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Everything posted by Humble

  1. Uh... what? I'm sorry, but something doesn't pass the sniff test. That is a whopper of a coincidence. Seems presumptuous of the writer to classify the death as 'unrelated' before an autopsy has been performed. I wonder if we will hear a follow-up on the results?
  2. At least 2", maybe 3" on the ground in Lewisburg. Snowing hard and steady. Roads are already nasty. Went home and back for lunch, did not see one snowplow.
  3. Humble

    Ak-47 input

    Thanks, TwoLane... good info.
  4. Humble

    Ak-47 input

    Please excuse a tiny threadjack? I am learning about the AKs, and one thing that comes up is the stamped receiver versus milled. I believe the milled receiver is rarer, generally better, and more $? If I have a choice, what value should I place on a milled receiver? Thanks! Great thread. ;-)
  5. Hanging a man while alive takes help. Hanging a man while dead also takes help (or at least a mechanical advantage). Duct tape on hands, feet, mouth, and neck? Died of asphyxiation? From the tape, maybe? And then transported and hung? One thing for sure: If you are hiding an illegal operation, whether pot, meth, or shine, and a fed stumbles across it, you SSS. ...something else is in play, and I suspect it is EXACTLY what it appears to be: Someone was informed, capable, pissed off, fed up, and acted out in a tragic way. After the initial reaction/action, they enlisted help from like-minded friends and sent a message. THAT is why the FBI kept this under wraps as long as they could (11 days?). ...to be a fly on the wall...
  6. Thanks, Mac! Checking it out now...
  7. Yup. I really like the SA/DA design. Edited to add: Magazines are not cheap. Anyone know of a source that would be under $50?
  8. I was looking today at a Wby Vangaurd in .308, synthetic stock, it is in almost mint condition... looks to have been fired very little, with a simmons 3-9x40 Blazer mounted. Guy wants $350.00 for it. I have no experience with the platform, but have a pile of match .308 that needs a purpose... what do you guys think?
  9. ...now my radar just went up... scribbled in the margin?
  10. A little more info: A fellow poster on another forum just posted this: I just spoke with Rep. Itse; and his source for his information is from CCRKBA, he can not confirm that the information is true; as he himself has not read it. We should all hope that it is not buried somewhere in, the now passed, Stimulus Resolution. I was lucky enough to speak with him right as he was walking in the door, but I would suggest to anyone who is interested, contact him themselves; he was most accessible and more than happy to speak with me. He can also be contacted by email at: ItseNH@comcast.net
  11. Falcon, I just did the same search... you are right. I found no reference. So... a mis-informed congressman? I heard him clearly. ...good thing, I was warming up the boat.
  12. WHAT??? On Glenn Beck just now: Congresscritter (New Hampshire, didn't catch the name) just said that the Holt Bill had been 'slipped in' to the stimulus. the BLAIR HOLT bill????!!!!! A summary: 1/6/2009--Introduced. Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 - Amends the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to prohibit a person from possessing a firearm unless that person has been issued a firearm license under this Act or a state system certified under this Act and such license has not been invalidated or revoked. Prescribes license application, issuance, and renewal requirements. Prohibits transferring or receiving a qualifying firearm unless the recipient presents a valid firearms license, the license is verified, and the dealer records a tracking authorization number. Prescribes firearms transfer reporting and record keeping requirements. Directs the Attorney General to establish and maintain a federal record of sale system. ...there is a lot more in there: http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h45/show ...folks, this just might be it. Somebody set me straight or tell me otherwise... Oh, my beautiful Country... I weep for thee.
  13. We gotta take what we can get, and this is a lot better than it could have been!
  14. Especially after Katrina and the treatment of gun owners... Especially watching the continuous attacks on our 2A rights... Any gun I own that does NOT have a paper trail is worth more to me. I am more likely to be able to keep it if things unravel.
  15. listening to the radio today, guy talking about Obama... I said to myself something like: " man, if that guy gets in, it would be an abomination!" I literally did a mental double take. Obama Nation. Abomination. Is God playing with words? I wanna make up a T-shirt: "Obamination of Desolation"
  16. First post, and I gotta set myself up ;-) 10-22 carbine and a 22 semi pistol. Depending on what variety of S is hitting what sort of Fan, I still have to eat, and if I am in a firefight I am probably cooked anyway. I have no experience getting shot at, and I'll probably find it difficult to concentrate. I can carry a lot of ammo, of course, and toss in some subsonic rounds and I could hunt very quietly. Flame on! ;-)


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