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Everything posted by DWARREN123

  1. Doesn't matter if ammo or anything else, they should have sent what you ordered or notified you of a better deal. They should make it good! Howdy and Welcome to TGO
  2. Howdy and Welcome to both Tennessee and TGO
  3. Howdy and Welcome to Clarksville and TGO I like Tennessee Gun Country best. Knife and Gun Country in Oak Grove are nice folks also. The Kentucky Shell Shop in Hopkinsville is where I shoot indoors, more good folks. Done some business with Allens Gun Shop and have nothing bad to say about them. Guns and Leather in Greenbrier is also a good store with a indoor range.
  4. Howdy Sam and Welcome to TGO
  5. Congrats on taking the class. I wish more folks would take it and get their HCP!
  6. Me and the wife got ours last Thursday. The company I work for provided for employees and spouse free of charge. First one I have gotten in years, no effects so far.
  7. Howdy RockEm and Welcome to both Tennessee and TGO
  8. Howdy Razz and Welcome to TGO
  9. Howdy and Welcome to TGO
  10. Howdy and Welcome to both TGO and Tennessee
  11. Howdy and Welcome to TGO
  12. May wish to check the extractor. Bent/bad firing pin safety spring may have had an effect on how the extractor can move.
  13. Not a female so can not help there but I do want to Welcome you to TGO
  14. Howdy and Welcome to both TGO and Tennessee
  15. Howdy Jason and Welcome to TGO
  16. Howdy and Welcome to TGO
  17. Had to be some real hate there. I wish her well.
  18. Howdy Preston and Welcome to TGO
  19. Fluted chamber means it has light imprinted or machined areas inside the chamber to help grab the case and hold it for a split second longer so it does not extract too soon. I also believe some older military semi/auo rifles have the same setup.
  20. Howdy Bess and Welcome to TGO
  21. Howdy and Welcome to TGO and Tennessee
  22. I hope you had a Happy Day!
  23. Howdy and Welcome to TGO
  24. Howdy Polecat and Welcome to TGO and Tennessee
  25. Howdy Doug and Welcome to TGO and Tennessee


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