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Everything posted by Monkeyman2500

  1. This was my guess as to what happened.
  2. I'm not worried about anything on my end much. I was really trying to just give the chief something to go on. I'm wondering if it was stolen from the old store owner after he closed. If it was used in a crime I would love to give them a lead. Especially if it caught a dirty thief.
  3. I was recently contacted by a Police Department in Texas in regards to a rifle I used to own. I purchased it in 2003 and later traded it in to another shop that has since closed. The rifle was evidently found in a storage locker during one of those auctions. Legally there the gun has to be traced? They had no records on the gun so the Chief ran it through the ATF and they managed to trace it back to me. I have the paperwork still for the purchase and the trade. He is looking to see what happened to the gun after it left my ownership.   When I traded the gun I traded it to 2nd Amendment Gun Shop. To my knowledge they are no longer in business? I believe the owners name was Rob but I cannot remember his last name. I was wondering if anyone here might know him or if he is a member? If he is, or you know him, please send me a PM. The Chief of the PD is simply looking to find who it was sold to/stolen to. I'd appreciate any help that anyone can give me. Thanks guys.
  4. Welcome Reid, glad to see you on TGO.
  5. maroonandwhite, do you still have a warranty on the truck? If so I would take it to a dealer first. DON'T let them fix it unless it's under warranty! It may have a recall on the front suspension. There is quite a bit of trouble with the Dodge trucks front end. If you have to pay for any repairs out of pocket take it to Cedar City Diesel in Lebanon. They are one of the best in Tennessee.
  6. We've officially lost Caster. Lol
  7. I'm guessing this was not even on the weird radar of the DMV workers.
  8. Boil them in water. I like to use an older pot that I only use for this.
  9. I know one person who carries with 45gap and loves it. He said he looks for ammo in bulk. Said it comes up cheep sometimes and he buys bunch at once.
  10. Um, yea, that was a good reminder.
  11. I got a couple clips of those at the house. :)
  12. That is freaking awesome!
  13. I had the worst food poisoning of my life at tgi fridays. You couldn't pay me to eat there. Those officers were risking their lives just eating there. :)
  14. Well really wish I had known that earlier.
  15. Not a motorcyclist, but totally agree with the first part. Unfortunately most of the morons will never be able to afford one.
  16. Well we went today and got our new iPhone 6s. First impression is really good. Pretty big improvement from the 5s. Wife still had a 4s. I will say I'm having a big problem restoring from iTunes. IOS 9 is not supported by OSX 10.6 or lower. So I'm now having to upgrade to Yosemite on my MacBook Pro. I'm hoping everything will be fine after that.
  17. Looking good!! Nice little Christmas.
  18. Way to go Cody! Other than the punk punching a blind kid that was a pretty tame responce by Cody. If that had happened when I was in school it would have been much worse. We would be beating the heck out of that punk and his friends for the next month.
  19. Well I'm thinking of upgrading, let me know what you guys think of it.
  20. Man, sorry to hear that happened. Glad you got home safe.
  21. Congratulations Bersa!!!
  22. I have two of Grand Torinos knives, and they are very nice. Have seen some great ones from Sybo as well. For a fixed blade I would contact one of them.


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