Part of me wonders if these actions are actually calculated attempts to sway elections, but not in the way the author describes (he believes this will energize conservatives to vote against democrats - but the people he refers to aren't voting for democrats anyway).
For instance, outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder and the Administration propose to ban the M855 ammo knowing that ammunition meets none of the criteria as outlined in the ATFE rules (see for a section by section breakdown).
They know that any time there is a whisper of a ban on any type of ammunition, type of firearm, etc. shooters, 2nd amendment supporters and patriots will rush to buy up as much of the item in question as possible in the event it is someday unavailable. This results in manufactures increasing their production of said item and retailers increasing their prices.
At the end of the day, whether a ban is implemented or not, we have spent a considerable amount of money we wouldn't have otherwise spent - and that money isn't being spent on political action committees, the NRA or GOA.
Essentially, the left decides they want to slow campaign donations to their opposition - so they mention, propose or try to introduce legislation involving gun/ammo bans or restrictions.
Just a thought.