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Everything posted by S&WForty

  1. "Participants then suit up, protecting their head, neck and private parts." Wheeew.
  2. I had only had my first pistol for about a year when we had the panic four years ago. It sucked trying to find .40 S&W just to spend quality time with my pistol. I remember when I bought my first 100 rd box of WWB it was either $22.97 or $24.97 at WalMart. It increased some to around $26.97 due to increased raw material costs prior to Obama winning the election. For the last few months it was $34.97. It had been $28.97 or $29.97 for most of of the last two years. I wonder where it's headed now...
  3. [quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352587147' post='843339']Must be nice to be able to a: "decline", and b: over a busy schedule. Next time I am called to testify, I'll have to remember that one.[/quote] Wasn't her answer to every question about White Water "I don't recall/I don't have any recollection...?" I'm sure that's all she would say over Libya.
  4. I know Bush wasn't perfect, but a lot of the "populace" is stupid. Tuesday's results prove that. My question us, how much does #4 contribute to #1 in the above post? Take away the influence of #4 and #1 likely isn't an issue with the general populace. Also, Bush had 8 years, but those last two with a Democrat Congress was the worst. Had we not had the housing crisis with bogus mortgages going into foreclosure, how bad would the economy have gotten. It was Frank-Dodd that gave us that mess. Again, Bush wasn't great, but he gets way more than his share of the blame. And as one person here in another thread called him a hermit (implying he's hiding in shame), no, he has class. Had Clinton's two terms ended the same as Bush's, he would have gone on a faux campaign trail to rebuild his reputation/ego.
  5. The Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog.
  6. In my hi-po days, I always got great service from Thunder Racing in Louisiana.
  7. Call both Shapiro Uniforms and Guns and Ammo. http://www.shapirouniforms.com/
  8. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352408794' post='842013']That about sums it up. Most of these as*h***s won't care about anything unless their Obamaphone stops working.[/quote] Ever hear that Arabic accent ringtone " ring ring pickup the phone you infidel ring ring PICKUP UP THE PHONE YOU INFIDEL?" We could go on all day thinking up ringtones for the obamaphones. LOL
  9. Regarding McCain vs Romney, everyone I know personally was much more supportive of Romney than they were McCain. My neighborhood was covered with Romney signs. There were practically none in my neighborhood for McCain. Learning Romney got less votes than McCain is a shock to me. ;(
  10. [quote name='maroonandwhite' timestamp='1352398471' post='841892'] Are you talking about Range USA? If so I don't think they really care about that. We were doing head shots in the classes I took there. Not to go off course here. Just letting you know.[/quote] The way I had my target hung once(R USA), I was shooting higher up than the rangemaster liked. I was told to move it down. It was a matter of reducing the likelihood of hitting their equipment.
  11. [quote name='SWJewellTN' timestamp='1352402006' post='841939']Personally, I think that the smartest thing the liberals have done was to convince people that being a liberal was cool and smart.[/quote] To an extent. It's more that they have simply painted their side to be normal or more caring/etc while demonizing our side as extremists. Clinton, celebrated as a "new" moderate democrat, is clearly farther Left than our much loved Ronald Reagan was far Right. I am clearly biased, but I think the core of Conservatism is much less extreme than the core of Liberalism. The perception is the opposite thanks to the media, Hollywood, and academia. I have a greater dislike for those parties than I do for the liberal politicians that have benefitted from them. If the bias was eliminated, the liberal politicians would never win an election.
  12. I bought ammo yesterday at lunchtime, but I bought only one box of each caliber I needed, and I plan to shoot it this weekend. Not looking forward to shortages again and higher prices. ;(
  13. If we have the meltdown, then yes we will have true unrest. The Occupy hippies will look like kiddos selling lemonade on the sidewalk by comparison. The current administration and its partner in crime, our news media, will ensure the blame for the meltdown is the fault of the rich to spur the unrest. If there is no meltdown, we may still see some unrest that is "planted" by the current administration to help sway public support for "changes." Like a game of extortion. Give them what they want and they'll shut up... As far as any unrest stemming from "our" side, I don't see it. I see more Tea Party movement that will be condemned by the media, but it will be peaceful by those that witness it or participate in it first hand. "Our" side may be fed up, but we have the morals and right, rational thinking that our political opponents do not have. Just like we are with our firearms, we will only be violent for true self defense. We are not violent by nature. We, unlike them, have never and will never resort to mob rule to get out way.
  14. [quote name='Hozzie' timestamp='1352329407' post='841398'] Time to move on and either be part of the solution or continue to be part of the problem.[/quote] In all seriousness, how?
  15. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352389760' post='841792'] Wow am I tired of hearing that "we had a choice of two liberals"...I swear if GW himself were alive and running and not "conservative" enough for someone they would chime in with that statement. I'd take a TRUE and COMPLETE liberal of either party any day, who has morals, values and who actually likes the country, over anyone of any party without those attributes.[/quote] You just said a mouthful. I especially like your first paragraph.
