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nb forrest

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About nb forrest

  • Birthday 11/15/1974

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  • Location
    Cumberland Furnace
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    shooting sports, civil war history
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  1. I'm only going to take the shotgun class, I took the pistol class just a month or so ago.
  2. Cool! I'll see you there.
  3. Sure will. All of the rifle classes I've taken there have been really good btw.
  4. He's a friend of mine and I've taken several of his courses. Just letting people know what's out there.
  5. Protective Shotgun Application, October 14 at Hilltop Firearms Training Center in Dover TN. Cost $125 Sign up here http://hilltop-firearmstraining.com/training-calendar.html
  6. Keep an eye on Jerry's calendar, word is Dave will be back next year. Abner has now started instructing and has some interesting looking classes on the calendar to be hosted at Hilltop.
  7. The guy that is hosting the class said there's still two slot available.
  8. Dave Spaulding is teaching a handgun class at Hilltop Firearms Training Center in Dover TN July 15-16. From what I've heard his classes are excellent and he's one of the most down to earth people you'll meet. If you're interested, http://handguncombatives.com/
  9. Great stages today Robert!
  10. What's the max distance going to be for rifle?
  11. You can't beat the Stoeger M3000 or the 3 gun model M3K for a low cost shotgun. I own both and they're great especially considering the price.
  12. Yes it was Remo. Wish I could have shot Saturday with you. That would have been fun.
  13. Are we going to need a sling for the rifle or shotgun?


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