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Everything posted by S&WForty

  1. So it's really The Night of the Walking Brain Dead?
  2. Thanks for the replies! I may have to try that out! Though I wonder, what did zombies ever do to deserve this? Hehe.
  3. Embrace the M&P and never look back. How well do you shoot with it? That's what matters most. For some reason, my groups with my SW99's started to deteriorate. On two occasions my buddy handed me his G27. I shot it better than my own pistols. In the back of my head I was having Glockopia - that sense I must replace my compact SW99 with a G27. Because Clocks Rule. I researched trigger opinions online and wondered if I needed to try an M&P. Well, I read in a few places where M&P owners called their triggers "gritty." No! That's how my SW99's feel. Okay, Glock is my only hope for a good Tupperware carry piece. Then it got worse. I bought a 1911 - my Range Mistress. I took one of the SW99s to the range with the 1911. Heaven help. That single action 1911 made me feel like I was a born shooter. I REALLY was down on my accuracy with the SW99 now. I was ready to JB Weld the SW99 slide to the frame and have a mean looking paperweight. To hell with that crappy SW99 and its wanna be Glock "Quick Action" trigger. I started pricing G27s (ouch!). Then I thought, "What will a trigger job cost me? Maybe I can salvage this thing." I told my buddy what I was thinking. He insisted I borrow the G27 for a serious and focused side by side comparison. Talk about entering a situation already defeated. I can't believe the SW99 let me touch it that fateful day. My mind was set. That outing was going to confirm it's time to get a Glock. Previously I had only shot the Glock maybe 5-15 rds at a time. This day? 100 rds through both. The night before I did something I hadn't done in a long time. I dry fired my SW99 many times. I focused on the feel and break over point. I owed it that much. Then off to the range we went. Overall, I'd say I grouped with the G27 about an inch tighter than my SW99, but all factors considered, it was a wash. I had not shot the SW99 that well in over 4-5 outings with it. Past groups were seriously double the size i had that day. It was Mind Over Matter. Forget the hype, forget the peer pressure, just reset my mind and focus on the basics. The Glock's trigger safety also got old. For a few rounds, it was fine. After 100, it was a burden. In a life or death situation, I am confident of my abilities with either pistol. Both are great and reliable. From someone that had major Glock envy for over two years, respect them but don't think you must have one. Just focus on what you have, and be the best shot you can be. The M&P has great market support for accessories. Much more so than the SW99 series. You actually have the best of both worlds. Great ergonomics and accessory support in a reliable pistol.
  4. Another tragedy won't make them change their mind. It will just solidify their current stance. I appreciate your firm stance. I go see a movie about once every 2-3 years. It's not an issue for me, but I wish they had common sense for fellow HCP people like you. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  5. At least Haynesworth did that to Washington. Hehe. I've been a Cowboys fan since I was a kid. I'll always bleed Blue and Silver, but I also rooted for the Titans during the Fisher years. I am glad to see Eddie George on FOX's Saturday night college coverage. He looks like a kid sitting there. I hope he feels as physically good as he looks. At this point in the season, there's no doubt Manning made a wise decsion not coming here.
  6. Lester - commenting on your last paragraph, I think you are onto something. IMO, Apple wins again with rock solid hardware to go with their proven OS. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  7. I saw a Groupon email about a two Zombie nights at RangeUSA. I dug out my last RangeUSA newsletter. Here is the description: ******************************** Zombie Night 4, October 26 & 27, 6:00pm-9:00pm - this is our annual zombie night event. Memphis, and specifically, Range USA, is the last stand in America that hasn't been infected by the zombie virus. You and your friends are the only thing standing between the advancing horde and what's left of civilization. We've changed things up a bit to ensure the best Zombie Night Event yet! Come out, pick up a weapon and shoot some zombies! Tickets on sale now ($15.00). ************************************* Exactly what is this? Do zombie targets slowly advance toward you in your target lane? Does a certain number of well aimed hits stop the "zombies?"
  8. Awkward. I just recently started carrying again. I feel safer, but in places where being a target is more likely, like a gas station, I just find myself thinking, "I don't want to kill anybody. Just leave me alone." I also find myself concerned about how well it's concealed not for causing alarm but because of the slightest chance someone would try to take it from behind. A few months ago I was open carrying my fat cell phone on my waist. I knew some one had come up behind me. The guy was just too close. It would have taken very little for him to have jerked the phone off my waist. Even though I conceal my pistol, it may be noticeable to some, and I wish I had eyes on the back of my head.
  9. I only knew the term "Desert Eagle" in regard to the .50 caliber pistol. When I saw "Micro Desert Eagle," I thought, "how the hell can you fire that round in a compact size pistol?" Whew.
  10. Start a new thread and keep it going. This has been some good reading.
  11. That sounds nice!
  12. Me, too! What trigger does does this pistol have? Is it the DA/SA or DAK or something else? I don't know which P22x it is, but I've shot a friend's 9mm Sig that is DA/SA, and it is is the trigger I like the most out of everything I've ever shot.
