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Everything posted by Monkeyman2500

  1. That sounds like a great time. I've enjoyed your blacksmithing posts. Have a great summer.
  2. Well I can't say for chain link but wood is high. My only advise is get what you want the most. Spend the extra now or you will hate it later. Trust me I did it. Wife talked me into spending 2k more on ours. It's about half an acre fenced with cedar privacy. It's so nice now.
  3. These guys are at it again. I can't stand new 5. I like how they get some locked up thug to talk to them. Oh yea he's credible.
  4. Last few times at the range I've been watching other people more carefully. Luckily only been a couple people shooting when we go.
  5. Holy cow Spots, get a bigger saw. Seriously though get a good chainsaw and you won't regret it. I bought a Stihl a couple years ago and love it.
  6. Thanks Luke got it in. Did you figure out how to donate?
  7. We're just using some Home Depot - lowes stuff.
  8. Yea me and the wife just sprayed the yard today. They were eating us up on the deck the other night.
  9. Luke that is a great idea. How can we send a donation. I looked but can't find anything.
  10. They had a shield 9 at Shooters last week.
  11. It is only a tiny bit bigger than the pm9. They didn't have a 40 to compare. I think it's like .11" wider slide and .3" longer than pm9. So not much. If I went any smaller it would only make spence to go to .380.
  12. Got to keep the wife that loves .45. Well she did steal my built Springfield 1911 but so what. I had a j frame smith before and shot terrible with it. This Kahr is great. I can hit pretty good and the recoil is not bad. I'm using regular federals and not +p.
  13. Well after much deliberation and many days at the LGS I picked up a used PM45. I was dead set on a PM9 but the 45 was just sitting next to it and my wife said get it because she likes .45 better. I'm very happy with this little pistol. Had a few hiccups after about 80 rounds but I only got to clean and oil it a little that day. After taking it home and stripping it down I found the striker channel to be very dirty with lots of brass flakes in it. I'm looking forward to the next range session and running it some more. I'm pretty darn happy with my new pocket .45. :)
  14. Oh God man. That's horrible.
  15. Thanks Luke. Sent pm. Very nice of you to offer these to all of us.
  16. Thank you.
  17. Sounds like gangbanging kids to me.
  18. I don't even know what to say. A: that lady is a nut job. B: drop that s.o.b. over a desert and call it a day!
  19. Noooooooooo wwwaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!! That bothers me just looking at it.
  20. This is why I put all firearms in my bedroom and lock it when we have guests. I put a regular entry door knob on my bedroom so you must use a real key to open it.


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