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Everything posted by S&WForty

  1. I always knew I'd get a 1911. They are just eye candy alone. A few months ago I just knew it was the time to get one. I am a big fan of Smith & Wesson, and I like Springfield Armory, too. I started my search there. I looked at all of their models online. I wanted a stainless finish, night sights, and a tactical rail. I obviously looked at the SW1911TA. I didn't care for the fish scale slide grip. It looked neat, but I preferred my 1911 look more traditional. Though I like rosewood grips, I didn't want them on a stainless finish. I never even looked at Kimbers because they are said to be so expensive. After handling a SW1911TA and comparable SA 1911 at Guns & Ammo, I went home to research more, since neither had won me over. For that kind of money, it better be love at first site. Out of desperation, I went to Kimber's website and looked around. It took a while given their selection! When I saw the Stainless TLE RL II, I though t, "That's the one!". I then tensed up as I scrolled down the page looking for the MSRP. When I saw the MSRP was less than the SW1911TA's MSRP, I flew back to Guns and Ammo hoping they had one, and of course they did! http://www.kimberamerica.com/1911/custom-ii/stainless-tle-rl-ii I am still a total newb in the world of 1911's, but I found the one that I wanted in terms of appearance, and I knew Kimber's are well regarded. The only other 1911 I had shot before was my dad's 1967 50th anniversary WWI commemorative edition Colt. I always thought it shot great. After shooting them side by side, we both agreed my Kimber trigger feels better. Maybe that isn't saying much, but at least it didn't feel worse! Though I've shot several friends' pistols in addition to my SW99QA and 990L, this is the most trigger time I've had with a single action pistol. It puts a huge smile on my face every time I shoot it. Heck, or just look at it. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  2. My thick Gould & Goodrich belt arrived today. I am now walking around the office open-carrying my big ole Samsung Galaxy Nexus holstered in an Otterbox Defender case. I am intimidating all of my iPhone-carrying co-workers. Life is good. Life is good as long as my phone doesn't go back into Freeze and Reboot mode...
  3. It just ain't right to criticize someone that has a photo of Clint Eastwood as their avatar. Same for Chuck Norris. LOL
  4. That and the rugged build is why I'd pick your phone if I had it to do over again. I drag my charger to work everyday. It gets old. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  5. I like what Android offers, freedom from iTunes. I am fairly anti-Apple, but I respect Apple. They birthed this technology, and Apple vs Android competition will cause both sides to keep striving for supremacy, and ultimately we're all winners. I got the latest "Google Phone" last December upon its debut - the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. It came with then brand new Ice Cream Sandwich. Being the Google Phone, it was supposed to get Android updates asap, but I just finally got the Verizon-provided update to Jelly Bean this week. Most users have been steamed it took this long. A friend of mine has the same phone (it's his 4-5th smartphone and my first). He recently got the Galaxy S3, but still likes the Galaxy Nexus better and is selling the new S3. The Google Phone doesn't have the OEM installed "bloatware" that the other Samsung models have (or other brands of Android phones). I am rather bent out of shape at the moment. My Samsung TV purchased in February started dying in under a month. My Galaxy Nexus two weeks ago started acting very bizarre. It locked and rebooted itself 50-60 times in an 8 hr period. I wiped it and started over with a fresh O/S installation, and that made it worse. Oddly enough, after about 8 more hours, it started worked again and is totally fine now. In the meantime, Verizon shipped me a replacement Galaxy Nexus. That POS wouldh't hold a network OR call signal for more than a minute at a time. Reading online about it, it appears that is a very common problem with the refurb replacements. Though my phone is really awesome and does everything I want it to, I have this sinking feeling that if it dies for good, will I get a replacement that actually works? Who is more to blame for crappy refurbs? Verizon or Samsung? I don't know. If I had it to do all over again, I would have gotten the Droid Razr Maxx. IMO, Androids are like 1911s. Some people say they are finicky at times and require "more maintainance." But when they are working right, they are awesome. Glocks are everywhere like iPhones. Glock and Apple owners both think their poop don't stink. But iPhones and Glocks run like a charm nearly all the time. And there are tons of accessories for iPhones and Glocks both from Apple/Glock and good 3rd parties. Those Android people that gotta be different and be free from the constraints of Apple software don't have near as much "aftermarket" support depending on exactly which Android phone you choose. I was so glad my brother stepped in and told my dad to get an iPhone earlier this year. He's not called me for tech support once. Originally, he was looking at Verizon's Android offerings. My next phone will be another Android, but when someone wants something "rock solid" I point them to the iPhone.
  6. Any stores in Memphis with a nice selection other than Guns & Ammo? One Gould & Goodrich belt was close to what I like but not quite. My previous post blew up after I edited it. Sorry for the mess. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  7. <br /><br />Have you worn Gould & Goodrich belts
