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Everything posted by S&WForty

  1. The "open minded" in our society are clueless to the fact a gun left in a car is a gun that may end up in the hands of a criminal if they pick the right car to break in to.
  2. Thanks for the replies.
  3. I'll revive the thread with a twist. What if you purchase a gun FTF from someone with a bill of sale, and you later learn they only work in your state, but live a few miles away over the state line?
  4. In case folks here haven't seen this yet... http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CustomContentDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10001&catalogId=10001&content=62303&sectionId=10506 Smith & Wesson has identified a condition that may exist in certain PPK and PPK/S pistols which may permit a round to be discharged without the trigger being pulled. When the manual safety is disengaged, Smith & Wesson’s Product Engineering Group has determined that the possibility exists in certain firearms that lowering the hammer may cause a chambered round to fire.
  5. I called this past Tuesday morning, and it arrived in the mail Saturday! I went to the DMV 12/23 and got fingerprinted 12/26.
  6. I was puttin' down I40 Monday morning and noticed the light traffic. Then I remembered. I called this morning, and it's being processed now. Whew.
  7. The lines containing "a$$-virginity" had me laughing the hardest!
  8. To Givens' credit, my HGCC instructor at RangeUSA said very good things about him. My personal experience a novice shooter? As everyone said, Range USA is much nicer, and the people are MUCH friendlier. When I walk into RangeMaster I feel like I am getting that "whut are you lookin' at?" stare. When you walk in at Range USA, it's like walking in CeCe's Pizza. "HI! WELCOME TO...!" Yeah, that fingerprint gal is pretty good lookin', too! My only gripe about Range USA is that depending on what the person to your left is shooting, you may feel like you've become a brass magnet. I had the casings from two lanes left of me flying over and hitting me. When my friend arrived, he was to my right. My casings were flying over at him. When you're trying to get some good practice in and establish good habits, other folks' casings hitting your arms, gun, and head get old real quick. My buddy refuses to go back to Range USA due to that. As ratty as RangeMaster looks, it's hard to believe they have the lanes sealed off better. Their lanes have a "ceiling" that connects to the walls, so your casings stay in your lane. I'll stick with the friendly staff and endure the friendly fire of casings at Range USA. Check out the calendar of events on Range USA's website. Last time I looked, they put on a movie night from time to time with movies most shooters would enjoy. They seem to go all out to make people welcome and enjoy their time there.
  9. Ahhhh, I did all that on Dec-22nd. Still waiting. You seemed to get yours quickly compared to a lot on here. I wasn't going to call until 60 days. I guess I should go ahead and call tomorrow for the heck of it.
  10. S&WForty

    P99 or SW99

    I have a S&W99QA (DAO) in .40S&W. I've shot a friend's M&P .40, and the M&P definitely handles that round easier. I still love my S&W. Unlike most, I prefer to the look of the S&W99 to the P99. Some will point out the S&W has a lifetime warranty while the Walther doesn't. And... the S&W99 seems to be the redheaded stepchild of the S&W Polymers. The "lesser" Sigmas and the more recent M&P have a lot more brands catering to them with accessories. Then compare the availability to Glock accessories, and you'll bang your head against the wall! Another thing about the 99 series is are the various actions. My QA is the designation for a shorter Glock-like DAO action (the later gen, 990s with "L" are the same as QA). Many love them, but I've read where those with the 99s with the AS trigger say they are the best guns they shot. The 99 AS is a DA/SA action. Also, many say the 99 frame was really designed around the 9mm, and those examples are some of the best shooting 9mms you can put your hands on. It somewhat explains why they are not the best at taming the snappiness of a .40 S&W round. There is a guy on The Firing Line site named "Fastbolt." He is a retired amorer for a LE agency. He has made many posts on that forum about the P99/SW99s. Here is one thread he's posted in: http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=334811&highlight=P99 Another thread with several posts by him: http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=161560&highlight=P99 And one more, also with several posts. Very interesting reading: http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=119266&highlight=P99
  11. I spent most of Valentine's Day caressing my girl. It wore me out! It was our 8th anniversary, too! I musta lost my touch. She didn't get too worked up. After it was all said and done, she said, "park me, go back inside, and play with those guns you really love." Who knew cars got jealous of firearms?
  12. The times we're living in, some warped minds would try to say posting that sign on your home would be grounds of "premeditation." All of the signs in this thread are good for the soul.
  13. S&WForty

    Oil prices

    Amen to all of that! And the refineries are performing maintenance, so their capacity is down. This is their lowest production time of the year. They're doing it when it makes the most sense.
  14. The arrogance factor is why I bit my lip on one (the thrill seeker type). He would have started yelling at me for daring to tell him how to handle his firearm... Had we been in private, I'd gone on the offensive. I bit my lip with the other because if I had corrected him, I would have gone overboard and referenced past gun handling another relative put up with out of him years ago, but since I wasn't born then, he'd just deny it. And that's a LONG story. LOL
  15. You have a good point there! The friend I shoot with is super safe. I try to stay clear of the other two! Thanks for the welcome!
  16. I've been a gun owner for 13 months. I am slowly getting more comfortable with them, but they still intimidate me to some extent. I'm a very cautious person, so I consider this slowly-subsiding intimidation as a good trainer of good handling habits. It keeps me on my toes, but not on edge. I have one friend that is a "thrill-seeker" type. He doesn't follow all safe practices, because - He's a Manly Man. His .45 has been pointed at me twice lately. And loaded. I didn't appreciate it. A relative recently was sweeping a barrel at me, and I was pretty hot. (yep, it was loaded, too) In the case of that loser, I think the poor handling is mostly a result of that gun owner being a master in his own mind. "I grew up with guns, I am at one with guns, and I will handle them as I see fit." Both examples involve an arrogance of sorts. Combine people like that with people that are just stupid, and I feel apprehensive around most people with a gun in their hand. It's like driving. There are a lot of ignorant and stupid people driving cars. I've ridden with plenty. When I am riding with someone that drives like I do, I just sit back and relax. When I ride with others, I am tense the whole time. The two people I refer to above are also people I hate riding with. Imagine that.
  17. A tire on a car is a bad analogy. If a backstrap broke, yeah compare that to a tire. The trigger failing is like the throttle cable/linkage breaking. Is the replacement part going to last or fail? Who knows. Lost faith is totally understandable, but giving the repaired product a second chance with a lot of use is also a must. The OP's full comments seem fair to me.


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