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Everything posted by Monkeyman2500

  1. Willis, that is one of my favorite Mustang models. Love the color too. The wife always wanted a Raptor. The ecoboost sounds promising.
  2. I've carried a pocket knife as long as I can remember. Cheaper is ok but if you can skip it. I use mine a lot and the cheaper ones like SOG wear out quickly. If you want heavy duty the ZT knives are great. If your new to sharpening I would avoid the recurve type blades, I find them harder to sharpen with a regular stone. A Protech will be my next purchase. Have heard only great things about their products and company. Everyone else is giving great advice too. Just pick one and buy it. It will not be your last. :)
  3. I have to say I like it too. Nice job!
  4. Monkeyman2500


    Buy it now! I love mine, haven't shot much of the heavy load stuff but I doubt you will have any problems with it. We both got a couple cheep kydex holsters off eBay and it carries great. Check out Underwood Ammo and look at the ballistic specs on all their 10mm.
  5. I like a twin turbo V8 better.
  6. Ha! I mean like yours not jacks. Mines too heavy. It's all 2x4 and 2x6. I like the way yours is able to be stored. I'm going to come back to this thread when I build more.
  7. Good ideas here. I'm gonna have to remember that West system for future projects.
  8. I thought the same thing. Slapped one together not to long ago that was kind of the same design. Just not nearly as nice or clean.
  9. Very cool project. Can't wait to see the final product!
  10. Easier than typing so much :)
  11. Hope this link helps. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/38449-where-around-the-clevelandchattanooga-area-besides-fugates-offers-hcp-class/
  12. Very interesting. I wonder if carrying is common place in Puerto Rico.
  13. Curious as to why anyone would want to do this? Is it to have the ability to shoot with a half grip or an emergency situation?
  14. I think with pro gun advocates the thought is there is little that can be done to reduce violence except to protect oneself. The criminal mindset is a result of society, individuals surroundings, and upbringing. It's hard to say how anyone not directly related to the criminal in some way can have an effect on their lives. At this point any increase in gun laws will probably have little effect on the people intent on committing a crime. A focus on education and economy probably has a much better chance of improving things.
  15. Dave and Dolomite, you both bring up very good points. I believe if those around these individuals do not take any action or responsibility this type of tragedy will just keep happening. The actual people that believe in banning guns, not the politicians, just do not realize the perpetrators will find another way. I believe it is a difficult problem with no real certain solution.
  16. So now there are statements from his friends, one of whom is black, that he talked of doing this just a week prior to the event. If this is true what the heck are kids thinking these days. It seems in all these cases someone, either parents or friends, know these people are screwed up. I wish instead of going straight to gun bans someone would start discussing the responsibility of those around them.
  17. I think you did the right thing. It maybe nothing but if the 11yr old knows to toss mommies drugs it's a lost cause anyway.
  18. Let me get this straight. A driver for they're company who is legally carrying a firearm saves a bunch of people from a nut bag trying to kill people and this is the response. Genius!
  19. Ah the joys of lots of time and lots of steroids. That big gorilla is scary fast.
  20. The stories on here are what I usually hear all the time. It seems to be a 50/50 sort of thing. I just wanted to make sure you knew of the other options. I never want to have to go what we went through again. I also know the health issues my wife still deals with daily are a result of the trama she was put through due to the surgeons negligence.
  21. Vontar, I have some advice I want you to research before your wife goes through this surgery. The surgery is not as easy as the doctors make it out to be. My wife went through this a few years ago and it was a nightmare. There are alternative ways that can fix this other than surgery. Research gall bladder flushes and surgical alternatives. Some simple ones are just using olive oil and lemon juice. I tried very hard to get my wife to try this before going through surgery. Trust me it is worth trying first. No doctors will even discuss alternatives with patients. To this day I want to drop kick her harvard grad, best in Tennessee gall bladder surgeon from a high cliff. I don't want to worry you but I urge you both to at least try another alternative first.
  22. Ha! Not sure what it is but it would be one heck of a snake.
  23. That's pretty innovative. I like the idea of it for a small pocket light.
  24. If this gets popular your claim to fame will be the "Chubby" :)
  25. Prayers for the victims and families. What a truly evil individual.


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