Man, I love the Px4. It shoots like a dream and is built well. I've shot a couple of 92's and a Glock 19 and they are great guns too. I was looking at the M&P and XD also but I really liked the safety/de-cocker on the Px4. This gun is mainly for HD. I feel uncomfortable, having grown up being taught to always work the safety, with a weapon without a safety, and with a child in the house it was the perfect gun for me. I'm thinking gun safe box too!!!!!!! He knows if he asks we can talk about gun safety, but still.
Anyway, yea, I love it. 17+1 sold me on the 9mm. I just picked up two 20 round mags from the BerettaUSA site. I'm a great shot with a rifle but need some work on the handgun. For me, if someone comes in the house, by God I'm dropping 36-40 rounds on them and asking questions later.