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Everything posted by LowBb

  1. Good monitors are a must.
  2. Art reflects society. Good or bad.
  3. How do you like that BG .380? I'm looking for a mouse and been thinking about getting that one.
  4. Yea, the tweet is a little aggressive, but not any more than things said in this forum. That's the beauty of the USA and a reason we have the second amendment. People have a right to voice an opinion. Heck, we all don't like everything everyone says. My point is if we blow up and let our emotions enter the argument we will come off wrong and potentially lose. IMHO. Besides, religious beliefs and everything else I can think of are made fun of all the time. There are people who push the limits all the time in the name of free speech. Didn't the Hustler magazine guy, can't think of his name, win a Supreme Court decision when he did a satire comic on Jerry "Fartwell"?
  5. Maybe I'm wrong, but this bill tries to report potentially violent people to the background check division of the state in order to flag them if they try and purchase a gun. It is an attempt to fix a problem, which is mentally ill people acquiring guns. Is this not what we want? We have all been saying its not the guns that are killing people, it's criminals and the mentally ill.
  6. Social satire. I think it's funny. Getting angry is what they want you to do. Anger leads to hate, hate leads to fear, and fear leads to suffering.
  7. http://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/108/Fiscal/HB0645.pdf Please explain where you get your initial post from this link which describes the bill. I see this as very different then your interpretation. Perhaps someone smarter than me(Oh Shoot) could make heads or tails of all the big words. Here is an interpretation I found. Mental Illness - As introduced, requires mental health professionals to report any patient who makes an actual threat of bodily harm against a reasonably identifiable victim or victims to local law enforcement who shall report such patient to NICS for purposes of prohibiting the purchase of a firearm when a background check is conducted. http://openstates.org/tn/bills/108/SB789/
  8. Not to defend Bloomberg, however this struck me as interesting. No trans fat, large sodas, salt, smokes? That actually sounds pretty healthy to me.
  9. Sup. nice turnaround.
  10. Where's the circus train? Red unit I believe :)
  11. LowBb


    Sounds like just one of those things. I wouldn't hold it against him at all. Communication is everything.
  12. Was anything said about recognizing a potential killer during their school years? I've been wondering if that profile could been seen early. Come on man. You know as we'll as I do that there are extremes on both sides. This bee hive leans way right. You just gotta laugh and keep doing what your doing. You bring great debate here.
  13. Best thing you'll ever do.
  14. Interesting. It must be nice to hear good clean presentations and debate from both sides. I'd enjoy some more posts while you are there if you have time.
  15. 2 seconds behind a car is safe driving and gives time to react. That's what our drivers Ed teacher/coach says :). Some guys do wave you on and don't mind it at all. I know I would. That's funny you write this. On my way this morning a car cut in front of another car. The cuttie must have gotten mad so he then cut in front of me to get to the guy that cut in front of him. When we came to a light he did the old pull up beside the guy yell at him or what ever. He then took the next right with no blinker. All I could think was "wow, you're a total jerk". Yea, a little paranoid, but you seem in touch with it. That's cool.
  16. I'm thinking too that if more of us decide on a price maybe the price will come down.
  17. I don't have freakin time to stalk the brick and mortar and as soon as online stores post it is gone. I'm thinking if I was desperate I'd pay 25 a box of range 9 mm but for the last few months I've been turning that down too. Guess I'm not that desperate. When you think about it it's just a few extra dollars to pay and all, but when your in a hobby deep you know your hobby.
  18. Here's what I've been thinking about the past few days. I, like many of us, kill some time looking for ammo. I haven't been shooting as long as many members so I'm hoping for some good insight that may give guidance. I've seen some Armslist posts for 500 rounds of fmj for $700!!!! That's freakin crazy IMHO. I've seen some wwb 115 grain type going for $40 for 100 rounds. This is all 9mm. I know many hand load. I do not and don't see it happening in the near future. I'd like to set it up some day. What do those that know more than me think is a good price for different kinds of ammo? Where is your ceiling? Personally I've been waiting for things to get back to more normal. I have a few thousand rounds of 9 and a couple hundred of 38. I do like to hit the range once or twice a month so I'm not really hurting yet. I'm thinking my ceiling is around $20 a box of range ammo and I'm not sure a good price for great defense ammo. It seems i paid like 25 a box for the jhp's I have now and I was paying around $170 for 500 9mm before New Years from SGAMMO. Plus 20 or so shipping, I can't remember. I remember paying 13-15 for wwb from Walmart. I've been looking at getting a .22 rifle like I had when I was a kid. I'm not really sure what .22 longs were going for before last December. Or what is a stupid price to pay now. Realistically, I'm probably going to keep waiting until ammo stock is better. I've been watching .45 and .380 too as I'm getting an itch for one or both. I guess basically I have no life and enjoy looking at gun and ammo prices.
  19. Right. I believe I read there is no limit to number. HCP should be here in a month or two. Can't wait :)
  20. Nice. My HCP instructor was adamant that we have things locked apart for legal transport. By the way, and I'm sure I speak for others, I appreciate the discussion. We MUST know and understand the laws if we are to be taken seriously.
  21. Must the separated firearm and ammo need to be in locked states(boxes lets say) or do they just need to be separated and out of reach? This is school zone of course.
  22. My 20 + 1 beretta 9 makes my britches sag. One can't go around with saggy britches now can one? I carry a 5 shot snubby. No sag and never think about being under gunned :)


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