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Everything posted by SpacemanSpiff

  1. Do they charge for shipping? I bought 1000 rds of 9mm from ammoman.com and shipping is "free". If I were to buy 1000 rds from amunitiontogo.com and they charge $20 or more, then it's not worth it, I'll buy from ammoman. Thanks
  2. I hate hijacking people's topic ... but how is Brown Bear 9mm? I bought 1000 rds Wolf 9mm and it worked fine through my Glock 19. I used the Wolf for a handgun class where we used 500 rounds and not one misfire. Is Brown Bear comparable to Wolf?
  3. I believe you have to sign up for their emails.
  4. I went to Cool Spring Dick's today before work. Well, let's just say that they weren't selling ammo for a while today. There was someone from the state there checking tax stamps and not finding them on every box. The coupon that I have expires tomorrow. Hopefully, they'll have something that I can buy after work tomorrow.
  5. Thanks. Can always use new sites to check out.
  6. I was at the meeting this evening. It was a unanimous vote to keep the club intact. Since there will be no lease for 2009, the club will continue without a range. It was discussed how the landowner was going to run his gun club. No one knows at this time.
  7. That's true, some of the bulk ammo tends to be dirty. The Colt .22lr semi auto that I have seems to like CCI mini mags the best.
  8. I lived in New Jersey for about half of my life. I used to buy hollow points all the time. Not sure about today, but it was perfectly "legal" to buy them, it was only illegal to possess them during a crime.
  9. Midway is a good company. I've made a number of purchases from them and never a problem. Have you tried any of the bulk ammo from Walmart or Academy yet? With shipping, you're going to pay almost double than that from local sources. If you don't like those, then order some online.
  10. Can't go cheap on your hearing. I double up (plugs and muffs) when I shoot anything .44 mag or bigger. Most handguns I only use plugs.
  11. I usually buy powder and primers locally so I don't have to pay hazmet fees. For bullets, I've purchased directly from Zero Bullets or Berrys MFG. depending on my needs. Zero has no shippiong if purchasing 1000 rounds. Berry has a $50 minimum for free shipping. All the brass that I have, I picked up at the range. I have purchased components and other supplies from Midway or Cabelas. With Cabelas, I wait for free shipping.
  12. Congrats ... I've been reloading for about 6 months. It's been more satisfying knowing that I "made" what I was shooting. But, what they say, you will save per bullet but you will probably shoot a lot more.
  13. I loaded some 9mm and .40 with #7 last night and shot them today. The 9mm I used 115 gr FMJ. The powder pretty much filled the cartridge with only enough room to seat the bullet. The 3 - 9mm loads all shot well. I tried them in both my Glock 19 and my Sig P226. The .40 I used 165 gr and 180 gr Copper plated FN (Berry's), 3 different loads of each. All 6 loads shot well. The loads with the 165 gr bullets seemed to group better than the 180 gr bullet. I shot these through my Sig P229. Since my original post, I've picked up some Titegroup and it's definitely more economical than Accurate.
  14. You've answered, in part, what I'm looking for. Yes, I decided on 9mm, so that's not to be debated. I added the 2nd post stating Glock 19 or 26 so those people who carry Glocks and have used specific rounds can comment better on how those rounds feed thru the Glocks. I knew that I would get replies stating personal opinions and that's fine. Part of what I was looking for was size of the bullet, ie 115gr, 124gr, or 147gr. Hopefully, none of us will have to take a life or at least be in a shootout, so opinions on what you feel comfortable with in your carry weapon is also what I'm looking for. It's actually more important to me knowing that bullet X is going to feed reliably in my gun and not that it's going to be going 1000 ft per sec. It doesn't matter how fast the bullets going if it doesn't feed properly. I'm going to try a few different brands, test them, and decide. With all of your responses, I have a good place to start. Thank you.
  15. If you have no takers, you can probably get some money for scrap.
  16. I reload .38 spl, .357 mag, 9mm, .40 S&W, and .45 acp. All on a Lee single stage. Boy that's time consuming.
  17. Was at the range today with RISC777 and he had his .40 S&W Sigma. Since I'm a reloader, I picked up the brass and noticed that the brass bulged similar to the brass fired from a Glock. The Sigma is S&W's copy of the Glock, so does that also mean that the cartridge is not fully supported as well, leading me to believe that this "Glock fired" topic is also relevant to the Sigmas?
  18. I agree
  19. $6.00 per 50, but that's for reloads.
  20. Just figured out my cost per 50 rounds ... The price range is roughly $7.25 to 7.60 per 50 rounds depending on the powder and bullets that I use. I had someone teach me how to reload back in April. I had a couple books that I had started reading previous to my lesson. I found that's what I needed to get going; actually using the equipment to reload some rounds. I started with .38 spls, moved to .45 acp then 9mm, .40 and .357 mag. I've been getting ongoing critiques at OHGC from a couple of the range officers. I ask questions almost everytime I see them. I'd offer to teach you, but I'm inexperienced and may not be able to answer a lot of questions. I have reloaded well over 3500 rounds at this point. Best of luck.
  21. I've got a S&W 629 .44 mag. I love shooting it, I just wish the ammo for it was cheaper. That'll be the next thing I reload. Enjoy your toy:woohoo:
  22. I think a suit of armor at minimum.
  23. I agree. I was resizing some brass one night and I "forgot" to move my finger and rammed the decapping pin through my fingernail on my index finger. :eek:Granted the injury was no where near as severe, but I didn't file a lawsuit with Lee because it wasn't in their instruction. There is assumed risk. As some people may say, it's a self correcting mistake.
  24. All I have to say is "DUH!" That's just like the dummy years back that sued McDonalds because she put a hot cup of coffee between her lags and burnt "something". With just about everything, there is assumed risk and it's usually your own stupidity that causes injuries. p.s. I was hoping there was a youtube video link. You sure know how to disappoint someone.


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