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Beretta Bob

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Everything posted by Beretta Bob

  1. For me, this show is like seeing a bad car wreck; you want to look-away, but can't help looking! Nick gets chased by a woman with a baseball bat and leaves his backpack, with his water, in it and takes off across the desert. 1) Where'd he get the backpack, I don't recall him having it at the end of last season? But, that's not really important, what [to me] is: 2) Why wouldn't he (I would) go find a bigger stick and go back and get my pack. Then, when he's among all the "walkers" on the road and they're all being shot, he just stands there and doesn't get hit. After the walkers kill two of the shooters and move on, Nick doesn't at least get their weapons (I don't think the walkers ate them). Lots of other stupid things on this show, these two were the ones I remember most from the last episode.
  2. That's an excellent insight into these three characters! Hadn't really thought of it that way; but I agree.
  3. I stumbled across this article about FTWD written by a retired Army colonel. I thought it was an interesting read, and had some very good points: https://journal.ijreview.com/2015/09/248097-the-actors-on-fear-the-walking-dead-exemplify-everything-thats-wrong-with-liberalism/
  4. I completely agree! Class was great; and I learned a lot. Robert, is an awesome instructor! And, I enjoyed meeting all of the other members of the class. I just need to practice [a lot] now.
  5. No: 70%, 1859 votes Yes: 30%, 812 votes
  6. So, here's my Armadillo story: Several years ago, I lived in Florida on a couple of acres. Armadillos were constantly tearing-up my yard. One day, when I came home from church, one was rooting around in my front yard near the street. He was not bothered at all when I turned into my driveway and drove past him (could have been a "her", I guess). My home was set-back about 50 yards from the street. I drove down the driveway, grabbed my pellet gun in the garage, and snuck back towards the critter, keeping a bunch of palmettos between us so he wouldn't see me. Now, for some reason that I can't explain, I only loaded one pellet in the gun. Anyway, I got close enough, and popped it with the pellet; thereby causing the armadillo to run into the middle of the palmettos, and just stand there. So, I proceeded to go back to my garage, and load another pellet in my gun. Again, I don't know why I only loaded one pellet - but I did. I snuck back to the palmettos, and he was still just standing there. He let me get within a couple of feet, and I was able to get a good head shot. Then, the most bizarre thing occurred, the armadillo ran onto my driveway, jumped about two feet in-the-air, and then landed on this side; got on his feet, and repeated the process over-and-over - jumping, "splatting", and jumping. I then proceeded back to my garage once again, only this time I exchanged my pellet gun for my aluminum softball bat. When I got back to the armadillo, he was still jumping and splatting in the exact same spot. I then took a stance like I was getting ready to take batting practice, timed my swing for the top of his jump, and gave him my best shot. I then found out that well-struck armadillos don't go "near as far" as well-struck softballs. Despite nearly breaking my wrists, and after a few more whacks, I was finally successful at eliminating one more "roto-rooter" from my yard.
  7. Excellent article; thanks for the link.
  8. Great News!
  9. Nice! You put a lot of time into compiling these photos; it is appreciated!
  10. Bob (of course), and had more Berettas than any other brand when I joined. Should be "S&W Bob" now, based on that logic. And, after buying a G19, could maybe be "Glock Bob" sometime in the future.
  11. What are the dates for these matches? I would like to come out sometime, but only seem to see the post the day of the match.
  12. Beretta Bob


    Many people are deathly allergic to them; taking Benedril after a sting could save their life. Be aware though, Benedril makes a lot of people VERY sleepy.
  13. Thanks for posting the link. I especially like reading the comments; they're almost all pro-gun, and if you look at the location of the commenters (when displayed) they were not just from the "stereotyped" South. When an anti-gun person commented, they were pretty-much roasted.
  14. Beat me to it -LOL!
  15. In the Walking Dead game app for the iPhone/iPad, the zombies are much faster in "Hard" mode than in "Easy" and "Normal" modes; and much more difficult to kill. :)
  16. Wish E.W. was running against Lamar.
  17. Walmart employee selling "Insider Info" text messages for $2 each about when ammo comes in. Guy filming offers him $10 per phone call.
  18. I guess I need new glasses; misread the title of this thread - thought the "a" was an "i" :)
  19. There are lots of good cigars out there, as previously mentioned. Some of my personal favorites: Hoyo de Monterrey Excalibur (I prefer Natural wrapper, but they also come in Maduro), Romeo y Julietta Reserva Real, and CAO (who used to be headquartered in Nashville). A couple of favorite cigar shops in Franklin where you can buy a cigar and have a beer in their lounge: Woody's Smokes & Brews on Mallory Lane (smokesandbrews.com) located next to/behind Cool Springs Wine and Spirits, which is next door to Academy Sports; so you can pickup some ammo on your way to get some cigars :). And, Stogie's Ales and Fine Cigars (stogiesinc.com), located on Carothers Pkwy. Franklin Cigar Humidor & Hops is just down the road from Stogie's, but I've never been there. I buy from these shops some to support the local businesses, but JR Cigar is usually much cheaper, and their catalogs can be pretty entertaining at times.
  20. Glock and PMags both hilarious. "He wouldn't really do that. He doesn't want people thinking he's a noob." - LOL
  21. Just bought a G19 one week ago today. Shot a couple of boxes of FMJ, and did not experience this problem at all.
  22. Excellent story so far! Looking forward to more! I've never really watched any Zombie shows or movies, but this story has piqued my interest; I might have to go rent "The Walking Dead" :)


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