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Everything posted by S&WForty

  1. You have a very good point. Mr. Sheeple is indeed falling down on his job. One more counter point I'll have in my arsenal. I tried to tell him that. He's just bent on (all) permit holder's being a throwback to the wild west. No, we're not lookin' fer a gunfight pardner...
  2. My SW99QA is also DAO. After what I have read about the AS trigger, I wish that is what I had! Both the SW and Walther have awesome ergonomics!
  3. I thought I'd share an experience I had about two weeks ago. I haven't had a chance to type it up until now. While eating lunch, a co-worker that knows my position on guns asked me what are the laws on carrying in a restaurant. Given all the recent hoopla over the law change for places that serve alcohol, I thought that was what he was talking about. It wasn't. As I started to answer him, I realized he meant ANY restaurant. Also very important is to understand he is a conservative-minded person and grew up on a farm around firearms. He asked because a few nights prior, while eating at a pizza restaurant, two men sat across from him with their guns exposed. My other co-worker from MS immediately said, "Oh, they must have been police if you saw their guns like that." I said, "Nope, my permit allows me to conceal or open carry." My MS friend was surprised (he has a MS permit), and the co-worker that started the converation immediately got POed. Once he realized they were likely not cops, he went off. *All* he could harp on was "what happens if one of them trying to shoot a robber kills my wife or baby???" He clearly was not concerned about the weapons' mere presence. He was going after the use of the weapon in the very situation our permits were created for. He got so irrate that he said he is going to start looking for signs in restaurants, and "any restaurant that doesn't have a sign banning guns will no longer get my business, and I will make sure the owner knows." It was quite odd feeling "attacked" by not only a friend, but one that has shared many a conservative-leaning joke with me. It felt like a slap in the face. It was amazing how in the name of saving his wife and baby from a permit holder's stray bullet, he became so condescending. He could really make a good liberal... One, I just had to share to show all what we're up against - it's not just all-out liberals that are anti-gun. Two, to those that support OC and have proudly said, "nobody even noticed or cared I had this ____ on my hip," it was two OCers that got my co-worker riled up. He kept his mouth shut and waited to ask me were they legal or not, then he blew up. I wasn't going to argue. I just let him spew. After giving it some thought, I think if he brings it up again, I'll ask him to look up statistics on getting shot by a law-abiding permit holder's stray bullet vs. getting killed in his car while traveling to the restaurant of choice... After I realized that comparison, I thought, "it's like the saying goes, swallow an elephant, but choke on a gnat."
  4. I keep saying his picking Biden as VP is the "Tom Willis Factor." He needed a dumb white guy to be his sidekick just like George had one! He should be thrilled to hear the theme music.
  5. What caliber is the P99? What action does it have? I have a SW99QA in .40S&W.
  6. If you haven't already, be sure to read up on the ammo choices and FTF/FTE issues some ammo causes. My friend has the P22 and the Sig Mosquito. Both are finicky eaters of .22. I can't recall which ammo is best. A search in the handgun section will probably turn up some threads on this.
  7. I am glad I am old enough to have gotten to watch it as a kid.
  8. You'll like that area. Had you said Memphis, everyone would be pointing at laughing at ya. Hehe.
  9. Thank you for the offer to help.
  10. What area will you be moving to?
  11. Congratulations! That is good news and inspires a little hope. What you say above is pretty much on the money with what I've been going through since January except we've had paycuts instead of freezes. When two were cut in May, I had already convinced myself I was going to be cut. I had rehearsed in my mind how I would react and what I'd say (all controlled and kind!). After the ax fell on the other two, I had the slightest feeling of contentment knowing I was chosen to be kept, but we all were so close for so many years, that feeling would almost instantly switch to feeling sick to my stomach. I still try to gauge daily where the company is headed. I hope to hold on and find a reward eventually, but I am open to parting ways, too.
