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Everything posted by Hammer285

  1. Dang, just noticed that - title says 'IN STOCK' but availability is out. My bad.
  2. Similar in spec and about $20 more: http://www.stuttstacticalsupply.com/AR15-Performance-556223-Wylde-125-SBRpistol-barrel-melonited-IN-STOCK-_p_289.html 
  3. Update - PSA just contacted me and said they are running a free shipping deal on all orders over $100 - so they are crediting me the $8.50 for the LPK.    Brings the total build down to $471.98  :cheers:
  4. I was looking to build AR Pistol to outfit with a SIG Brace (before they try to make them illegal), but didn't have much of a budget.   Did some research and was able to get everything put together for under $500, so I thought I'd share the info/links for anyone else who might be in the market:   PSA 10.5" Barreled Upper without BCG or Charging Handle ($199 w/ free S/H): http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/catalog/product/view/id/19391/s/psa-10-5-5-56-nato-1-7-nitride-upper-without-bcg-or-charging-handle/category/4220/ PSA Stripped Lower ($98.99 w/ S/H): http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/catalog/product/view/id/1995/category/4283/ DS Arms Complete BCG ($79 w/ S/H):  http://www.dsarms.com/p-12456-ar15zm4-m16-type-complete-bolt-carrier-group-assembly-gas-key-installed-carrier-chrome-plated-in.aspx  PSA Lower Parts Kit with Trigger Control Group ($53.49 w/ S/H): http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/catalog/product/view/id/13051/category/389/ Standard Charging Handle ($15) http://www.dsarms.com/p-12691-ar15zm4-alloy-charging-handle-assembly-complete-with-standard-latch.aspx Transfer fee and background check ($35)     Total cost for the entire build: $480.48  
  5. I couldn't' agree more.   I have a Gunsite Scout that was having some extraction issues. They had UPS pick it up the next business day and it was returned within 1.5 weeks. Excellent customer service all around.
  6. Hammer285

    Ruger Ar

    I couldn't find the Ruger online anywhere in stock with a lower price tag, but did notice budsgunshop has a Smith & Wesson M&P15 Sport for $627 ($609 with their cash discount).    http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/36_1989/products_id/71969/S%26W+M%26P15+Sport+30%2B1+223REM5.56NATO+16%22   My entry level AR was an Smith & Wesson M&P 15 OR. It has been a great gun with no issues. The only thing the Sport lacks over the other entry models is the dust cover and forward assist. Depending on your needs and where you plan on shooting, these may not be necessities.   I have also built a PSA AR from Palmetto state for less than $600 (including shipping & transfer) and it has been a great shooter.   Whatever you end up choosing, good luck. Hope you find something within your budget that gives you years of enjoyment at the range.
  7. Great choice. My first was an MP15 OR and I have been very happy with it. 
  8. Part of me wonders if these actions are actually calculated attempts to sway elections, but not in the way the author describes (he believes this will energize conservatives to vote against democrats - but the people he refers to aren't voting for democrats anyway).   For instance, outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder and the Administration propose to ban the M855 ammo knowing that ammunition meets none of the criteria as outlined in the ATFE rules (see http://gunssavelives.net/blog/gun-laws/georgia-gun-rights-group-tears-apart-atfs-proposed-m855-ban-with-their-comments/ for a section by section breakdown).   They know that any time there is a whisper of a ban on any type of ammunition, type of firearm, etc. shooters, 2nd amendment supporters and patriots will rush to buy up as much of the item in question as possible in the event it is someday unavailable. This results in manufactures increasing their production of said item and retailers increasing their prices.    At the end of the day, whether a ban is implemented or not, we have spent a considerable amount of money we wouldn't have otherwise spent - and that money isn't being spent on political action committees, the NRA or GOA.   Essentially, the left decides they want to slow campaign donations to their opposition - so they mention, propose or try to introduce legislation involving gun/ammo bans or restrictions.   Just a thought.
  9. Opinions vary, but Jeff Cooper had an idea of the general attributes of what a scout rifle 'should' be, not necessarily a list of exact requirements. Basically is is an all purpose rifle that could be used for hunting and self defense when needed. If you could have only one gun, it would be a scout rifle.   In a nutshell: Bolt action (more reliable, less maintenance) .308 or higher caliber (to take down targets up to 300lbs. at up to 450 yards) Bi-pod (stability for longer range) Forward mounted scope with long eye relief (for quick target acquisition while keeping both eyes open, which is important to maintain peripheral vision) Iron sites (for backup) Simple sling (for carrying) Fixed magnification scope (1 to 2.5x) The three modern scout models that come to mind are: Steyr Scout: http://www.steyrarms.com/products/hunting-rifles/scout/ Ruger Gunsite Scout: http://www.ruger.com/products/gunsiteScoutRifle/models.html Springfield M1A Scout Squad: http://www.springfield-armory.com/products/m1a-scout-squad/   I recently bought a Ruger Gunsite Scout (Lefty in 18" Stainless Steel Barrel). Great gun, waiting for my optics to come in the mail. Only negative is the 500 cycles you have to do with bolt to smooth out the action....but all you need to do is get some oil, turn on Top Shot and go to town.


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