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Everything posted by S&WForty

  1. What is the real percentage if homosexuals in the US or worldwide? IMO, it all comes down to political correctness where a majority has to roll over and accommodate a minority.
  2. S&WForty

    S&W Shield

    I waited 10 weeks for my Shield 40.  $469 + tax/check at Memphis LGS. 
  3. Would this local law take precedence over the state's law banning high cap mags? Kinda like a permission slip to let the town's citizens ignore the state law?
  4. Awesome photo. I think I'll make it the wallpaper on my phone then start wearing my phone on the belt clip screen side out. ROTFL
  5. What's been mentally seen cannot be unseen.
  6. If it wouldn't leave me dirtier, I'd use the Commercial Appeal as toilet paper.
  7. It's me again, Margaret. "You wanna hear me bark like Rin Tin Tin?"
  8. Ross Perot did that speaking to the NAACP or similar group during the '92 campaign. It didn't go over too well. :D
  9. As stated by others, it is against the law to cruise in the "passing" lane in some states, Texas being one of them.
  10. Speaking of which, when is your next road trip to Memphis?!? Wave as you pass through! On second thought, don't. As discussed, some here may shoot back!
  11. I'll ride the fence like Bill Clinton and say I agree with both TMF and SWirish24.  I've handled multiple situations both ways.  Not every situation is the same, but all tailgaters suck. 
  12. I love the ergos of my SW99's, and I will love my Shield, but I handled a Sig P226 with E2 (?) grip over the weekend. The DA/SA trigger felt awesome. If money was no object, that would be my next purchase. Edit: those Sigs have the mystique like a 1911, IMO. I'd love to shoot a P220(?) .45 next to my Kimber for direct comparison.
  13. Crap. When this news hits the Memphis Commie Appeal, I'll get one hell of an earful from my mom. Whenever she hears that name, she fires off for a good solid 10 minutes. Then it ends in tears. She loves the vets and hated how they were received when they came home. She had a lot of classmates serve over there.
  14. I'm still spitting nails over the Delta flight attendant mentioned in post #6. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  15. My permit class instructor gave the scenario that a witness not close enough to the scene may mistake your giving aid to the perp as you trying to finish them off by hand. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  16. After shooting a G26, a Baretta Nano, SW99 .40, XD9, and XDS, a friend shot my 1911. When he was finished, he said, "I wish I hadn't shot that thing. Now everything else feels like crap." LOL The single action is a big part of the firing pleasure. Prior to getting my 1911, the best gun I fired was another friend's DA/SA SIG 226(?) 9mm. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  17. I rather hear "illegal gun" rather than just "gun." At least that distinguishes it from legally owned guns. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  18. If we could snap our fingers and the media instantly be replaced with unbiased reporting robots, we could turn the country around. 100% truth being reported would wake up those with their heads in the sand and open the eyes of those brainwashed into being 47 Percenters. The libs and RINOs would be voted out in record numbers. The Occupy movement freaks and similar progressive protester types would see how outnumbered they are and crawl back into their holes. As a whole, people like us are the Silenced Majority. The media gives the other side a free pass and serves to be their megaphone while trying to shame us into thinking our beliefs are outdated or insensitive/etc. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  19. I'm beginning to think we won't see normal supplies until after some SHTF-esque event occurs and those hoarding ammo for Obammageddon realize they have enough to survive and then some. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  20. Welcome aboard and thanks for the invitation. I may have to take you up on your offer sometime. I only shoot pistols and have one .22 rifle. Indoor ranges get old pretty quick!
  21. All the ads I see on FB are inline with the topics I browse. So... My querstion is... What all have you been surfin' Willis, if FB is giving you Black Theology ads??? ;) j/k
  22.   That glare/stare I get from your avatar is belittling.  LOL
  23. Thankfully, most criminals that aren't being chased don't shoot cops merely for the hell of it. The few that do are really stupid/crazy and are guaranteed a death penalty if the officer is killed, and they are caught. As stated before, "it depends" is the blanket answer. I know a very petite lady with very long hair that open carries. Unless she is Uber-Tactical, someone coming from behind could jerk her down by her hair and likely get their prize, her pistol, before she knows what hit her. I occasionally offensively OC at the gas station where a deterrent is more necessary. Elsewhere, I defensively CC in case trouble arises.
  24. It all comes down to that often rephrased quotation: those who give up liberty for the sake of security will have neither. Every solution the hand-wringers come up with strips more freedom from good and harmless people. It is so disgusting. We cannot rid ourselves of evil. We can only react to it decisively with swiftness which may deter future acts from being committed. Isn't it fitting that those who want to strip us of freedom for the sake of safety are the very same people who refuse to rightfully punish those who commit evil against us...
  25.   I look forward to confirming that when mine arrives!  I had someone today tell me the Shield 9 that he fired had more recoil than his Ruger LC9.  Based on everything I've read here and elsewhere, I find that hard to believe.  This same person has told me with authority that a .40 pistol has less recoil than a 9mm... 


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