  12. When I started to pursue getting a permit, my thoughts were to save the day if that situation arose. Now, after reading so much over the last two years about such situations, I subscribe to what many say, "Let the 'sheeple' protect themselves." There is too much chance for getting my butt sued. The person or business that you become the free security guard to will not pay for your legal fees. Am I saying I would never act in such a situation? No. I think many people have an instinct and an extra sense that can kick in, and you "just know it's the right thing to do." Sometimes reacting with instinct or even what some could say is a "knowing" from a higher power will yield better results than a pre-thought-out plan. Also, your wording above is would you "... out of fear of..." You shouldn't shoot merely out of fear what the crook might do. Maybe he is as scared of the trigger as the clerk. He's just brandishing it to get his way. You fire, you miss (hey, it can happen), and then someone that has zero knowledge on how to use a firearm starts firing hysterically. You fire, you hit, you wound. You probably get sued. You fire, you hit, you kill. Some pansy-@$$ liberal minded witness claims the situation didn't warrant your actions. The nearly scared-to-death person you saved is traumatized, and thinks your actions were overboard, too. Lose, lose, lose. Just duck, keep an eye out, and as I've seen elsewhere, "be a good eye-witness for the police." Laslty, I could not say "yeah, I'd shoot the guy" until the question states it is clear the perp is completely unstable and could do anything at any moment. At that time, you yourself and your loved ones are clearly in danger, and you have the law clearly on your side.
  13. I was thinking of an incident that occurred when I was 13-14 yrs old. I was home alone around 8pm. Background: the inside latch of the security door was broken and the door didn't align with the facing without pulling on it (that's why the latch handle was broken...), so during the day we locked the inside door's deadbolt. At the end of the day we would push the security door closed from the outside and lock it, then walk around and come back in the front door. I was not yet old enough to have my handy-man skilz. A thug had what he thought was his lucky break. He approached the back door to find an unlocked security door. My little dog was going nuts barking. The piece of trash was going to try to come in anyway. By the time I got to the kitchen and faced the door from about 15' away, I saw the shadow go down then suddenly come up ramming the inside door. I yelled and the guy took off. I didn't grow up around guns. Had I had that exposure and experience, I imagine I would have yelled anyway and the guy would have still run, but had I not had a dog, and the guy got inside before I could yell through the door, perhaps a teenager with a good technique would have killed the guy... My question, at what age do those of you with kids feel they are old enough to be aware of where the defense tool is and when they can use it? I do not know what TN law says about children and firearms (I am a long way off from having to know about that in my own home). I don't know if any honest answers would be illegal or not. After thinking of that old incident, I got to wondering how gun-owning parents teach/tell their children about home defense. (have the liberals passed any laws that state kids must hide in a closet...? )
  14. I can see how some that don't truly get into his style would say that, but I don't agree. Are you saying he says what he thinks will sell? If not, exactly why do you reduce him to being a mere entertainer?
  15. Like in all jobs, no one is happy 100% of the time. Things happen with or without intent that can upset someone; however, for me, nothing in over 12 years was ever worth questioning or as in this case speaking up and asking for something. Our managers have been fortunate that practically all of their time is spent on business matters and not personnel issues. The downside to that is when something like this past week's situation arose, I honestly don't think they knew how to best manage it. It's good they inadvertently let us manage them as you say. We also have a situation where one of the managers is using these hard times to turn as many workers against the owner as he can. As if times are not difficult enough, we have all of that to contend with. I know for a fact a lot or most of what that manager says are lies or severely exaggerated.
  16. Very interesting responses. Barry, your replies and links are great! I think several can keep those for good reference! On Wednesday, three people had the perk/privilege of a 4 day week. Effective late Thurs or early today, EVERYONE has the option. Whew. The boss emailed me and the other guy back late Wednesday saying a management meeting was needed to discuss the requests and hopefully he'd have an answer for us by end of day Thursday. My email had been a two-line email saying I wanted that option, too, and to call me to his office to discuss why. When I got the short reply back telling me they had to meet about it, I quickly replied back with a brief, but detailed explanation of WHY I was asking. I made several points. At the end I referenced the fact I knew the other guy was asking for it, and then I advised "I know we're not the only two wondering why a few got this option and it was not extended to all. Your review needs to consider extending this to everyone and not just our two requests you got yesterday." I feel like a Junior Union Organizer. LOL What's sad, everyone is still POed that it was not offered to them without our actions. We know from a good source had me and the other guy not pressed for it, they would not have extended the option on their own.