  8. Maddog, I had probably 600-700 rds through the pistol, but I dry fired it with a snap cap a LOT the night before my last shoot. Maybe I finally reached that point of break-in! FIST, two shoots ago, I remembered how a very tight grip helped me a long time ago. I tried that, and I saw some improvement. For me, a purposefully tight grip countered my tendency to point down and to the left. But it sure is tiring. I will pay close attention to my pinky and ring fingers with my normal grip next time and see of more pressure with my middle finger helps. Thank you both for the help! Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  9. I got a Kimber RL TLE II a few months ago. For what I paid alone, there is no way it will ever be an EDC pistol in the event I had to use it. Then the size/weight factor comes into play, Compared to my SW99 tupperware specials, that 1911 trigger fires in a hurry! I am so used to my SW's, it would take a ton of practice and dry firing for me to feel I can safely carry it for self defense. 1911s are so awesome.
  10. Thanks for the replies. I had an interesting Saturday. My friend let me borrow his G27 to compare side by side with my SW990L. On two past occasions, I had poor accurary with my SW, and I'd hit a bullseye on my first shot with his G27. I'd shoot just 1-2 magazines out of his, so just enough time to plant seeds in my head... Prior to Saturday's outing, I had read on other forums some comments that told me I wasn't alone in my opinion of my SW990L trigger. One person said "it's not a match pistol. The slower you pull the trigger, the more off target you'll be." Another comment was "a quick fluid pull of the trigger will give you your best groupings." I remembered how in the past, I shot as well or better when shooting faster. I guess knowing it wasn't just me helped my focus. I dry fired it a ton of times Friday night, and I when I compared the two side by side, I actually liked my pistol better. Shot for shot, my grouping with the Glock was better, but it was by a slim margin. Even though the Glock's trigger felt more crisp at the breakover point, I think the pull was a tad longer than my SW. The Glock shots farthest from bullseye were the result of me anticipating recoil. Overall, I went from wishing I had a trigger job or wanting to get a G27 to being content with what I have. Deep down, I wish it was a bit cripser than it is, but I'll practice some more and see if my thoughts remain the same. It was my best day shooting in a long time!
  11. Along lines of dental needs, hydrogen peroxide is great for gums. It might help prevent the need of professional dental care. If peroxide is already on the list for cuts/wounds, just add more for dental needs. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  12. I am looking for shooters with experience with both the SW99QA (990L) trigger and the M&P trigger. I was close to buying a M&P a year or so ago, but I read somewhere a comment that the M&P trigger felt "gritty." That is how I describe my SW99QA. I know the Apex trigger replacement is popular with M&P's. I am curious how similar they really are out of the box. I am debating getting a trigger job on my SW99 or put the money toward a G27. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  13. That's sad. I hope you find other work asap.
  14. Even though I am GM all the way, I would love to have a new 5.0. Shhh, don't tell anyone.
  15. I used to frequent TnT before Memphis Motorsports Park closed, and I've run the road course there several times. After doing the road course, drag racing lost some of its appeal. Nothing beats speed through corners! I've got a '72 Grand Prix, '88 T/A GTA, and a '01 Trans Am (326 rwhp, 13 sec 1/4 mile stock, 20 mpg city/30 hwy despite a running weight of 3750 lbs - I love my lowly pushrod V-8!).
  16. Cut Frontier some slack ya'll. We've all seen internet arguments where blanket statements get made, hairs are split, and for that reason, the arguing can go on forever. I don't expect that a gun store owner posting on the internet be 100% perfect in every statement he makes. Frontier makes some good points. That gun store vs. jewelry store line is pretty good. LOL What I do expect from a gun store owner is that when someone sets foot in his store, his employees should at least act courteous and friendly. To anyone located in the area of Frontier that has never shopped there, and now refuses to because of comments in this thread, I suggest you give the guy a second chance. I'd judge his business on actual experience in his store than what he's said here in a less-than-ideal manner. Anyone that's ever worked a job (retail or non-retail) where they are NOT the customer knows the customer is NOT always right.
  17. Element 2.0 and 3.0 were the new versions when I got my first SLR cameras. I can only imagine how nice the newest Elements release must be! I finally got Photoshop CS4 about a year ago. I ordered it from Vio Software after seeing that place mentioned on a photography forum. I paid ~$340 for CS4 Extended. At the time, the cheapest I could find it elsewhere was $450-$500, and I think MSRP at a lot of places was $699. What was odd was that going directly to Vio's page and going through the product menu had a higher price. When doing a search for PS CS4 at Nextag and one other "price grabber" type site (maybe it was price grabber!), the link to Vio was different and had the super low price. To the OP, Elements seems ideal for you. For anyone looking to get PS as cheaply as possible, try Vio by way of Nextag or price grabber.
  18. S&WForty

