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About my82cam

  • Birthday 07/14/1985

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    hendersonville, tn
  • Gender
    Not Telling
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 23
  • Carry Weapon #2
    glock 27

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  1. Fantastic scopes, I have 2 of them and love them. If I had more funds, I would buy this in a heartbeat!
  2. If it's an AR15 in 556, I would highly recommend the HUX 556K, I have several 556 cans, and that is by far my favorite.
  3. Beautiful rifle, if I didn't already have this exact rifle, I would be all over this!
  4. I started out with 1 30 cal can with mounts for every rifle, I quickly saw that was not a good plan. Now, each gun has a dedicated can. If you want a good precision can, I would highly recommend a ThunderBeast. I have an Ultra7 on on my 308 and love it.
  5. Just curious, how do you plan on making this suppressor? I've heard they have really cracked down on the 80% kits, requiring people to actually make them 100% themselves. Would this be your first NFA item?
  6. It sounds like you aren't in a hurry, I would send them 1 set and correct later on if they request it.
  7. I have seen multiple people do batch 4s with only 1 set of paper work per person on the trust and get approvals. The worst thing that happens is they contact you and ask to send additional paperwork if they are in a bad mood that day. Side note, I have been using the term "public or private" as my mode of transportation on my 5320.20 forms for over 10 years and was always approved. The last ones I sent in had to be corrected and redone because they wanted the word "conveyance" to be put with it. I asked why it always worked before and not now all of a sudden, she would only tell me her supervisor said it had to be done. So, what used to work in the past doesn't always mean it will work now!
  8. Where is your suppressor, is it at your LGS or out of state? The form 3 is what's used to ship from dealer to dealer across state lines, silencer shop shouldn't have anything to do with that part of it. Do you mean form 4?
  9. These drums are getting harder and harder to find, I have a bag full of these already or I would be all over these!
  10. I am wanting to trade my Ruger American in 30-06 with a vortex( I believe a crossfire) scope on it. I am looking for a handgun to keep by the bedside, I would really like some type of Glock but I'm not terribly picky.
  11. Wish you weren't so far away from the nashville area
  12. Does anyone know of a place to get an engraving done in the Hendersonville area? I went to Nashville Armory in Nashville with my last one and I was not happy at all.
  13. I sent you a PM about them. Ditto what chuck and alleycat said.


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