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Everything posted by S&WForty

  1.   Yeah, I have a car buddy in Vancouver that is a total gun nut.  He has some nice pieces, too.    Regarding that POS Carrey, my co-workers think there is something wrong with me because I don't like "Dumb and Dumber."  I just can't stand him.  That fireman character he played on that FOX channel's version of SNL made me want to puke. 
  2. There are some night siight upgrades that are lower profile I think.  I have one on order, so I am slowly soaking up info on Shields.  There are many threads on sights at www.smith-wessonforums.com in the M&P section.    http://smith-wessonforum.com/smith-wesson-m-p-pistols/
  3. I've got one on order (one month and counting), and I am reading a lot of threads online like this.  Mine can't get here soon enough. 
  4. I flew into Dallas from Sheeet-Hole-Lay, Mexico Friday afternoon.  It took me 1.5 hrs to get through customs AND through TSA for my connecting flight.  Each point was fully staffed.  The time spent waiting was due to sheer traffic. 
  5.   I inconvenience myself all the time.  I used to hide my laptop, and now that i have a safe, the laptop goes in there every night along with my external harddrives.  I've got plenty of photos I don't want to lose, and I don't want ID-theft data in the hands of the wrong person.  Two of my three vehicles that are not parked inside garages at night have steering column guards.  My co-workers used to make fun of them calling the devices "Fort Knox" along with those famous words "That's what insurance is for."  My cars are all "cream puffs" for their age and mileage, and no insurance company is going to cut a check large enough that I can replace them with similar models in the same nearly-perfect condition.   
  6. There are so many models from each manufacturer to choose from, but for the look and features I wanted, the Kimber cost less than the Springfield and S&W. I had avoided Kimber due to the price perception, and when SA and S&W didn't have exactly what I wanted, I took a look at Kimber's website. And found exactly what I wanted. Stainless RL TLE II.
  7. Since you brought up the option to buy a Glock .45, I have to ask what is the purpose of this purchase?  Carrying for self-defense or for fun?  I am more comfortable with a DAO Glock-like trigger for carry purpose, but for putting the biggest grin on my face at the range, my 1911 is King. 
  8. I am 39, and back in December or January, I used my first electric shaver.  I was just really tired of wetting my face and smearing shaving gel.  I also am a total cheap-ass, so I was using razors that were dull.  I had just changed to a fresh razor, and though it performed better than the dull one I tossed, I kept missing spots, even on my chin - I'm no morning person, and I need a shaving mirror I can see.    I decided to take the plunge on an electric, and it was going to be a foil shaver either by Braun or Panasonic.  I ended up getting the $149 Arc 4 model.  The Braun is cleaned by letting it sit in a cleaning dock full of some solution.  The Panasonic says to squirt liquid soap on the foil and run it under water.  It has a timer, too.  Some days I shave in 1:40.  Others, 2:20.  It's odd how some mornings it's quicker to get everything cut than others.  The timer feature is neat since otherwise I would get lost in time while I'm waking up.    Many weeks later, I was thinking the electric was not as close as the razor.  It is not, but this morning I pulled out the gel and razor again, and actually, having back to back shaves for comparison, the razor is barely better.  All things considered, I am definitely glad I made the switch to a shaver, and I will only use the razor and gel for traveling.    I think there was a similar but cheaper Panasonic model that is in your price range. 
  9. When I got my HCP four years ago, it had a sedative effect when I drive. I'm no Road Rage Nut, but a certain finger has said hi to a few idiot drivers over the years. Suddenly I was grinning at bad drivers as if I was Joel Osteen. A confrontation while armed was the last thing I wanted. As far a being paranoid, that's my way of life with or without a HCP! LOL
  10. I wonder what % of our larger cities need to be blue to offset the rural red areas? Sincerely, A small red drop in Blue Shelby County
  11. Hum the tune from "Deliverance" at them and smile real big.
  12. I typically do not like the mobile versions of most websites. While Tapatalk wasn't working here I used Dolphin browser to view the full site. Tapatalk isn't perfect by any means, but I find it useful. I don't regret getting it for its small price. It is one of two paid apps I own. Torque is the other.
  13. That is crazy. Must be the Kyoto Way.
  14. Codes didn't appear when posting a reply with quoted text. Just reinstalled app for this post. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  15. Test again (still w/o reloading) Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  16. Test.<br /><br />Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2<br /><br />
  17. Thanks for turning tapatalk back on!<br /><br />
  18. What does JDM stand for? Until I read your post, I assumed it was a company like Jasper selling remans.
  19. "Citgo" always sounded cheap, so I never used it.  When I learned of the ties to that fruitloop years ago, I knew for sure I'd never use it. 
  20.   It would have been outright honesty only had she known she was talking to The Enemy of her cause. 
  21. You're definitely right. What makes this more pathetic is the fact People Like Us are the most informed voters out there. These politicians spamming us is useless. We lose our privacy for nothing, and they don't even gain anything either. Lose-lose.
  22. I remember a lot of your group's guys coming here over the years.  A lot of the road course instructors came out of MAFB, if I recall correctly. 
  23. One thing I forgot to mention was the origination of the event.  In the early 90s, some IT guy hosted a mailing list for Camaro and Firebirds (GM F-body platform).  By '95, members across the country had started having regional get togethers in cities with tracks that could host AX/road course/drag racing.  In '95 someone suggested we have one big event where all would try to attend.  Memphis was chosen due to the location and track facility.  One year the event went to St. Louis, and throughout the 2000s, it rotated between Memphis and Indy.    The core group have been friends online for many years.  It is analogous to someone here hosting a get together for forum members to meet face to face and shoot firearms and hang out.  I think I recall seeing a thread about that last year.    Each year the event is organized by a volunteer that puts a lot of time and energy into getting everything arranged.  The head organizer also by a certain date has to pay the track the fees to reserve it.  He puts a lot on himself to pull this off. 
  24. I know there are some car guys here.  If anyone has interest in participating in an autocross, road course, and drag race event in May, send me a PM for more details.    You can sign up for all three portions or one or two.  Drag racing includes a ton of test-n-tune time plus bracket and heads up classes.  The autocross is timed with awards/trophies given to the class winners, and the road course portion is considered "driver education." It is not timed or competitive.  The road course drivers are classed as beginner, intermediate, and advanced.  Beginners will have experienced drivers ride along for instruction.  There is a safety and tech sheet used to ensure AX and road course cars meet minimum standards for the track.  The drag strip personnel will tech drag racers.    This event started for Camaro and Firebirds in '96.  After production stopped in 2002, some guys moved onto other makes and models from Vettes, GTOs, Mustangs, Infinitys, Porsches, etc.  Some guys moved onto other hobbies/interests/priorities, so all these years later our attendance is down.  As a result, we're opening it up to new people to participate.  The event is private, open only to those that register, and participants can register spectator guests.    The event has an official hotel where registration fees cover paid security in the hotel parking lot the nights participants are in town.  Each night, participants hang out in the parking lot and drink the beverage of their choice.  The final evening has a banquet with catered food.    http://www.fbody-event.org/index.php    
  25. Thanks for the replies.  I'll give my hybrid another shot before buying anything else, though that MIC looks nice.  If anything, it's a trigger guard during storage if I ignore the Shield's safety.  I have used the Uncle Mike neoprene with my 990L, and for cases where I didn't need to tuck a shirt, it was quite comfy. 


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