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Everything posted by LowBb

  1. I couldn't make it out today. How is this show?'   Hand gun prices? Anyone have the new Beretta Pico there? Ammo prices? AR's back to pre-scare? Anyone see anything way cool? thanks
  2. Second. I keep a px4 and a great camo army surplus mag holder I got from Cherokee that holds 3 mags. I keep 2 seventeen round mags and a twenty round mag in the bag with a 20 round in the gun. It sounds like you're interested in capacity. Lots of great set ups to choose from. Go with it.
  3. Not sure, but I use medical release forms signed and notorized by parents to be able to treat children when the parents aren't around. Ask him again to turn them over to you. They don't need to be in MO and he obviously doesn't want them. Offer him an X box and a pack of smokes ( says with gritted teeth).
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but do people hate liberals so much that they are rooting/wanting a collapse of our country?
  5. If you are moving around a lot and it is getting banged around you may want a safety. Some HVAC friends of mine all carry small .380's like the bodyguard or lcp. They fit in pants or a shirt pocket.
  6. What does he expect? You play the game expect others to also. Guy's a troll.
  7. Yea, and don't forget about dealing with every freak in the area, while ALWAYS putting your life on the line. Anyone that doesn't believe needs a clue.
  8. Can I keep my firearm in my car at a public school if I have a permit?
  9. Every 5k with full synthetic Mobile. I ALWAYS change it myself. Maybe that's a little too much but the cars are worth keeping. Plus it gives me an excuse to hang out in my garage.
  10. HCP card came today, 9 weeks after DMV and fingerprinting. I had to call twice. Both times they said all the info was in and they were just waiting to mail. The last time I called was last Wed and she said she would try and get it out. I'd say they are very busy right now. All in all the process was interesting and painless. Even the wait was kind of fun. Thanks again to everyone for answering all my dumb questions :)
  11. How is the eagle working out? I fondled a colt mustang today and loved it.
  12. Ammo still high. AR's still high. One table had stuff with no prices. Found a used pair of cool binocs for 10. Lots of guns with pretty good prices if you can talk them down some. Was pretty crowded at 2. Fun show all in all with lots of tables.
  13. .223 AR. Lots of ammo available (hopefully) with silencer. Tac 8+1 12 gauge is also in the running.    Beretta 92 with 20 round mags and silencer. There used to be lots of ammo available and 92 mags are everywhere.   Aluminum baseball bat. I can sling it over my back with the AR. My Gerber Gator Axe is a close second, but I'm afraid it will get stuck in a skull.  A good Ka-Bar is also in the running.    All firearms would have a light attachment.
  14. Yea I read he was no longer there.
  15. I like the t-shirt idea! I have a bunch that decided to shrink in the dryer (cough).
  16. I stumbled on this video of how to make patches with paper towels and wanted to share. Pretty cool. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BdRwp2P8YAI&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DBdRwp2P8YAI
  17. Yea it's been interesting to watch him change pretty much his entire platform on everything over the past few years.
  18. Get a job!!!! So we don't have to pay for your dumb a#% !!!!!!!!!
  19. Please keep us plugged in on fun details like crowd and prices that you see.
  20. Nice!! Thanks for all the great imput. I'll move around and see what I can find based off of your suggestions. Frank, I've been seeing a lot of +p+ ammo lately. Is that like super duper hot? The guys at my LGS didn't know for sure.
  21. Factory. I don't come across any reloads and don't do it my self. Yet
  22. Hey, I'm sure this has been covered in the past but my searches aren't hitting the jackpot. I have a very small compact .38 bodyguard J frame that I want to carry. Can anyone recommend some good hollow points? It doesn't have to be +p but if that works best than so be it. I've read tests that show +p isn't that much faster than standard loads. How about grain weight too? Thanks. Btw, this little turkey is a blast to shoot.
  23. The high tech-redneck Old King Kong Heck yea!!! One of if not the greatest country singers. I'll miss you!!
  24. Politicians are in the public eye. They know this. We scrutinize them as much as possible. They know this. He came off 13 hours worth of yackin' about the evils of drones. Then, he says they should take out a robber with 50 dollars worth of liquor money. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with him, but that sounds like a flip-flop if I ever heard one and a view into what he really thinks. I don't have enough money to run for senate :)


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