big mo
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Everything posted by big mo
My question today is some what off the whole Big O and Mr. Mc race. I would really like to know why us E. Tenn folks are getting hit so hard on gas prices? I mean come on, even if they did shut down oil operations for now, we still have enough in reserve to get us though, Ike. Gas has gone up $1.50-$1.75 in 4 days. They are robbing us without a pistol at the pumps. I have family in 3 other states and they are not seeing prices shoot though the roof. One lives as close as Va. and their gas went down a penny over the weekend and he lives on the coast. For unleaded there it's $3.69 in Knox close to, if not $5.00. So whos to blame local, state or federal gov. Like I often say I care who wins. But no matter who wins if we keep going in this direction we're screwed. So again why is gas so high in E. Tenn?????????????
And please don't forget about the guy selling car battery chargers and the other guys selling knife, spoons and forks. As far as the show for me I viewed it as a buyers market. Best deals I found were from guys walking around.
Nate, If I did not some what know the guy I would think about passing on the deal. But he's a semi-retired doctor and we've played golf a few times. The deal on the ammo is because he does not have another .45. Never the less I'm packing when I sleep. Ok guys I've got to go close my deal!!!
He gets off at 4:00pm. I talked to him 5 mins ago and now he's throwing in 225 rds of .45 ammo for $30. I will be sitting in his driveway before he gets there. Trust me I know this deal does not come by often. I'm on it like stink on sh*t. Todays must be my day, I'm going to buy some lottery tickets.
Great idea... I would guess the frame would stay the same size. For now.
He's allowing me $550 and $75 to boot. For his HK USP.45. I only have $375 in the G17. Needless to say it will be a done deal soon as he gets off today.
I'm with you guys. I did not think they're rare guns. But I did want to be safe than sorry that I let it go. Another thing that confused me was what this guy is allowing me on the trade. Much higher than what I thought and know it's worth. Just didn't know if he knew something I didn't know. And just for the record he made me the offer, so I'm was not trying to beat him.
Have you heard when they are going to hit the market?
Reminder on the show at the Expo Center. This weekend Sept 13-14.
Question for you Glock gurus. I have a few Glocks but far from an expert on them. I have a 98%+ G17 1st Gen and I was going to trade it for another handgun. A friend is telling me that would be a mistake because they are becoming rare and will be vaulable collectibles very soon. Talk to me guys let me know your view. If you all think so I will hold onto it....Thx
I'm an XD guy I really like them. Since you are not looking for something to take to the range, ammo price won't be a deal breaker. I would have to say go with the .40. I've always liked the .40 stopping power over the 9mm.
I like Para, or at least the Warthog I own. It's SA which I like. I'm not a DA guy, and LDA stands for light double action. Although it's not as heavy as some DA's, but still it's a DA. Make sure you drive the LDA around the block before you buy.
I agree with what some have said about shoot as many as you can. Maybe there's a range that rents guns in your area. Take a look at a Kimber CDP, SF EMP, Para Warthog. Of course there's many others, but those are a couple I own and really like as my carry weapons.
My friend you may want to market that. I know there's some guys out there that would buy this AR for their daughter or wife. If I had a daughter I'd be asking you where did you get it. Very cool.
What will be next? A pink AR-15.
Very good deal, it's like you got the light for free. Around $450 seems to be the going price on a G19 in my area.
1st, just for the records, I'm a very successful business owner not one that makes $8.00 an hour. Nor do I defend the Won't Nots because there's a many of them out there. So the hell with them, again I support no one sitting around milking the system. But when I listen to my customers that are good hard working people, both dems and reps, I hear the same thing. Bills exceeds their income. Then I read about all the people loosing their homes at a record high. It's just hard for me to believe that all these people are loosers. Far more people are living pay check to pay check. And that means it only takes one thing to happen and other homes lost. So lack of disipline is not always the reason for someones down fall. As far as your math, I guess it's right. But I guess my thing is. If a family of 4 is living where rent is $500, utilities $150, food $400 per month. They are already pretty much living in poverty. Because I don't know where a family of 4 can live for $500 rent and utilities only $150.
I think it's hard next to impossible to compare living 20yrs ago vs now. I do agree with you there's not many have nots now. But I believe if we continue to go in the direction we are going in now it won't be long. I don't think that's hard to see. But maybe that's just my view. Hopfully I'm wrong.
Maybe that's what an ivy league school study reports. But that's far from what the studies report from the real world I live in. Even if that was true what Harvards studies say. What happens when government subsidies dries up? And the working mans bills are higher than his income. What do you have? The haves and have nots.
Look guys it's very simple. We are on our way to it being two classes. The haves and the have nots. No more middle class. Because the rich get richer and the poor are getting poorer. That's when the s**t hits the fan. So get ready!!!
For the money I don't think you can go wrong. I had one and traded it. I would like to get another. Enjoy it...
Obama/Biden Team Limps Off the Starting Blocks
big mo replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
To be honest I'm ready to see a better day for all of us. I'm a business owner and I don't recall in my adult life (I'm 39) seeing America in a worst state. The cost of living higher than ever and income is lower than ever. People losing thier jobs, homes and families. Crime is growing because people are losing everything. And I'm ready to see our family members and friends come home, this is not a good war. Not to say war is ever good! Although I do believe there's a time for war. I just think it's time to bring our people home. And trust me I understand that's easier said than done. As far as the 2nd Amendment I'm a strong believer and supporter. For God sakes I own close to 80 guns. But if all we are going to do is make the rich, richer (gas $3.60+, milk $5.00+ a gal. etc.). It's not going to matter if the laws say that we can buy guns or not. We are going to be so focused on keeping the roof over head, lights on, food on the table and gas in the tank. The avg. Joe will not be able to afford ammo let along the gun anyway. So I say vote on who you think will help make this a better place. Although I must say Palin would be easier to look it than Harry, Joey or Johnny Boy :-).....God Bless the USA. -
JPS, my friends use to ask me why i buy so many guns. reason is other than just being a gun lover, it's also because of the investment. i know if i park my money in a desirable weapon like a 1911 it will always be there and then some in most cases. Although i'm not in to selling firearms, but it's good to know if i lost my income, i could live from what's in the safe for a least a year or longer. if i were you i would head over to Hero Gear and holla at Joe. he's a great guy to deal with, matter of fact i maybe contacting him soon myself.
.....WHAT MORE CAN I SAY?!?!?!?.......ENJOY!!!!!!!!
What an awesome weapon the Wilson is. I have a CQB that has had some custome work and I love it. And it to is a nail driver. Although I can't say I can hold a group like yours at 30 yards everytime like you. But it's sure not the fault of the CQB.