  17. We had "small" cuts in January - 8%, and two of five guys in my position were let go in May. I am one of three left. (The other salaried guys are in another area.) It's been a rough year. Now this. It's really been a good place to work for many years. I've had a lot of gripes (no job is perfect!), but none that were ever worth rocking the boat. THIS? I am pretty chapped, and feel I have no choice but to speak up. If some get preferential treatment now, where will it stop? Tomorrow the ball will definitely be in their court... I'll post an update when the dust settles.
  18. Thanks for the replies. Another guy put in a request for the 4-day schedule, too. He got no feedback either. The joke around the office is the 4-day guys are going to use their day off to look for other jobs. It would serve them right if all of us could walk out at the same time. LOL
  19. I have a question about a private-owned company that employs hourly and salary employees. We just received 20% paycuts, but the flipside was 20% less time at work. Well, supposedly. Hourly employees are getting to work and be paid for 32.5hrs. Salary employees were cut to 32 hrs, M-F 8:00-3:00, but that's only 30 hrs. The other two hours have to be made up a little bit here or there. They made it clear to keep up with our time that we get those two extra hours in. We were also told it's the same as a normal 40-hr week for salaried employees. The 8-3 is a minimum DAILY requirement. If we have to work "late" a few hours to get the job done, we cannot leave early on Friday when we hit 32 hrs for the week. It went into effect this week, and surprise, surprise, I am on pace to work 37-39 hours (with pay maxed at 32 hrs). If everyone is facing that (even though not everyone has worked over like I have had to), I can deal with it. I've worked over 40hrs a week for years with no overtime. I am used to it. But yesterdaay I learned that three out of about 7 of us non-management salaried employees asked for and are now working four 8hr days with Friday or Monday off. I have put in a request for the same where we can rotate who is off Friday or Monday. I have not gotten any feedback, and my direct manager clearly had a different demeanor last time I spoke with him. I know he got the request. They had considered a 4-day week originally. When we first heard rumors of a paycut, that's what we heard. At the last minute they decided it wasn't feasible, so the M-F with reduced hours were implemented. I just have a sinking feeling they are going to say no more can have the 4-day schedule. Is it legal to let some have one schedule and refuse it to the others when both groups in question do the same job/title and are all salary? Particularly when some may work several unpaid hours and others don't? It's like those with the 4-day weeks just got their guaranteed 8hrs off. I suspect for salaried employees, it's "anything goes." Thank you for any insight.
  20. The photography skilz are killer!
  21. I am kinda wondering the same thing. If your neighborhood doesn't have a watch group or something similar, you can set up a "group" on Yahoo or Google, and neighbors can sign up via email. Whenever there's news, good or bad, send an email to the group, and everyone gets a copy. And another +1 to notifying the department head to say thanks for those officers' excellent work. If what Hexhead thinks is true, more patrols need to be scheduled for your area.
  22. I saw the worst driving home. I was going down Walnut Grove (westbound) between Germantown Parkway and the AgCenter. After that, I was through the worst. It's amazing how fast those carts will go with wind. I was once sitting in the parking lot at Regions bank near that siren. When it first fired up, it sounded like a loud Harley coming up Germantown Parkway. Then the tone got higher pitched, and louder, and louder. A few seconds later, I realized was practically under it. LOL
  23. Thanks! If I had to part with one of the Birds, the '88 is the keeper! I love the 3rd gen Camaros, too.
  24. Musclecars.
  25. S&WForty


    Thanks. I'm just presenting one perspective I guess. I can't say how "right" I am. I'm also a Pontiac nut. I'm gonna miss my brand! But, it's one more thing this Right-Wing Extremist can blame on Obama. Brother Barack, you may have taken my Pontiac Motor Division away, but you ain't takin' my guns!


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