    Ran outta gas

    That's what I was going to say! I also try to refill soon after going below 1/2 tank. I remember the crazy lines and panic when Katrina hit (I think that's when we last had a lot of stations running out of gas?). If something major happened, I want as much fuel in the tank in order to get the heck out of here.
  19. Hopefully, someone knows the reason. I've wondered about it quite a few times. A friend said he's pretty sure it's not something they do all the time, so that is maybe why I wasn't offered it.
  20. I bought my first pistol there, and Richard was really nice. There's one or two that have spoken to me with an "impatience," and I left wondering if I'd ever go back. There is another employee there I thought was a total grump, and I later remembered I met him 8-9 yrs ago at something totally unrelated to guns. He was a total @$$ back then. Amazing how some folks never change. When I bought a Walther P22 last year, G&A's price was pretty high. I ended up ordering one through Range USA for $30 or so less. I kid you not, it seemed like Range USA rolled out the red carpet for me. I can't recall what all was included. I think I got a free lane rental and a X% discount on any accessories ordered at the time of pickup. The P22 mags are fairly pricey, so I got an extra two with that discount. Next time I need something, I'll definitely give G&A a shot, and I'll try to get Richard. But I will see what Range USA can do, too. Range USA has convenient hours and actually has a parking lot, too. I've driven by G&A several times and kept going. There was not a single place to park. I also don't understand how some times G&A will sell a firearm and not charge sales tax if you pay cash. I paid with a credit card. When I went back for an accessory, I heard one of them tell a guy "pay cash, and there's no sales tax." I thought, "Why the hell didn't you tell ME that?"
  21. S&WForty

    Glock 28

    Is that true for a G27, or just the G23? Amen to the .380 ammo being scarce!
  22. I appreciate the comments. I think you just solved for me why I shot the Glock so much better with your "QA is more a true DA feel." I was not looking to find those comments about gunsmith work! But at least you have an excellent comparison and experience with the QA and the M&P! I look forward to getting my hands on one. shspanthers, thanks for the offer. I don't think I'll be up there anytime soon.
  23. That's nice.
  24. Thanks for the offer, but I need a compact for carrying! Mind to comment on the feel before/after the trigger kit?
  25. Does anyone here have experience going from the SW99/990 line to a M&P? I own a SW99QA (DOA trigger like a Glock), and I have a compact 990L that is the same trigger as the "QA." The last three times I shot the 990L, I shot terrible (turrible, per Charles Barkley ). I wish I had carried my fullsize QA along with me to see if my shot placement with it degraded, too, but I have always grouped the fullsize a lot better than the smaller pistol. Two outings back, I picked up my friend's G27, and in one shot, I hit the bullseye. For them to feel so "blocky" in my hand, they shoot incredibly. Last weekend, I shot another friend's XD40. The trigger felt a lot longer, but the lower effort at the breakover point had me grouping a lot tighter once I was used to the longer pull. My friend said my SW felt like hitting a brick wall at the breakover point. My hits are down at the 7-8 o'clock position, so I think I am pushing my aim off when I fight the trigger. Even though I shot well with the XD, I just find them top-heavy, and they look it. I never really liked that long trigger pull, or to me what felt like a long pull. Two years ago or so, I met a co-worker and her husband at a range. This was when I only had my fullsize 99QA. I shot it well, but my co-worker's G23 was "easier" to shoot more accurately, and her husband's fullsize M&P40 felt "smoother" than my 99QA. I will look for a M&P40c to rent, and my friend said he'll let me borrow his G27 for the comparison, too. I am not sure if I want to try to rent a XD40c or not. I am curious if anyone here has gone from the SW99 DOA trigger to a M&P and what your thoughts were. I kinda want to be mentally armed and dangerous before I rent a few pistols, so hopefully I can have a more subjective comparison. I am also curious if anyone has had any trigger work performed by a gunsmith on a SW99 DOA trigger. I love the look and feel of it, but when everything else I put in my hand shoots better, I just stand there and shake my head... I hope when I rent a M&P40c, I have this feeling of "this is the one," but who knows. From two years back, I just remember it felt a lot like my SW99, but "smoother."


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