  13. Don't be silly! Obama is ready to name his Federales Over Municipalities Czar! Fuel up them choppers!
  14. I recall reading that after Katrina, the police were confiscating firearms in NO. Did TN pass or try to pass a law that would prevent that from occurring here?
  15. What part of that quote is so hard to understand? If Obama has the chance to select another Supreme Court justice, do you really think he's going to pick a conservative? How many potential justices are there waiting on Obama's tap that fit his ideal liberal qualifications MINUS being anti-2nd Amendment? It's safe to say NONE. If even one exists, Obama will go to the next person that fits all of his requirements. In the next four years, he can tilt the SCOTUS to the point we're screwed on every single conservative and/or libertarian issue. There is no such thing as the perfect candidate unless you live in Mayberry.
  16. I went to the Walnut Grove office (3040, just east of Tillman) for my renewal on the last week of September. I got my new perimit and duplicate (spare) in the mail today. I was in the Walnut Grove location for 45 minutes start to finish. There were 4 people ahead of me. Overall, it beat driving to Millington. 45 minutes was less than my round trip drive time to Millington.
  17. Just a warning for those with Verizon unlimited data. My dad had such a plan. Hus smart phone died out of warranty. He reactivated an old flip phone. 21 days later, he bought a new smart phone. Verizon had turned his data off without him requesting it. As you can guess, when data was added back, they refused to give him the unlimited plan. Had he been a tightwad and called to turn off data temporarily, I could accept it a little better, but they they turned it off so they could pull this stunt. They also told him had he gotten a new.smart phone activated in 14 days, he would have kept the unlimited plan. That's probably hidden in the fine print somewhere. ;( Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  18. It would be nice if 6.8 AR and others didn't have to go around explaining common sense as done in the post above. As he said, the current president wants to trash everything. He must be voted out.
  19. Read these articles. I decided to google this and read for myself rather than just go by what my friend told me. Yes, the FCC has stopped Verizon from charging for tethering, but it's not cut and dry. There's a few different scenarios with different outcomes. http://news.cnet.com...ans-to-you-faq/ http://lifehacker.co...nt-means-to-you The new "Share" plans have tethering included. Many people are paying for the ability to tether when they may never do so. Those that will tether, tether all you want up to your monthly data cap. Those with older plans that are not unlimited data plans, you can download 3rd party apps in the Android Market and tether all you want - just don't go over your monthly data limit. If you are someone on such a plan, and you are paying VZN the extra $20 per month to tether (which includes 2GB data), you can either keep on tethering and use that extra 2GB, or stop paying $20/month for 2GB tethering and just tether with 3rd party apps keeping your total usage under your phone's monthly limit. And, if you're on their unlimited data plan, technically, to ward off data-hoggers/abusers, you are not allowed to use 3rd party apps for tethering. You can do so, but it's against their rule. If caught, they can demand you stop and make you pay the $20/month fee (or perhaps get forced to one of the new Share plans). Most people say unless you're going through a ton of data, you will never get on their radar. Fox Fi does not work with the new Jelly Bean O/S. If you're Ice Cream Sandwich or older, it still works fine, but I have since found there are other tethering apps that do not require the phone to be rooted and manage to work with Jelly Bean. I just grabbed Portable Wifi Hotspot.
  20. . A friend that stays on top of these things recently told me that the FCC fined Verizon for that. As explained to me, when they received the spectrum for 4G, the FCC told them they cannot dictate how a customer uses his bandwidth on capped plans. Maybe the FCC didn't include unlimited plan customers as they know some of them abuse their plan with a ton of streaming.
  21. Pat Caddell(sp?), a democrat, had a great column months ago stating he should have stepped aside for Hillary to be the nominee. He made many valid points in the column. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  22. I'll add another comment... for the longest, my Gmail account wouldn't sync to the Gmail app unless I was on wifi. I rarely use that account, so I never bothered trying to see why it wouldn't sync over the Verizon network. When I had to do the hard reset on my phone two weeks ago wiping everything, I dreaded dealing with the backup procedure. I feared it would be a mess or not work since my Gmail was flaky. I thought, "you're gonna really wish you had iTunes now, you iTunes hater..." Much to my surprise and relief, my phone backed up without a hitch. I was really impressed with the Google syncing for my apps, contacts, etc. It even had all of my wifi spots' login details saved. It was like my phone had never been touched. What I thought was going to be a glaring weakness was a good strength. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  23. That's what it all boils down to. Pure and simple.
  24. Romney is doing just fine. His explanation on how his MA healthcare is different from Obamacare was to the point and made sense. He sure is composed. If I was on that stage with such an arrogant liar, I would smack that smirk off his face. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  25. Fox Fi is a good wifi app that doesn't require rooting. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


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