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Everything posted by LowBb

  1. Sounds awesome. It may be nice to lose some of the b.s. and get down to what's real. Good for the soul too. Good luck. 
  2.     My son does that too. So do my high school kids. Strange.    We cut cable last month. First month without it. We love it!! Listen to more music. Talk.  I like the 200 a month savings too. 
  3. Saw it Friday. One of the best movies I've ever seen. Only Clint Eastwood could have made it. Incredible!!!! The theater was packed but very silent. Also, no one said a word when we were leaving.
  4. Merry Christmas to all the TGO folks. I'm thankful for a lot. This site is one of them.
  5. Possible Scenarios    1. Tony was gonna "buzz" him and just got too close. TS would totally do this, as he is a macho driver that takes these kinds of risks. They live in those cars and know them very well. The kid was way down the track, but appeared to move out of the way at the last second.    2. Tony, like the car right before him, probably couldn't see the young man until the last second. I doubt this as the drivers have total control of their cars. This is possible as the kid moved away at the last second.    TS would never hit him on purpose. He has a huge heart and supports dirt track racing as much or more than anyone. He's not gonna get riled up by a young driver.    The only people who truly know are TS and Ward Jr. I hate this happened. 
  6. Wow, these knives look incredible!!!
  7. Gonna have to go Forrest Gump. Great movie, acting, funny, clean, and when he meets his son its classic.   John Wayne movies. Great stuff   Hurtlocker  wow   Cool Hand Luke     Cars   Great movie for the kids   Those Marvel Comics movies are killer!!!!
  8. Yep! Doubles as a bullseye :up:
  9. Get a great holster that covers that trigger and you'll be good to go.
  10. Greetings from fountain city.
  11. I know what you mean about the money thing. It's hard to justify another j-frame. However, it sounds like you know what you really want. Sell the 640 and get a super light j-frame. You may take a small hit but it's worth it IMHO. I often carry a .38 bodyguard j-frame. Super light and I kind of dig the recoil. It's a little fire cracker.
  12. Heck yea!!!! Knock um out.
  13. Right.    I've been thinking about this. It boils down to a few things, but one is fear. We carry, or at least I do, out of the fear of getting jumped or my family getting in the way of some crackhead or criminal. We have fear our houses will get broken into. There are many, but it boils down to fear of the unknown. I'm ok with that. I'm not afraid to say I'm scared to get jumped and therefore I'm gonna carry a gun and hopefully get them before they get me.   Being prepared comes in too big time.    The other reason I'm sure many of us carry, at least for me, is it's darn fun to carry a heater. It's fun to practice safety, fun to find cool holsters, fun to go to the range, fun to talk to others about guns and gun safety, and just plain fun. 
  14. Last time I went was a couple of weeks ago. Had two guys and a son shooting all kinds of pistols, the son had a cool .22 with a scope.  A guy came up with a Sig AR. We chatted some and ended up exchanging firearms. He's looking at getting a pistol and I'm looking at getting an AR Other couple was a man and wife. She was learning how to shoot. They were super nice.  RO's were nice. Pretty much stayed to themselves.  I had a blast and can't wait to go back.  :up: Stuff doesn't really bother me though as I'm there to shoot. But the hang was good too imo. 
  15. Yea fun range too. It's like 6 clams for 2 hours. Outdoor. Range officers are always nice when I've been there. Can shoot rifles or hand guns. Makes for a great afternoon.
  16. Ok so here's my question and I'm not trying to stir the pot but I've been thinking. I've read many responses to this thread saying if they are going some where they think you'll need one you won't go there. I understand what you are saying. But we all carry all of the time. Doesn't that mean we are always going somewhere where we think we will need one?
  17. I'd have to agree with the most utilitarian , practical handgun ever made. Exactly the reason I admire that gun.  :drool:
  18. Also, maybe have a place to put it when ur at home so it's not on you. This way there's no worry with your daughter. Great idea above. Or even, carry it without one racked for a while so you can get used to the idea of carrying. Gradually you will be more comfortable. If you're like me you went a long time without carrying anything. It takes a little time.
  19. So, using the full size beretta from the above post, what kind of drop did he get at 70 yards?
  20. That's the best way to put it that I've heard.
  21. I like them cause I like looking at guns. See what's new and where prices are compared to online prices. I like taking my son too. He doesn't know anything about the prices, only that the machine guns are cool, brass knuckles are neat (all boys love brass knuckles, plus it's fun to say), knives are cool and fun to look at and point at, and we like the culture and the vibe. Been going to them since I was little with my dad. I remember them being fun. If there's a deal there than great, if not then great too. Some folks, both old and new, may buy something, get into shooting, and keep it all going. They are what they are.
  22. Carry pistols at +1 with a good holster that covers that trigger. Totally safe. .380 auto I pocket carry and Has a safety that stays on, cause that's how I've always done it. Plus it sits close to the....... And ....well. If I pocket carry a j frame it's in a good holster. Truck weapons are either revolvers that stay hot (obviously) or +1 high cap pistols. All are in good holsters with the triggers fully covered. I personally like my pistols with a safety. Just how I was raised, but if I had to carry a striker fired weapon I guess I could muster through it :) I know revolvers are what they are. Rifles and shotguns I keep unloaded.
  23. I was thinking the same thing, except in Knoxville. Gonna try and hit Cold Creek (Tactical Advantage sounds so much more.....tactical) around 2. 


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