87 -
About 10ga
- Birthday 07/25/1965
Profile Information
Morristown, Tn
Shooting, Duck Hunting, Turkey Hunting
Handgun Carry Permit
Law Enforcement
Carry Weapon #1
Carry Weapon #2
S&W Shield 9mm
10ga's Achievements

Just Getting Started (2/5)
I've quit buying .22 because I have plenty but there's still a lot of people buying it and making $10 - $20 a brick off it and they will continue to buy and sell it as long as people continue to buy it. Three years ago there's no way I would bet we would still be having this problem but now it wouldn't surprise me if it's still like this 3 years from now. If people would just go back to buying it as they need it, things would be back to normal next year but as long as there's a shortage, people will buy it every time Walmart has it on the shelves, even if they don't need it. Maybe most buyers will get to a point where they think they have enough and will stop buying. Problem is, everyone has a different number of what they think is enough.
I didn't get to dove hunt today so I got a little bored and decided to do a little painting on my M&P's. I used some of my wife's white nail polish and it worked great. [URL=http://s19.photobucket.com/user/10ga/media/MampPPAINT4_zps60e1f3de.jpeg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s19.photobucket.com/user/10ga/media/MampPPAINT3_zps3a9b3abb.jpeg.html][/URL]
I wished I could find out if S&W plan to come out with a .45 CORE. If I thought that would happen in the next year or so, I would hold off. I have a M&P full size .45 and a M&P 9mm Shield and I love both of them. Today a buddy got me thinking about the Glock 41 so now another gun is in the mix but as a previous Glock owner, I like my M&P's better. That 41 is pretty sweet though.
I'm thinking seriously about buying a new M&P CORE Pro 9mm in the 5" barrel and was wondering if anyone here has one or has shot one? I have a M&P .45 and M&P Shield 9mm and I really like them. I wanting the CORE model so I can get a red dot for it. I was looking at the FNX Tactical but I think I would like the 9mm plus I love my other M&P's. Just curious what others think about them and also which red dot you would go with. I'm looking to spend up to $400 on a red dot but my cousin has a Vortex Razor that he said he would take $325 for so that sounds even better because they're $480 new. Thanks for your help
I've always liked CDNN but now they're right there with CTD. On FB they said they weren't making a dime, they're buying them at this price so they can sell .22 guns. They pretty much got blasted on their FB page with most people saying they are contributing to the problem. I would just soon them say they couldn't get them than to sell at these prices. Is this the new norm? I sure hope not but after 2 years I'm starting to think we'll never go back to the old prices and availability. I'm still in good shape on 22 ammo but I hope something changes soon. I don't have a ton of 22 ammo but I've quit buying it. I think I've bought 2000 rounds in the last 12 months and everything I bought was at old prices. [URL=http://s19.photobucket.com/user/10ga/media/cdnn22_zps7f49043c.jpg.html][/URL]
Went by J-Floyd's today and they have Blazer 50 round count 9mm for $12.99 and 45 ACP for $16.99 and there's no limit. They also have the best price I've seen on Smith & Wesson Shields, $339. I just bought one this week at KY Gun Co for $345 and thought I got a deal. I still got free shipping and no sales tax so I came out a little better but it's still a deal.
What's the best IWB holster for a Shield?
10ga replied to 10ga's topic in Firearms Gear and Accessories
Thank y'all ! I'll get on here and check some of the ones out that you mentioned. I'm thinking leather also -
I just bought an M&P Shield 9mm and I'm wanting to get an IWB holster but don't really know which is best. I have to wear my shirt tucked in so I don't even know if it's possible. Thanks for any and all advice
I haven't been on here in a while and haven't been shooting any in the last 3 to 4 months because of working 7 days a week. When I stopped looking for ammo I was finding some .22 ammo at Walmart about once a week. I built my supply up to what I felt good about and quit buying because I didn't have time to to look, not to mention no time to shoot. I'm also curious about 9mm ammo, is it easy to find now? I've always had .45 ACP pistols but I'm in the market for a Smith & Wesson Shield in 9mm so I figured I would start looking for some ammo for it. I'm hoping it's getting easier to find but for some reason I have my doubts after cruising through the armslist ads earlier today while I was looking for a used Shield.
.22 shortage, according to Win. rep
10ga replied to 221 Fireball's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
The only promising thing I see are the people that were hanging out waiting on ammo to come in are no longer around, at least that's the case here in Morristown and the Jefferson City store. I've only been a few times but back last summer there would be 10 - 15 people hanging out at the SG counter by 7:00 in the evening at Morristown and now there's no one. My cousin said he went down to Jefferson City this morning around 8:00 and no one was there. He said they got in several bricks of Winchester and they were all still there when he got there at 8:00. Another good thing, people have started verbally attacking re-sellers on sites like facebook and armslist so maybe they're tired of it. Some guy on a local FB site was selling 500 rounds of CCI Stingers for $50 and he received a lot of harassment from other members. Hopefully this will continue and the re-sellers with give up eventually. -
App is back up and running. I was driving home from Louisville, Ky today and app said they had some CCI Stingers at the Middlesboro, Ky Walmart. Me and my wife went in and got 2 boxes of 50. They have a 1 box per caliber, not to exceed 3 boxes total per day. Just 100 rounds but I'll take it. I've found that the app works good for me. I'm not a re-seller, just a shooter and would like to build a good supply up so I don't have to worry about spending a day out shooting with my boys. Between the 5 of us, we can run through some 22 ammo.
Well the only way I was getting any ammo has now been made harder. I was using Walmart's mobile app and in the past 24 hours they have taken all the 22 ammo off their website and app. Thanks walmart
I drove down to Maryville today to test drive an SUV that the wife is wanting to buy and I stopped at 4 other walmarts between Morristown and Maryville and no one had any 22. I saw plenty 40 S&W and .45 but no 22. BTW, this was the first .22 that Morristown had gotten since last Saturday so I just got lucky.
I finally scored some 22 ammo at Wally World tonight. I decided to run up to the Morristown store around 8:00 tonight and I was walking in to the SG department as the manager was walking around the corner with one box of Federal. I said "no chance those are 22's are they?" and he said he had just went back and picked them up and didn't even look. He put them up on the counter and there they were shining in their glory........1 case of Federal 550 round bricks. I got 3 boxes and headed out the door. Now I can get back to shooting and not feel bad......haha. I got 3 boxes for just a little more than my friend on armslist was wanting for 1 box. I thought about sending him an email with a picture just to have a little fun but I don't think he would be as entertained as I would be. It took me about 2 weeks but after a little time and energy, I wound up with 1650 rounds. Now I can wait a few months before I have to start again but I know I can find it if I put the time in. FYI, I was the only one there to get ammo so when I left they had 7 boxes, just wondering if they have any left now.........for some reason I doubt it.
Well I went out today and shot another 250 rounds and with my stock not being even close to Oh Shoot's stash, I'm headed out the door to Wally World and see what happens tonight. I maybe have 4000 rounds so I'm getting a little nervous.......LOL I would love to have 50K stock piled, that's awesome. The guy that got his panties in a wad over my offer emailed me back and said he would do me a favor and let me have one box for $60. I'll quit shooting before I pay that