face to face gathering of cautious citizens. We need to know that we're not alone. I also propose a means of communicating other than cell phones or the internet. if there was a member within say ten miles of another  simple 30 mile range walki talkies with a scramble feature always set on the groups channel could be a way of spreading the word throughout the community. I'll bet that in a group of 30  , twenty live that close and the others could be informed face to face by their nearest fellow member. I'm not being paranoid I'm trying to get people who can depend on each other together. I'm a woodworker trained in the old hand tool methods.(and own them) I know post and beam construction. I might be useful for designing or building a new shelter if it becomes necessary to go underground. What do you do? Am I nuts?
  11. I'd like to see that , Who would run the storefront? Who would give the seminars? I can imagine a sympethic  doctor giving one on emergency medicen, also a dentist. What about a canning class by someone who really knows canning? The network alone would be valuable. We as a comunity don't have  a good venue to meet and communicate.
  12. look here   http://www.ssrsi.org/911/Medical/dentist.htm
  13. See right there is the problem in a nutshell. Democrat's and Republic's differ on how they should spend THEIR money. They have No money . It's time we stated taking OUR money back.
  14. My problem with the Tea Party and the Republicans is this... I was a member of the Brentwood tea party group and attended all the meetings. We went to hear Marsha Blackburn speak.  Several Tea Party groups were there. After she left we opened the floor for discussion.  Several ideas of how we could work to make a change were expressed. When it was my turn, I told the group that after getting out of the service in 1968 (active duty) I found myself unhappy with the political nature the war had taken on. I joined Vietnam Veterans Against the War. I attended marches and protests, many of them and had learned how the left worked. I suggested that we might learn from them. The moderator rebutted by saying "as Christians" we were held to a higher power and could never lower ourselves to their level. Then there was the Move on groups and all the dirty tricks the left thrown into our faces. We never lowered ourselves. The Tea Party and Republicans  both got played by their own self righteousness.   By insisting on being a "Christian" group they alienated so many people who otherwise believe as we do. We've allowed the left to trick us into taking on the abortion fight again and now civil rights while they are free to undermine all of us and make this country into the third world good neighbor they've always wanted. All of a sudden Republicans want to welcome the Hispanics in.  A little late, the left  might just as well  have given them life time memberships into the Democratic Part by showing them they could stay forever for free. By the way, those very demonstrators I watched in the late 60's are now our Government. Other than this I'm all for the Tea Party.
  15. Those may not be friends
  16. If it were all democrats we wouldn't have a country.
  17. By the way if you have all the ammo you can store and no friends your dead by the time you use four mags.
  18. Washington had it right. He served his term and returned to private life. Jefferson said something like God help this country if we don't have a revolution every ten years. Meaning that a public official should go home and release the power to new citizens. Congress was supposed to be a part time job. . Instead we have a political monster that controls both major parties. There isn't a damned thing different between them.
  19. So,  I suppose we all just sit back and soothe each other by voting for some  other puppet,  doesn't matter who.  I'm not going to choose the best of the worst again. Face it,  no one really wants to  know what happens to anyone else. Do you even know who lives around you and what their views are?  Did you ever find that a nearby neighbor was just gone? Did you care? We're all on our own here in this "land of the free" and we better keep our mouth's  shut. When one branch of the government can  hijack a verdict to play nice to a few lowed mouthed minority pigs at the trough, we are all screwed.
  20. My answer is this. I've put food away for a few yeares now, a little at a time, nothing fancy mostly canned and dry goods.   Now,  I find that my buisness is failing, my health went south and to top it off my wife lost her job of 13 years with Metro schools along with 80 other women. We will both be unimployed so  at least we'll have some food to fall back on untill they forclose on us.
  21. Hawk,  the way I see it is if there isn't some kind of network, other than  the internet,  we'll each find ourselves defending ourselves alone. With nobody on your 6 it won't be anything but a valiant battle never known of. Some mention of a Homeland  security activity.
  22. I don't think that's what he was doing at all.  I read it as the left will tag  anyone who supports the man as a clansman.  That's the way they devide us. The left has everyone so afraid to actually stand up and do anything lest they be called a fanatic or racesist. Here's my problem, how do we, like minded people who say they are almost at the breaking point communicate discreetly to organize.  I guarantee the leftists are very organized including the current government. A pritest brings on another and so on. All while our liberties are stolen  not by constitutional law but by presidential mandate. How do I know who I can trust, how do you? Without a network we're screwed.  They can come and get us one at a time in the night.
  23. I served in the navy in 65-69 and I can tell you that seeing the panthers in uniforms and carrying spears standing in formation outside the port athority in new york was a real wake up for me. I may have started this thread in the wrong place but I did it accidently and with good intentions. It's not about Zimmerman it's about This country's survival.
  24. sorry did that on mt phone.  the word is railroaded.  I was in a similar situation a few weeks ago the only difference really was that I didn't pull the trigger so it means something to me. You can't separate the second amendment from personal rights to freedom in general. I won't bother you with my opinion again.
  25. fine let him get reloaded who gives a damn


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