  16. They surely got tricked into thinking they'll get more benefits.
  17. [quote name='Chadastrophic' timestamp='1352322060' post='841298'] Since it hasn't shipped, I'd contact them and ask the discount be applied. Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2 [/quote] Good idea. Credit card was billed upon order.
  18. [quote name='quietguy' timestamp='1352328076' post='841381'] Yes, and thank you for pointing out my mis-post. And that was my intent. A 50mm lens on a DX body is essentially a 75mm telephoto, which is no longer a prime lens in the classical definition. 50mm at 35mm or FX is a classical prime lens. That equates to roughly a 35mm lens at DX format or 80mm at 6 cmx6 cm. [/quote] I figured your comment was related to crop factors! [quote name='quietguy' timestamp='1352328465' post='841387'] If that range serves your needs, then fantastic. F/32 or F/64 is extremely helpful if shooting professionally. [/quote] What do you shoot professionally at those apertures?
  19. [quote name='Xtarheel' timestamp='1352313988' post='841179']Discount for Old Faithful holsters good until 11/14. [b]Save 25%[/b] Use coupon code "stockup" at checkout for a 25% discount. [b]Offer Expires: November 14, 2012[/b][/quote] I came in here to post that. It sucks for me though. I'm waiting for my $60 order ship that was placed 3 weeks ago. $15 off woulda been nice... (Oops. Not implying the order is late to ship. It's scheduled to ship next week... The customer service has been nice.)
  20. [quote name='JKGlock17' timestamp='1352297804' post='840958']I sometimes think God left this forsaken country a long time ago.[/quote] Jeremiah Wright asked for it...
  21. [quote name='K191145' timestamp='1352317746' post='841243'] Yep you're right, and that's too bad for those who didn't vote Obama. My attitude for those who did vote for Obama, they made their bed, now they have to sleep in it for 4 years.[/quote] They're gonna steal our covers. Oh, they already have.
  22. [quote name='quietguy' timestamp='1352312861' post='841154'] No, it doesn't. A "prime lens" is a distinction relative to film or sensor size. [/quote] When you said, "On a DX body, a 35mm is closer a prime lens, not a 50mm" I thought you were telling the OP to get a 35 mm prime rather than get a 50 mm prime. So I said "depends on the range you need." [quote]First, let me state that I am a huge fan of fast lenses. The Canon 50mm f/1.8 is a fantastic lens, but you have to have a basic understanding of photography and optics. The f/22 is a fairly limiting maximum aperture, and therefore limited depth of field. [/quote] The larger the number, the smaller the aperture. Did you mean f/22 is a limiting MINIMUM aperture? [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aperture"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aperture[/url] "The specifications for a given lens typically include the maximum and minimum apertures, for example, [font=Trebuchet MS,Candara,Georgia,Calibri,Corbel,serif][i]f[/i][/font]/1.4–[font=Trebuchet MS,Candara,Georgia,Calibri,Corbel,serif][i]f[/i][/font]/22. In this case [b][font=Trebuchet MS,Candara,Georgia,Calibri,Corbel,serif][i]f[/i][/font]/1.4 is the maximum aperture (the largest opening), and [font=Trebuchet MS,Candara,Georgia,Calibri,Corbel,serif][i]f[/i][/font]/22 is the minimum aperture (the smallest opening).[/b]" f/22 or f/30-something means nothing to me. I never shoot anything with an aperture [i]smaller[/i] than f/14 or so anyway.
  23. [quote name='quietguy' timestamp='1352308888' post='841075'] On a DX body, a 35mm is closer a prime lens, not a 50mm. [/quote] Depends on the range you need. [quote]DOF is the weak point of a fast lens, not the strength.[/quote] When I first read about the Canon 50 f/1.8, it was regarded as the "puppy lens" or "kitten lens" since the aperture allowed for a lot of creativity in taking pet portraits. It was never hailed to be "fast glass" though that aperture does help tremendously in low light. It depends on your use/need. Most beginners or hobbyists will find the depth of field of that particular lens to be its strength while pros shooting with f/2.8 lenses are primarily after the fast shutter speed those allow.
  24. [quote name='ThePunisher' timestamp='1352234256' post='840264'] Nobody is going to worry about y'all Johnson and libertarian voters; there is not enough of you to get scared.[/quote] Nobody reads books no more, so I don't understand all this chatter 'bout this Librarian Party. Just a bunch old ladies praising the Dewey Decimal System. Yawn.
  25. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352233064' post='840239']FOX News on the TV is about all I'll pay attention to, other than Drudge. There are too many places to choose from.[/quote] That's the only thing I miss after dropping satellite TV. I rather watch news than surf it.


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