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Everything posted by SpacemanSpiff

  1. Having a Lee single stage, I do everything in batch work as well. I only charge, ram, crimp, 50 or 100 at a time when I'm able to use my scoops, other wise I do 50. You've all given me some good opinions on where to go. Thank you
  2. I'm currently reloading .38 spls and 9mm. I will move to .45 acp then probably .357 mag and .44 mag. I'm able to use my .3cc and .5cc lee scoops using AA #2 to load safe .38 spls. I've had to weigh each 9mm load which is why I'm asking for the recommendations. I see that the RCBS little dandy needs different drums for different charges but I haven't been able to find any load data for the different drums and I'm not going to buy a few to see what works best. For the money, unless I can find the load data for the individual drums, I might as well get a more expensive one with graduated settings or insert disks. Thanks for the suggestions.
  3. I recently started reloading for handguns. I have not yet purchased a powder measure. I did buy the Lee Powder Measure Kit but doesn't help me too much since I can only use the .3cc and .5cc scoops. What do you recommend for consistent charges?
  4. That's the problem, I don't have a trunk. I have a small SUV. Thanks for the suggestions.
  5. Does anyone have any recommendations for car gun safes? Just wondering for those times when I can't carry into a restaurant, etc, and need to lock it in the car. Thanks
  6. My first handgun was a Glock 19 that I bought in, I think, 1993. I've had a G26 for close to 10 years. Never had any trouble with either one. They will eat any kind of ammo that I put in it. Can't say that for other guns that I own. When I bought my G19, the guy at the gun store didn't really know anything about it and didn't seem to be bothered since it was a "plastic" gun. Love them or hate them, they're here to stay.
  7. Welcome! I saw somewhere that I thought was really funny. If guns kill people, do pencils make spelling mistakes?
  8. I just started reloading a couple weeks ago. I bought the Lee Reloader Press, their model #90045. It cost me $24.99. I figured you can't beat that. Most people that I talk to that have progressive presses say that they still have a single stage for decapping or whatever. I've started with .38 spls and I've ordered the 9mm dies. Once I get the brass decapped, tumbled, and primer pockets checked, it takes me about an hour and 30 minutes to prime, charge, seat and crimp a hundred rounds. As I'm getting used to what I'm doing , I'm getting quicker. I do each process in bulk batches. Yes, I agree to start reloading on a single stage. Need to learn the basics before you get a progressive. I'm only going to reload handgun cartridges and once I get through the cartridges that I have, then I'll buy a progressive press.
  9. I just started reloading a couple of weeks ago. I've started with .38 spls. According to my calculations and a spread sheet that someone supplied to me, it has cost me about @6.00 per 50 rounds for materials (primers, powder, bullets). I'm using brass that came from factory ammo plus some range brass. That $6.00 doesn't include equipment cost, of course. If you do shoot a lot, the cost of the equipment pays for itself in no time. I've started with a single stage Lee "C" press. Once I'm comfortable with reloading and I can justify the cost, I will buy a turret or other progressive type press. I just ordered the components and dies I was missing to start reloading 9mm. I ordered from Cabellas since they were offering free shipping for orders of $150 or more. I didn't want to spend that much, but paying no freight for 1000 bullets (besides other things) was worth it.
  10. This is something I saw posted on another forum that I visit. I'm not sure how true the facts are but disturbing nonetheless.
  11. I don't think there is an exact round count rule for short bursts. I think management would like to keep it to 3-5 rounds. The main thing is safety. They want rapid fire to be controlled. All rounds must pass thru the target and into the berm. There are homes nearby and the management doesn't want them to have any surprises.
  12. As far as we know now, Owl Hollow is not closing, it will be under different management at the beginning of 2009 with, maybe, a new name. The "long" pit has a 5, 10, and 15, yard markers with the bench being around 20 yards. The "short" pit is about 10 yard.
  13. The Pope show did seem more of a knife show this time. Was disappointed that there was about half the vendors as their last show. I did find some .357 mag ammo for a great price. Wasn't a complete loss.
  14. I'm off on Sunday and my wife and daughter have plans so it looks like I've got all day to look around the Bob Pope show.
  15. I heard of someone putting 33,000 (yes, 33 thousand) rounds thru a Glock without cleaning. He was training to find out what the fail poit was going to be. My 19 used to squeak, it's better now.
  16. Good article! I have a S&W model 60. I love it.
  17. Thanks everyone who responded. You've all been a big help!
  18. I like both as well, but do prefer to shoot my revolvers. I'm going to start reloading .38 spls so I'll probably shoot revolvers even more.
  19. I want to buy a rifle but I'm not sure what to get. What I think I want is something that will shoot a handgun cartridge. I already stock a variety of handgun cartridges so I don't want to have to stock something else. Initially, I don't want to get an "assault" type rifle. Maybe, future rifles will be. So, the little bit of research that I've done leads me to lever action. I have revolvers so I think a lever action that shoots .357 magnum or .44 magnum would be a place to start. Anyone, have any recommendations? Thanks
  20. I've used SpacemanSpiff as a screen name since I started playing Counter Strike online. In the Counter Strike world, there are a few SpacemanSpiffs. Sorry for the confusion.
  21. I have a Sig P229 that I have the .40 and .357 sig barrels for. My mags are stamped with both calibers. One warning that I have for you is to be aware of what barrel you have in. If you have the .357 sig barrel and try to shoot a .40, it won't work because the profile of the barrel won't allow the .357 sig cartridge to fully seat which won't allow the slide to close completely. If you have the .40 barrel and try to shoot .357 sig, it will fire since the cartridge will fit and allow the slide to close completely. So, you'd have a .357 bullet rattling down your .40 barrel.
  22. ammoman is great. no hidden charges. I've purchased 2500 rounds in the past 3 months. No hassle, great prices.
  23. I bought 1000 rounds of 9mm. So far I've shot about 350 rounds thru my Glock 19 and my Sig P226. Doesn't seem any better or worse then Remington, Winchester, etc. My Glock does seem to eat any type of ammo that I'veput thru it.
  24. I have had good success with www.ammoman.com The prices they have listed include shipping plus it only takes about 3-4 days to get it. My last order was for 500 rounds of .40 Wolf ammo. When I got the shipment and opened the box, there was a note saying, "Out of Wolf, enjoy the upgrade". They sent me 500 rounds of Speer Lawman.
  25. My snub nose doesn't look like that. I was wondering the same thing.


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